Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How Wrong We Were to Think We Knew Anything

How Wrong We Were to Think We Knew Anything

by Anthrax_Angel 0 reviews

When Jen moves to Jersey she's thinks her life will be the same. She was wrong.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-12-12 - Updated: 2010-12-13 - 2015 words

“Beep Beep Beep” I groan and roll over managing to turn the alarm off on the first try, I sat up and stretched, yawning at the same time. I looked around me half empty room everything I own still in boxes because I was too lazy to unpack them, but mostly because I didn’t want to unpack them. I sigh and haul myself out of bed and go to the closet that currently only had one set of clothes in it, a pair of ripped skinnys, a Misfits t-shirt and a red sweater I grab my clothes and head into the bathroom. 20 minutes later I’m clean and dressed with dark make up and the longer section of my hair tied back, the shorter layers still falling around my face. I gave myself the once over, I looked awesome, I said a little prayer that I could find at least one person who wouldn’t hate me on site.

I grabbed my bag a headed down to breakfast “morning Jennifer” my “lovely” step-mother says from the kitchen table “morning Janet” I say grabbing an apple from the fridge. “Have a good first day” she says as I slip on my black and red converse “yup” I say slamming the door behind me. I hated my step mom she was so prissy, she had convinced my dad that we needed a fresh start now that they were married, so he picked us up and moved us to Jersey. I have no problems with Jersey lord knows the music scene here is amazing I just hate that I had to leave everything I’ve ever known.

It about a 20 minute walk to Bellville High so I pull out my X-men comic and read it as I walked not the safest thing to do but I consider myself a professional I had been doing it since I was 5. When I got to the school I took a deep breath and held my head high, it didn’t take long to realise it would be difficult for me to make friends, all the girls were all wearing high heels, short skirts and low cut tops. The first group of girls I walk past smile fake smiles as I glance over so I shoot them a sarcastic one of my own rolling my eyes as I approach the front doors and head inside.

I pick up my schedule heading to my first class Math, defiantly my worst subject by far, as I walk in the class I see the teacher a balding man in his late 40s who introduces himself as Mr. Teo. He had me stand in front of the class and introduce myself, I hate public speaking not to mention I’m horrid at it, “I’m Jen… I just moved here from Cleveland…I love Art” I sputter out. Everyone starts giggle except for a black hair boy sitting in the back he smiled reassuringly when he caught my eye, “you can go sit next to Mr. Iero” Mr. Teo says motioning to the boy in the back. I walk to the back of the class feeling every pair of eyes on me, “hi I’m Frank, I love your shirt Misfits rock” he says as soon as I sit down “thanks I love your piercing I always wanted one by my parents would never let me” I say noticing the silver stud in his bottom lip. “Thanks” he says smiling huge, I had a feeling he was a generally happy person.

When the bell rang Frank turned to me “what you got next” “umm… Music” I say checking my schedule “sweet me too, we can walk together f you want” he says standing “sound good” I say jumping up and following him. As we walk into the music room I notice some of the kids are older then me “is Music mixed” I ask “yup 11’s and 12’s” he says grabbing a guitar and heading over to a boy with a bushy brown afro. “hey Ray this is Jenny she’s new” Frank says settling the guitar on his shoulder “hi I’m Ray nice to meet you, Jenny” he says offering me his hand “nice to meet you to and its Jen, when people call me Jenny all I can think of is that song” I say shaking his hand. “What song” Frank asks a confused look on his face, “the Jenny I got you number 867-5309 one” I say “true” Ray says bending over his guitar as the music teacher walks in.

“new student name please” she barks at me “Jen” I say turning around “instrument” “piano” I say “play” she commands pointing to the piano. I walk over take a deep breath and begin to play. “Stop, your good” she says then turns to the class and starts the lesson leaving me wondering what she would have done if I was bad. “So what do you have next” Frank asks as he and Ray put their guitars away “Art” I say excitedly “you’ll be with Gerard” Ray says waving as he heads in the opposite direction. “Who” I ask trying to figure out where I was going “Gerard he’s a friend of ours” Frank says sending me off in the right direction. “Newbie what’s your name” the art teacher Mrs. Tanny asks as I enter “Jen” I say standing a the front of the class “alright first assignment due a week today draw something meaningful to you in a way that makes me believe it” she says motioning me to a empty easel next to a tall dark haired guy. I walk over and he looks up revealing the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen “Hi” I say when he doesn’t say anything “hi” he says turning back to his project. I shrug and sit thinking about what on earth I was going to draw, “you like the Misfits or are you just wearing that to fit in” tall, dark and handsome says “yeah cause a Misfit shirt will help me fit in here” I say rolling my eyes “I’m into them” I say still staring at a blank page. “I’m Gerard” he says, I turn toward him “so your Gerard I was wondering, I have math and music with Frank” I say when I see is confused expression, he nods and turns back to he work.

When I leave art I still have nothing drawn, “you going to sit with us at lunch” Gerard asked as we walk out of the classroom “umm I guess so” I say smiling as him, he nods and leads me out side where I see Frank and Ray sitting with another boy. “Hey Jenny” Frank says as we approach “shut up Frank” I say sitting down on the grass between him and a boy with brown hair and glasses. “Whatever” Frank says still smiling and taking a bite of his sandwich, “I’m Jen” I say turning toward glasses. “I’m Mikey” he says looking up from his food, I nearly gasped his eyes were perfect so beautiful I nearly dropped my jaw, instead I said “nice to meet you” and pulled my comic out of my bag. “what is that” Frank said tugging the comic out of my hands “hey” I say trying to get it back “you read X-men” Frank says a look of fake horror on his face “yes now give it” I say reaching across him. He leans back trying to keep it out of my hands, eventually we end up laying in the grass “fine keep it” I say sitting up and brushing my back off “your no fun” Frank says handing the comic back.

“You read comics” Mikey says as I resume my seat next to him “doesn’t everybody” I say reopening the comic, Mikey laughs and I smile. “It’s a miracle Mikey actually likes someone outside the group your in no need for the test we had planned” Frank says causing Ray and Gerard to laugh and Mikey to go red in the face. “Wow I’m that special no test at all wow and here I was prepared to battle someone to the death to earn my place, thank you Mikey” I say throwing my arms around Mikey’s neck. “Anytime” he says smiling at me, I let him go and pull out my schedule “my afternoon blows, Science and History boo” I say pouting “hey I have science and history” Mikey says pouting too. I clap and bounce up and down “yeah I retract my earlier statement my afternoons kick ass” “hey I have science too” Frank say pouting “well then Science is going to rock” I say turning to him a huge smile on my face.

Science was fun I got to sit between Frank and Mikey, Frank was the source of most conversation, Mikey I was finding out was a little introverted and shy. When the bell rang we all got up together but Frank parted from us to go to Government, “so are you any good at history cause I suck, not as bad as I suck at math though, when do you have math? Are you in my math class and I’m just a total bitch, please say something or I will never stop talking I have a thing about silence” I ramble on “I’m okay at history, I suck at math too, I’m in your math class, but your not a total bitch for not seeing me” he says smiling at me as we sit down. “Really where do you sit” I ask trying to find him in the sea of faces from math this morning “in the back opposite Frank” he says pulling out his notes “oh well then we can fail together just like this class” I say turning toward the teacher as he walks in.

“you should come hang out with us” Mikey says as we leave History “I wish I could but my step-mom is expecting me home and if I don’t show she’ll flip” I say frowning at him “oh that’s cool” he says frowning down at his feet. “Where do you guys hang out I can come after I stop home” I say as we reach my locker “usually at me and Gerard’s place” he says opening the locker next to mine. “No way locker buddies” I say smiling and slamming mine shut “cool” he says smiling. “Hey Jenny you coming to hang out, yeah cool lets go” Frank says taking my hand and dragging me down the hall “hey I need to go home first I say to Frank, “that can be arranged” he says still dragging me by my hand. “Hurry up slow poke Franks gonna make me leave you behind” I say grabbing Mikey’s hand and pulling him along.

Gerard, Ray and a blonde gentleman await us as we leave the school “hey Jen got two boyfriends already” Ray says nodding at our hands both Mikey promptly lets go while Frank pulls me into a hug “nope just one” he says squeezing me against his chest. “you wish I say pulling away from him and turning to blondie “hey I’m Jen” I say extending my hand “bob” he says shaking my hand “well lets head out Gerard says turning down the sidewalk “wait Jenny needs to go home first” Frank says, I slap him on the back of the head for call me Jenny “my step-mom will have my hide if I don’t check in” I tell Gerard “where do you live” he asks I tell him “no way that’s just up the street from Gee and Mikey” Frank says as we head out “cool that means I’m going to bug you all the time Mikey I say pulling him up to walk be side me, he smiles a small smile before Frankie goes off into a unending stream of questions.
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