Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Only Hope

Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

by Mizzy1122 0 reviews

I only suggest you grab a box of tissues.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2010-12-08 - Updated: 2010-12-09 - 6166 words

I couldn't stop staring at poor Frankie. Everything about him just screamed 'distressed soul'. His eyes were droopy and colorless. His frame drooped

tirelessly. I watched as he rested his elbow on the car window, transfixed on the dangerous outside world. I wanted to give him a warm, brother/sister hug,

but it was kind of hard, sitting the backseat and all.
The day had slowly drifted from light to dark, so we had to keep caution in our minds and eyes. In the car ride to the enemy lines (AKA Battery City), I took

a recap over my day. I even made a list!
1. Re-united with my sister
2. Totally escaped from BLI/nd without getting called out
3. Killed 00.06 (he had it coming)
4. Found Gerard and the rest of the gang
5. Pelted a huge group of Dracs with a bullets embrace (poetic, huh?)

And then there was the Failures.
1. Locked my sister in a cell
2. Killed 00.06 IN FRONT of poor Meg
3. Made Meg run into a wall (hehe...okay that might be added to the succes list)
4. watch my sister almost get killed while she was trying to save my butt
5. And worst of all...leave her inside the Diner, and have her get snatched away by Korse.

And of course, all of my failures had to do with Meg. I had no idea how she would forgive me. There was a puny chance though...Maybe after eleven years of

Drac-filled nightmares, she'll forgive me.
Gerard smashed through the entrance to Battery City like he'd done it many times before. No literally. He broke the entrance gates to Battery City. We'd

probably get called out on it later, but it's not like we cared or anything.
My anger was starting to build up inside me. A surge of determination crossed my face, as we cruised through enemy lines. Gerard's red hair whipped behind

him in the wind. Frankie was getting more tense, Jet Star smoothed his curled hair back. And the one kid that I did not know the name of...I turned my head

to the kid sitting next to me.
" Kid." he implied.
"Cool. Your hair rocks." I gave him a random complement.
"Thanks..." he smirked. Awkward silence. All of the sudden, a white flash of lights reflected back off of Gerard's rear view mirror. I saw Gerard turn his

head towards the back seat. His eyes grew wide and tense.
"Great." Gerard said.
"BLI/nd Dracs on our tail".
"Great" I repeated Gerard.
A loud slam bursted from Frankie's fist on the dashboard. I could tell that the poor guy was at his breaking point. He yanked the lever that activated the

car top down, grabbed his ray gun, and stood up.
"Careful, Ghoul" Gerard warned with a straight face. I stared at his angered face in awe. He was DETERMINED to kill these guys. An evil smirk stretched

across his face as he fired the first shot. I turned my head to the back window to watch a Drac get up and fire back.
Frankie ducked and dodged the Drac's shot. A wave of wanting and determination swam through me. My hand instinctively shot to my ray gun. I jumped out of my

seat, and stood mono-y-mono next to Frankie.
"KENDLE NO! GET DOWN!" Gerard yelled. I rolled my eyes.
"Why should I?!".
"FRANKIE'S DONE THIS BEFORE! He's got it handled!".
I fired my first shot at the driver, but missed.
"WHAT?! You got a thing against GIRLS fighting? DON'T DESCRIMINATE." I yelled right back at him. I saw the BLI/nd Drac press a button inside his car, grab

his ray gun, and stand up.
"CRAP." Frankie said.
"I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET HURT, KENDLE. I JUST GOT YOU BACK. GET DOWN." Gerard screamed with worry in his voice. I turned my head to look at him. His eyes

were mind-blowingly green with hurt. I heard Frankie give another blow, and knock out a Drac.
"KENDLE LOOK OUT!" Frankie shouted. In a milli-second, I saw a neon green ray run towards me. Unfamiliar, firm hands snatched my arms and pushed me into

Frankie's seat. My heart was thudding, almost as if it was trying to escape from a cage. I watched in suspense as another man took my standing place in

I never noticed the fearful tear that traveled down my cheek. Mikey had just saved my life, and I barely even knew the guy.
"Kill 'em off, Mike!" Gerard shouted in encourgment. Gerard turned his head to me, and scanned my body for any injuries. I saw a tiny smile of relief cross

his face for a second. My breath was still caught up.
The last few shots were deafening. Gerard was still speeding down the road, and we entered a dimly blue lit tunnel. In unison, Frankie and Mikey fired at the

same time in perfect precision. Both Dracs were pummeled out of the car.
Jet Star clapped his hands.
"That was SICK, boys" Jet Star said.
It was only me that watched the enemy car swerve off to the side, hit a side wall, and explode into flames.

'Ugh' my mind said. 'It's like reunited with a hated ex-boyfriend.'.
BLI/nd came into view quickly, it's whole 29 stories lighting up the night. The boys didn't seem intimidated. They've been to BLI/nd a couple times, but I've

never actually been at the scenes where the fights started. I had never seen what the Killjoys that Korse hated looked like the present day. Busy days being

a Drac, ya know?
We swang our car into a random parking area and trampled out of the car. The boys naturally took to a V-formation walking across the bridge to BLI/nd. I

walked in the middle of the formation, staring at the open wound on Gerard's neck that Meg had made. The blood had dried on his neck and seeped onto the

front of his neck. He didn't even care about it, I guess.
"Alright, Killjoys. Here's the plan. Jet Star, Kobra Kid, you take the infiltration route, sneak around and crap. Guard everybody off. Fun Ghoul, you take

the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W unit. Me and...." Gerard paused.
"Killjoy name?" he asked me. I thought about it for a little. A smirk crossed my face as I thought of a make shift name.
"Umm...Vampire Money...?" I replied.
"Sure." he smiled at me. I smiled back.
"Anyways, Vampire Money and I will look for Meg."
They all agreed and set off to their destination. Gerard gave me a long look before his face turned to stone and he went into killing mode, his soft hazel

eyes now black and threataning. Almost as intimidating as Korse when he was angry.
"Let's go." He said and we took off, hidding behind any object near us as Gerard--I mean Poison went towards the Mess Hall.
"Wait," I said and grabbed his arm, "she won't be in there. C'mon, this way." I pulled him into the direction of the cells where Meg was being held. I just

new it.
"Where do you think you're going?" A female voice purred and I stiffened. I KNEW that voice. I just did.
Poison slammed me against the wall and stood in front of me protectivly, what the HELL was he doing?
"What are you--" I whispered but was cut off when I took a look at the female.
Oh GOD. It was Ms. Bitch herself. Come back from the dead, I'm guessing... not that she was ever living, anyway.
"Ya know, I thought I'd never see you again, but what do ya know, Miss Kendle Helen and the infamous Gerard Way."
She didn't look intimidating. At all. She didn't look like herself, though, I mean sure, she still wore skirts, but, it was more buisness-y. Looking as if

she had actually grown up.
"What do you think?" Poison growled and pressed me closer to the wall, his hand trembling as if he knew she was dangerous.
I was thinking, wouldn't it be so much easier to take this moment right now to pull out my Ray Gun and shoot her while she was talking to Poison? It'd be a

total win, wouldn't it? I believe a lot of people make that mistake in movies, but THIS was not a movie.
"Well, if I knew any better, I'd say you were here to save that excuse of a human being," she shot me a smile and I clenched my fist; she was going to die.

"But," she continued with a reasonable voice, "I know that you're here to finally give in and be good little boys and girls like the rest of the people in

Battery City." She sounded... drugged, like a robot. As if BLI/nd had taken away her right to speak.
"Right." Poison said sarcastically and eyed her carefully, I took this chance to pull out my Ray Gun and shoot. "Kendle! DON'T!!" Poison almost screamed but

it was too late, the beam from the Ray Gun hit her in the head. What we saw next WASN'T blood.
She hit the ground, her body twitching and... fadding? As if it were a hollagram, her body flickered and fadded some more as she stood up, her blood red lips

growing into a smile. The was a hole in her head and you could see to the other side, including wires where her brains and blood should be.
"Oh my God." I gasped and placed a hand over my mouth. She WAS a robot, and she WAS dead.
Poison turned around to me with the time he had before Kacey recovered, "Kendle," he whispered to me, "run. Now. Go on without me. Go find Meg and I'll catch

up with you. I promise." I shook my head violently, last time I left someone I loved, they were taken away from me.
"N-no! I-I can't. No!" I said and he gripped my shoulders.
"Do it," he said in a low voice to prevent himself from yelling, "RUN!" He roared as Kacey's injury disappeared, as if I had never shot her.
"Five--Seconds--Left-Before-Repair--." Kacey said in a monotoned voice and I panicked.
"Five--Four--Four--Four--" She started skipping and I looked deep into Poison's eyes, one thing I wanted to do before I left him there. Probably to die.
"I..." ("Four--Four--Three--Three--Three--") "I love you." I said and hugged him, my arms tightening around him and he hugged back.
He was so much taller than me, I could feel his tears drip onto my head and he quickly wiped the tears off his face. ("Three--Three--Three--Three--FIVE--

"I love you, too." He said, forcing a smile with all his might, "Run. You'll be okay. I promise you."
Somehow, in that moment, I believed him. All doubts disappeared and I just knew I was gonna be okay. Just because he said so. And I believed him.
Running, I broke away from Poison's arms as I heard Kacey finish her countdown, "Two--Two--Two--One--!"
Then, I heard a loud crash and and gun shots, I didn't dare look back.
Been an hour since I last saw Poison, I've shot down five Dracs since then, and I didn't want to go any further without him. I almost turned back, go look

for him, then I realized how close I was to the cells. All I had to do was go through the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W unit. I could check on Frank, at least.
I snuck into the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W unit, it was silent, almost as if the place was completely dead. Then, completely out of no where, someone literally

POUNCED on me.
"What. The. HELL?! GHOUL?! GET OFF!" I half whispered half yelled, pushing him off of me.
"What are you doing here? Where's Poison?!"
"I--He told me to go ahead..." I said sadly, blinking before I could let tears escape.
"Oh..." Was all he could say before footsteps were heard. Draculoid.
"Shit." He said and spun around and pushed me behind him.
Dammit! I've been working with theses freaks for five years! Ya think I'd know how to kill them better than the boys!
He randomly started shooting, but the Drac dodged. He cackled loudly and launched himself at Ghoul, pressing something into the back of his neck, but I

didn't think too much about it.
"Get the hell off of me!" Ghoul shouted and threw the Drac off of him, immedietly shooting his temple where his head exploded. "Ain't gonna run into him

again." He grinned at the dead Drac and turned to me. "So you know where Meg is?"
"YOU HAVEN'T FOUND HER YET?!" I screamed. Frankie shushed me.
"No I haven't!! You think I know my way around this place alone?!" Frankie replied in an angered, hushed tone. Something went off in my mind. I slapped my

hand to my forehead.
"Well duh, Kendle." I said.
"The cells! I was just there, too. Guess we gotta sneak in there...." I was slightly talking to myself.
"And that would require killing some Dracs?".
"Hellz yea."
"I'm in.".
No matter how many times I've been to the cells, they always scared the crap out of me. Of course, I have to hide all that each time in there, or Korse would

think I was a wuss. BLI/nd always thought that just because it was 2019, it was no excuse to change the terror of the original cells. No seriously, the only

electricity in this place was the alarm systems by the doors.
It was like being in the dungeon of a haunted castle. The cells had certain levels. Frankie and I were searching around the first level, which was creepy

enough. But if you went two levels down, that was the cell for the most 'troubled' criminals. It's this massive, underground canyon with a long bridge. The

bridge lead to a single cell suspended on one small pillar of rock, which was conviently placed in the middle of the death hole. Chances were that one of us

(or all of us) were going to end up in that gloomy cell. That's why we had to kill of as many Dracs as we could, and fast.
We heard crying, Meg's crying, but we didn't know where it was comming from. We kept walking until we found a dead end where a locked very 2019 looking door

was, there was a code you had to enter and an ID card you had to swipe. I had neither.
"KILLJOYS IN CELL LEVEL ONE! I REPEAT--KILLJOYS IN CELL LEVEL ONE." The speakers aroundus roared and I hugged Frank in a brotherly way.
It's true, I have come to think of Frank as a brother, Kobra and Jet, too. Frank, well, I've always known him, Jet--just something about him. But Kobra, man,

he saved my life and I have no idea what I'd do without him, if he ever died...
"It's okay." Frank reassured me as I heard the Draculoids running right around the corner.
"Tell Gerard I love him. Meg, too." I said, so sure I was going to die, the tears brimming in my eyes as I clutched myself to Frankie's side. "And I love

you, Frank, like a brother. Jet and Kobra, too."
"I-I..." Frankie's cheeks were red and covered with tears. "I love you, too, Kendle, but I promise you you're not gonna die." He said to me, kissing my

forehead as the Draculoids made their way to us.
"Hey! Look! It's 00.03!" One out of probably hundreds of Draculoids cackled, I stepped away from Frankie and pulled out two of my Ray Guns and shot at them.
"Sh-shit!" I yelled when I realized the Ray Guns were on low battery. They stopped working.
"KENDLE!" Frankie screeched as I was shoved to the side and crashed into the wall, my head probably bleeding now.
It took me a moment to realize what had happened, but when I did, I couldn't help but cry. Frankie was unconsious on the cold, dead ground. He had pushed me

out of the way, he was on the ground bleeding and shot, his shoulder wounded. He wasn't dead--I think--just unconsious.
"FRANKIE!!!" I screamed and fell by his body, the Dracs had stopped shooting long enough for one of them to give me some news.
"Oh, yeah, we gunned down your other friend, too, Poison Party or whatever his name is." The tears were pouring now and I staggered up off the ground,

holding Frankie's fully charged gun. "He kept saying this girl's name, 'Kendle, Kendle', HA, he sounded so pathetic." He said and I took in a sharp breath,

pointed the gun at him, and blew his brains out.
The blood met my face from all the way across the room--here comes the blood lust.
"GO! TO! HELL!" I screamed and shot the Dracs as they watched the other's headless corpse crash to the ground.
They all died down and I started to realize that there were only two left, I pulled the trigger; nothing came out. Dead Battery.
I was dead meat.
Smiles were held hostage behind their masks, I just knew it.
"Frankie!" I cried, begging for him to open his eyes, I'd like to know he was alive before I died, "Frankie, please wake up!!!" I sobbed and fell to my

knees, my face burried in my hands and gunshots were heard.
I could hear bodies crash to the ground, the feel of blood on my fingers, and I'm pretty sure it was my body that had crashed to the hard surface. But then,

I was pulled into someone's arms, "Kendle? Kendle! What's wrong?!" It was Kobra, gripping me tightly, his eyes pled for me to stay calm.
"H-he won't wake up!!!!!" I cried out, sobbing like a pathetic child.
"He's fine, Kendle, just unconsious." I heard Jet say and I looked at the two of them, watching me with worried eyes.
"But what happened? Frankie never gets Gunned down."
"He was trying to save me." I choked back another sob, I was so scared.
"Kendle?! Guys?!" Meg called from inside the locked room, banging on the door.
"MEG!" I jumped up, trying to open the door.
"Aha!!" Jet cried and I watched him pull an ID CARD out of a Drac's wallet, "The code's in here, too!" He said in victory, ran over and unlocked the door.
"KENDLE!!" Meg exclaimed and hugged me.
"Thank God! I thought you would never make it!" She cried before looking at Frankie's cold body. "What happened to him?!?!" She was by his side now, stroking

his cheek.
"He's okay, Meg, just unconsious." Jet reassured her, but she continued to lean over his body worriedly.
"Where's Poison?" Kobra asked me and the tears came again.
"T-they killed him," I said, barely whispering as the tears drownded me, "they told me they gunned him down and it's all my fault!!" I cried into my hands

and Kobra pulled me into a tight embrace.
He blinked madly, trying to hold back forbidden tears, "We can't trust those Dracs, how do you know they weren't just pullin' your strings? We all know

Poison isn't an idoit, he's not gonna let some brainwashed Dracs gun him down." Kobra rubbed my back as he tried to to reassure me, me and himself.
"You're right," I said with doubt, but tried to hide it.
"We're not leaving this hell hole until we find him." Jet ordered and we all nodded our heads.
"He's waking up!!" Meg squealed and we turned to Frankie who was stirring in his sleep.
"Wh-wha...?" He said, confused at what was going on.
"Frankie! Are you okay?!" Meg cried, kissing his face all over and another tear escaped my bloodshot eyes.
Look at what I've done. I've caused so much pain to everyone, I'm just a burden, I try to help, but I just end up making everything worse. First, I get Meg

kidnapped by trying to help the boys which only got me shot, then I got Gerard killed, and then Frankie gets shot, and I caused so much pain to Kobra.
Kobra noticed my tears as everyone else was distraced with Frankie, "Hey," He whispered, walking over to me slowly, "it's okay. Don't cry, Gee wouldn't have

wanted you to cry." He forced a smile and swept the hair out of my dark, sad eyes, wipping away my tears with his thumb. "I don't want you to cry, either."

He finished off, kissing my forehead like Frankie had earlier and pulling me into a close embrace.
I started wishing the he really was my brother, because he really was like one, so caring and sweet... And then... "I love you, Kendle," He whispered,

looking deep in my eyes, "You're like a little sister, and I never want anything to happen to you." More tears came and I cried into his chest, I felt so

ridiculous, crying every five seconds.
"What's wrong with Kendle?" Frankie asked and the whole room went silent, no one wanted Frankie to know that his best friend since before high school had

Then it hit me: I KNEW where Gerard was. I just did. I pulled away from Kobra and wipped my tears away, picking up two Ray Guns that had belonged to Dracs.
"I know where he is." I said with venom in my voice and motioned for the boys and Meg to follow. "Wait, Frankie, take Meg and stay in the Trans Am, we can't

risk her getting hurt."
"What?!" Frank and Meg said in unison.
"You need all the help possible!! You can't just tell us to leav--"
"FRANK. Take. Her to the Trans Am. Now. And don't you DARE leave her there alone or else you're gonna have to put up with me." I said bluntly and he nodded

his head, understanding the situation--finally. I did NOT want her to get hurt, and I did not want her to see what was going to happen.
I watched as Frank took her to the nearest exit and to the Trans Am, that's when we started towards the Mess Hall, I KNEW Korse and Gerard were in there...

and if they weren't...?
I shook my head as we walked confidently in single file and reached to doors to the Mess Hall. I took a deep breath before turning to Jet and Kobra, needing

to make my goodbyes again.
"This is it," I said to them, forcing a weak smiled and they looked at me as if they understood what was going on. "If we don't come out alive... or sane,

then just remember that I love you guys, you're like family to me now and... well, let's just hope we do come out alive." I said and they just solemly nodded

their heads.
"Never let them take us alive." Kobra said weakly and we all hugged.
I took in a sharp breath as I turned to the doors, gripping the Ray Guns as I pushed the doors open, I squeezed my eyes shut, afraid of what I might see, and

when I did open my eyes, I was afraid.
"Welcome, I was just about to finish off your littler friend here." Korse said with a sly smile as he held a Ray Gun to Gerard's head.
"No!" I cried, "Don't touch him! Please!" I tried to launch towards them but Kobra took my hand and held me back.
"You're gonna get him back, Kendle, and when you do, I want you to run. Run faster than you ever have before."

I choked on my own voice as Kendle looked at me with confused eyes, her lips parting as if she were to say, "What do you mean?" But she just nodded her head,

still not quite understanding what I was going to do next. I handed her to Jet and made sure he had a good hold onto her before walking slowly over to Korse

and my brother, my loving brother that loved Kendle so much.
"Take me." I said, Korse raised his eyebrows, "Take me and let my brother go. You can do whatever you want to me, I won't resiest. Just give my brother

back." I said and the dark smile on Korse's sick face grew bigger.
"Deal." He said, and the look he gave me made me sick to the bone.
"No! No!!! Kobra no!!" Kendle cried, the tears streaming down her face, the sad look she gave me was worse than whatever Korse had in store for me.
Korse shoved Gerard to Kendle and Jet, they looked at me with tears in their eyes begging me 'Why? Why?'
Why? Because I couldn't let my brother be killed, when he had a great girl who loved him, he had so much more to lose than me, I had nothing.
In less than one minute, Korse managed to grab me and pull me into a back room, yelling behind him, "If you ever want to see him again, just wait in the Corn

Maze!" Corn Maze?
He shoved me against a wall and enjoyed watching me shy away from his touch. "Don't worry, I won't kill you." He said in a voice that could have made my skin

"Then what do you plan to do?" I snarled, spitting in his face.
He only wipped his face and sauntered over to a cup board and pulled out needles and BLI/nd Medications. Used on Dracs. He injected the first needle in my

neck and I got drowsy, not possible for me to fight back. The second needle knocked me right out.

We waited in the Corn Feild, worried as hell. Gerard held my hand the whole time, I don't know if it was to comfort me or him. He blinked back tears, his

face was completely broken and I couldn't stand it. For one, Gerard never showed weakness, and two, he rarely cries. Out of all the years that I've known

him, he's only actually cried when I was shot, and when he told me to go on without him. He was stone now, tears silently running down his face, not looking

at me, or the world around him. It's as if he was picturing Korse in his mind; killing him, or much better times, like before the whole human race left us on

Jet was waiting by the entrance to keep guard, so it was just Gerard and I now. What should I say? 'It's gonna be okay'?
"I knew you were gonna come." He said without looking at me, but a smile was on his face as the rain started falling from the methane skies. "I just knew it,

I kept telling myself, 'Don't let him kill you, she's gonna be here soon' so I kept stalling, and soon enough..." He finally looked down at me, tears

streaming down his face, "You were there, thrown into the room as if you were meant to be there, to save me." I refused to cry now, I couldn't cry in front

of him. "Thank you, Kendle." He whispered before looking away from me again.
I hugged him, let him hold me close as the rain drenched us, he touched foreheads with mine and we just stood there, looking deep into each others' eyes.
"I love you, Kendle, you're the best thing that's happened to me since... since forever. And I never wanna lose you, I want you to be mine..." His lips

inched closer to mine as we heard Jet call.
"I SEE HIM! I SEE KOBRA!" We jumped at the sound and ran towards Jet's location.
There he was, walking so... so formally. As if there was someone controling him with a video game controler.
"Mikey?" Gerard whispered, terryfied at the sight of him, his cold black eyes looked right through us.
"Oh God." I threw a hand over my mouth, my legs shaking and Gerard held me up.
Mikey was pointing at us, no, pointing SOMETHING AT us. I couldn't see in the dim light but soon it became clear. Gerard pulled me to the ground with him as

a flash of light came from Mikey's BLI/nd Ray Gun. He was drugged.
He shot at us, over and over and over again until we were panting and could no longer dodge his extremely accurate shots. Gerard pulled out his Ray Gun.
"M-Mikey... Drop the gun and I won't shoot you." He said, voice shaking as tears were pouring down his face.
And if I had the guts to put this to your head...
Mikey didn't drop the gun, in fact, he kept shooting. He was just plain drugged, dead inside.
But does anything matter if you're already dead?
"It won't hurt, I promise." He said in a monotoned voice, pointing the Ray Gun at us again.
And should I be shocked now by the last thing you said?
Gerard laid his finger on the trigger, getting ready to shoot his own flesh and blood.
Before I pull this trigger,
What hurt the most, was that those weren't even Mikey's eyes, so vacant... far away.
Your eyes vacant and stained...
"Love you, bro." He said, a slick smile on his drugged face.
And in saying you loved me,
It hurt, like hell, so much harder for Gerard to shoot his brother...
Made things harder at best,
But he had to do do it. He pulled the trigger... bloddy splattered against the ground and Mikey fell.
Made things harder at best,
And these words changing nothing
As your body remains,
And there's no room in this hell,
There's no room in the next,
But does anyone notice there's a corpse in this bed?
(Early Sunsets Over Monroeville)

Mikey fell. Gerard fell. Mikey bled. Gerard cried. Mikey died. Gerard was dying. "MIKEY!" He screamed, his eyes squeezed shut as he clawed at the ground.

"I'M SO SORRY. I'M SO SORRY. I DIDN'T MEAN TO. I SWEAR. I SWEAR!!!" He rushed over to Mikey, trying to get him to open his eyes even though his pulse had

already stopped. I was crying, too. How much more could I handle?
"I love you, bro." Mikey whispered again before his breathing stopped altogether.
I walked over to Gerard's side, I had no right to cry, this was Gerard's brother. Not mine. But I fell to my knees and cried, too, my body leaning against

his as we depended on each other for warmth. Gerard pulled me under his arm and held me, both of us crying as Jet stood and watched from a distance and he

cried silently, mourning the loss of the fallen KillJoy.
"We have to go. Meg and Frank are waiting for us." Jet whispered.

I was difficult to push myself away from him. Away from Mikey. Or what used to be Mikey. It was even harder to get Gerard away from him.
I couldn't even imagine...
I was the worst scene I had ever seen. Seeing Gerard like that was unbearable. Seeing Mikey like that was just as horrifying. And to think...I had only known

Mikey for a day. He saved my LIFE, though. I felt that connection with him ever since that hour.
And for Gerard...
He had to SHOOT his own sibling. His own family.
Like I said...I couldn't even imagine..It must have been like taking a chainsaw, and sawing off the other half of yourself. I remember sitting by his side on

the stone ground, stained by Mikey's own blood, and watching his face grow gloomed. His red hair sticked to his face, mixed with tears and sweat. I wrapped

myself across his chest, he coiled right back in my arms. Mikey looked just as bad. He looked...missing. My chest was hurting with a hollow, echoey pain.

Like a chunk of my heart was missing.
It wasn't very long until more Dracs were just around the corner. Jet warned us and he helped me up, though my legs were as wobbly as wet noodles. I was

still watching Gerard's sullen face, tears astray on his cheeks. I reached my hand for his.
All he did was look into my eyes with his own recked ones. That look killed me. It made me want to fall on the floor, give up and cry until my days were at

an end. But I couldn't break down even more than I did. I had to show strength.
Gerard tirelessly grabbed my hand, I pulled him up. We started running, and I saw Gerard took one last look at his brother. The Dracs started firing, and

over the deafening sounds, I heard Gerard shout something.
"Hide yourself, Mikey. I love you."

"WHAT HAPPENED?! WHERE'S KOBRA?!?" I shouted as I rammed Kendle right into the nearest cell wall. I could tell I shocked Kendle with my force. I heard

footsteps tapping behind me, obviously trying to get me off her. I felt Frankie's familiar arms tugging on mine. He was too strong.
"He's not here, okay?".
"HE'S DEAD, OKAY?!". Kendle covered her hand over her mouth. The room went dead silent. Frankie's eyes went wide with shock. I glanced over at Gerard, I

could see that he already knew. A single tear traveled down his troubled face. I automatically buried my head in Frankie's chest. I heard him choke with

"I...I thought he would make it out." Frankie's voice caught up.
"He didn't." whispered Gerard. I lifted my head to see Jet sucking on his lower lip, then lift up his mysterious glasses to wipe away a tear. My ears

couldn't believe what they were hearing. Yes, I barely even knew Mikey, but loosing one of the Killjoy's own is a loss for me also. Big time.
A loss of weight from my arms. A pound on the floor. A person on the ground. Frankie.
"FRANKIE!" I screamed and dropped to his side. Jet Star rushed to his side and listened to his pulse.
"Unconscience. Too much to handle, I guess." Jet Star explained as his voice choked up also. More pads of footsteps. I saw Frankie get lifted by stealthy

arms. Gerard threw Frankie over his back like a dead body.
"BE CAREFUL WITH HIM!" I shouted angrily.
"SHUT UP." Gerard yelled right back. The room grew silent again. The phrase had taken me aback. Gerard continued walking like nothing had happened, a grizzly

look was stoned onto his face.
"Going back to the car. Follow." he demanded everybody, and he walked out the cell, Frankie unconscience on his shoulder.
The room was still as silent from all of the beings in the room, despite the footsteps and calls from Dracs searching for us. We obeyed Poison's orders.

The escape from BLI/nd was easier than getting in. The boys (and girl) killed a few Dracs here and there, without even hesitating. The car was waiting

patiently out behind the bridge like it first was, no damage done to it. Gerard was already waiting at the wheel. I was instantly scared of his expressions

he gave to his comrades. I was about to scoot into the back seat, but stopped myself right before I sat on Frankie's body sprawled across the seats. Gerard

didn't care to help all of us with removing Frankie from the seat and setting spreading him across our laps so we could sit. I also didn't have a clue how

Kendle would still have the guts to sit next to Gerard. He was scaring the crap out of me, although I did feel lots of sympathy for him.
Gerard was mad. And it showed.
The car ride was awkwardly silent the ENTIRE WAY to...where were we going anyway?
"Alright guys. The Dracs are probably gonna follow us for a while. We're not going to go back to the Diner for a while. That's for sure" Gerard explained to

break the silence. Nobody replied to him. Nobody dared to say a word to him. I just knew that everybody agreed secretly.
The entertainment for that ride was staring at the unconscience face of Frankie. I started to run my blood stained fingers through his soft, jet-black hair.

Him, being in my life, gave me so much hope. The day had been absolutley horrifying in so many ways, but the one person who got me through the day,

entertained my lonely life, was Frankie.
I had so much to thank him for.
It was settled.
No matter what, at any cost, I was never letting Frankie go.
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