Categories > Celebrities > Metallica > That Was Just Your Life


by devilsgyrl 1 review

Olivia goes to see the doctor...

Category: Metallica - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2010-12-02 - Updated: 2010-12-02 - 2225 words

"Wake the fuck up people!" a voice screeched loudly in my ear. I had been sleeping peacefully, but I woke up instantly when I heard the shrieking in my ear. Popping my eyes open, I rolled from my side onto my belly to see what was going on. Lars was packing up his equipment on the other side of the room, Cliff was actually awake and was running a comb through his unruly auburn hair, and James was towering above me, looking livid.

Not sure what his problem was, I said stupidly, "I am up! Seriously, James, there's no need to yell. I'm getting up right now." James stopped yelling, but continued to eye me stonily. It took me a minute to figure out what his problem was. I stretched my arms and rolled on my back and then remembered that I was sleeping in Kirk's sleeping bag. Normally, that would've been no big deal. However, I was sleeping with Kirk in the sleeping bag which made it a big deal. I mean, what was James suppose to think when we were both sleeping together in one small sleeping bag? Shit.

Realizing I had somehow ended up throwing my leg over Kirk during the night, I blushed furiously and quickly slithered out of the sleeping bag, trying not to wake him. Avoiding James' accusatory stare, I hurried over to the other side of the room to grab my black bag. I ripped my hairbrush out of it and brushed the snarls out of my hair before slinging my bag over my shoulder and looking over at Lars expectantly. Lars was the leader and would be the one to tell us what to do next.

Kirk had finally gotten up and had just finished repacking his stuff in his suitcase. When he saw me looking at him, he gave me one of those nice, warm smiles. I returned his smile and then looked over at Lars again. Lars looked over his equipment to make sure he had everything before turning to the rest of us, "Okay everyone, we're off on the tour! There's a bus waiting for us outside of the building. You can pack all your stuff into it. The band we're traveling with is called 'Raven'. They should already be on the bus. Our first tour for today is at one in the afternoon. If everyone has their stuff, I think we're ready to go."

Without waiting to see if everyone had their stuff or not, Lars kicked the door to the storage room open and hurried down the hall to the building's entrance. Everyone hurried to fall with him and I managed to fall into step with James. Wanting to get our confusion worked out before the tour started, I tapped James on the shoulder and said, "Hey."

James didn't even bother to glance over at me. In fact, he decided to ignore me. Not going to give up that easily, I bit my lip to keep from swearing at him and then tried again, "James, it's not what you think, okay? I was only in that sleeping bag with Kirk because we were both cold last night. We were only sleeping together to keep warm. And when I say 'sleeping together', I really do mean sleeping, not sex or anything like that. You do believe me about this, don't you?"

James finally looked over at me. He looked half-asleep and kind of grumpy. Shrugging his shoulders at me, he said, "I dunno what to think. You could be telling the truth, or you could be lying. There's no way for me to know since I was sleeping all night unlike you. Besides, I can totally see you sleeping with Kirk. You probably thought, 'What the hell? I'll just sleep with Kirk because he's more attractive than James and besides, I'm still pissed at James for getting me pregnant.'"

"Oh god, please be reasonable!" I yelled a little louder than I had meant to. James could be so stupid at times! Cliff looked over at us from our left and raised a bushy eyebrow. The two of us quickly quieted down, but the rage inside of me still burned fiercely. I slowed my pace and fell out of step with James. If I kept talking to him, I was probably going to end up punching him.

A few minutes later, we stepped outside and caught sight of the bus. It was a tall bus, but wasn't very long. Lars wasted no time in popping into the bus, talking to the driver, and then motioning for the rest of us to follow him inside. We all tromped into the bus and looked over the seats to find somewhere to sit. Lars and James took seats by some of the guys from Raven. Cliff sat off by himself somewhere and started digging for one of those thick novels he was always reading. Not wanting to sit by some unfamiliar guy from Raven, I found an empty seat on the bus and slid over onto the far left side of it so I could see outside.

The bus started off with a loud groan from the engine and away we went. We had only been traveling for a few minutes before I heard someone come sit next to me. Hoping that it was James and not some unknown Raven guy, I peered nervously over to see who was sitting by me. When I say that it was Kirk, a genuine smile formed on my lips.

"Hi Olivia," Kirk greeted me politely, "Mind if I sit here?" I shook my head. The two of us sat in silence for a few moments before Kirk looked around and then whispered in my ear, "I found a doctor's office nearby to bring you to. The bus is going to stop in a few hours. We'll be about two hours early for the show, so I'll drop you off at the office in that period of time, okay?" I nodded hesitantly, still unsure whether or not I really wanted to go to the doctor's office. However, at that moment, my stomach knotted painfully and I quickly decided that I had made the ride decision in deciding to go.

The trip on the bus actually ended up passing by quickly, and before I knew it, the bus was stopping in front of a big club. Everyone whooped with glee and rushed towards the entrance of the bus. Kirk and I waited until everyone was out of the bus before we exited it and jumped down onto the streets. We had hoped that everyone would already be in the club and would have forgotten about us, however, Lars was standing at the door of the club and was motioning to Kirk.

Hesitating, Kirk went over and talked to Lars, "The show isn't for another two hours. I have a few things I want to pick up in town. It'll only take a minute. Mind if I do that now? I swear I'll be back with plenty of time to prepare for the show." Lars looked down nervously at his watch and then peered back up at Kirk. Finally, he replied, "Um, I guess you can go ahead and run your little errands. However, whatever you do, make sure you are back here in an hour!"

Kirk nodded solemnly and Lars disappeared into the club. With all the band members now inside, Kirk quickly joined me where I was standing on the side of the street. Smiling at me, he said, "Wasn't that easy? It's just like I said; nobody is going to know you were even at the hospital. As a matter of fact, I don't think any of them will realize that we're missing." Kirk, obviously in a good mood, waved a taxi over to us from the side of the street.

The bright orange taxi parked next to the road and Kirk and I clamored into the back. Kirk quickly recited off the directions to some doctor's office before the taxi took off at top speed. We went flying through the numerous streets at an alarming rate. The taxi driver literally held his hand on the horn as he tried to get people to move out of his way. Kirk and I exchanged glances before we finally arrived at a little white building on the side of the street. Kirk thanked the taxi driver for his time before taking my hand in a protective manner and led me out of the taxi and towards the building.

The building was small and not intimidating, but I still felt nervous as we stepped inside of it. Everything in the waiting room was white, shiny, and clean. Kirk and I sat down in two sparkling clean chairs and waited for someone to assist us. We hadn't been waiting long before a woman with hair the color of silver came over to us. With a friendly smile on her face, she turned to us and said, "Hello there. I'm Nurse Martha. How can I be of assistance to you today?"

Thankfully, Kirk deciding to do the talking. Motioning over at me, he explained, "My friend, Olivia, is pretty sick. She gets nauseous a lot, has constant stomach pains, and she keeps getting really cold. She also did a pregnancy test and it came out positive." The nurse raised her eyebrows and looked me over with scrutinizing gray eyes.

After looking me up and down, the nurse nodded and took my hand, "Alright, let's take a look at you, sweetie." I gave Kirk a nervous look as the woman pulled me away towards a back room. Kirk tried to give me a reassuring smile, but I could tell he was nervous too. Just before the woman yanked me into the room, Kirk called, "Um, can I pick Olivia up in a few hours? There's somewhere I've got to be until then. That's okay, right?"

The woman nodded, "Yeah, of course. Pick her up whenever you want. Until then, I'll take care of her." The woman gave me a kind look, but I still couldn't help but feel kind of nervous as Kirk disappeared out the doorway and as I was pulled into a back room. The woman motioned for me to lay down on a mat on top of an examination table. Feeling pretty nervous, I reluctantly climbed on top of the table and laid down on my back. The woman put on some gloves and washed her hands before she came over to me.

As she bent over my body, she lifted up my shirt and stated, "Tell me if anything hurts, okay?" I nodded slowly, wondering if she was going to intentionally try to hurt me. Deciding that she was a nurse and wasn't suppose to do that, I bit my lip and tried to relax as the woman started pressing on my tender stomach. At first, I didn't really feel any pain. It was more just soreness that I felt. However, when she pressed down on the lower part of my belly, I inhaled sharply from the pain.

"Hm," the nurse said, stopping a minute and looking over at my face, "That hurts, doesn't it?" To keep from crying out, I kept my mouth shut and nodded instead. The woman peered over my stomach over another few seconds before frowning and saying, "It's strange because you're quite thin so I wouldn't think you're pregnant. Nonetheless, you have some major stomach bloating going on. I think we're going to have to take some x-rays and maybe an ultrasound if the x-rays don't clear anything up."

She said it as a statement, not a question, so I figured I had no choice but to obey her. The woman helped me down from the table and brought me to another room. She had me sit down in a chair and then proceeded to take whatever x-rays she needed. After the whole procedure was finally over, she came over to me again and said, "You can sit in the waiting room if you'd like darling. I'm going to run these through some scans and then I'll tell you your results, alright?"

Glad to get out of the x-ray chair, I nodded happily and hurried quickly down the hallway and back into the waiting room. I was still the only one in the waiting room and it didn't take long before I found out that I was really quite bored. I tried paging through some magazines but found that they didn't hold my attention.

Right now, all I could think about was the band and my test results. This was it. This was the day I was really going to figure out whether or not I was pregnant or not. A shiver ran through my body at that moment. It was partially from the cold and partially from the thought of being pregnant. Even though I didn't have a religion, I found myself praying that I was not pregnant.

After what seemed like a few hours later but was probably only thirty minutes later, the Nurse retreated out of the backroom with an expression of mixed emotions on her face. She stopped in front of me and said, "Well, I have good news and bad news."
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