Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How Wrong We Were to Think We Knew Anything

Happy Birthday!

by Anthrax_Angel 1 review

Time the guys and Jen to party at the rock show

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2010-12-13 - Updated: 2010-12-14 - 1615 words

Mikey’s POV

Frankie is of course freaking out when we get to the van he throws himself at Jen knocking her over in an overpowering hug, I check to make sure Jens okay before I laugh at his high energy. I climb into the drivers seat waiting for everyone else to pile in Gee sits beside me “you know you could always ask her out” he says lighting a cig. “What” I say turning to him acting confused “come on Mikes I see the way you look at her just ask her out” I roll my eyes I never could lie to Gee. “I’m not ready” I say Gee goes to say something else but the others crawl into the van. Frankie pulls Jen into the very back with him while Ray and Bob sit in the middle, I have a hard time concentrating on the road, the thoughts of what Jen and Frankie could be talking about kept running through my head.

It doesn’t take long to get to the venue so we decide to go get some food, we end up at a Wendy’s we all order and sit down Jen sits beside me with Frank on her other side. Their talking about something I don’t really listen to I just look out the window, these guys are my best friends and I still feel like an outcast. “Hey captain daydream rejoin the land of the living, you cann’t leave me here with these crazy people” Jen says waving her hand in front of my face I turn to her and smile. “Who you calling crazy” Frankie says reach out and tickling her she squirms away but that doesn’t deter him “Frank no please” she say no hint of a smile on her face but Frankie goes ahead and does it anyway. She squirms as he tickles her she looks uncomfortable “enough Frankie” I say sliding Jen onto my lap out of his reach. “No fair” Frankie pouts turning back to his food “my hero” Jen says throwing her arms around my neck “thank you” she whispers in my ear be for letting me go and sliding back into her seat.

I smile but as always my brain takes over “she doesn’t like you, she only hangs out with you cause of Frankie and Gee, their the cool ones your just their dorky tag along” my brain tells me. I try and convince my self other wise but can’t come up with another reason anyone as cool as Jen would hang out with me. Pretty soon we’re all at the show waiting to go in “hey promise me you won’t let go I don’t want to get lost in the crowd” Jen says grabbing my hand. “No worries” I say “yeah we’ll all stick together” Frankie says grabbing her other hand I go to pull mine away but she still has it in a death grip so I squeeze back reassuringly. When the show starts I make sure I keep close to Jen, pretty soon Frankie’s gone and it just me and her enjoying the show.

“Wow that was intense” she says still holding my hand as we exit the venue “Yeah it was awesome” I say smiling it had been a great show. “You’re the best don’t tell the guys but big crowds like that freak me right out, so thanks for staying with me” she smiles and stands on her tip-toes to kiss my cheek. “anytime and no worries your secret is safe with me” I tell her just as Frankie comes out of nowhere and wraps his arms around her waist “best show ever” he says as I turn and head toward the car. “Glad you enjoyed your night” Jen says “it was awesome” Frankie says. “What not perfect” Jen says they sound farther away “not yet” Frankie says I turn just in time to see him kiss her. I turn away and head to the van of course she likes Frankie he’s perfect for her, energetic outgoing, I climb in the van and slam my hands down on the steering wheel wondering why I couldn’t just be normal. I took a deep breath to steady my self before remembering the razor stashed in my room, that made me feel better knowing I had an escape.

Jen’s POV

I feel Frank’s lip against mine is lip rig cold in comparison, push him away, I don’t want to hurt his feeling but I just wasn’t ready for this not with him, “I’m sorry Frank I can’t” I say shooting him an apologetic look. “No worries I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me all the extra energy from the show I guess” he says still with a big grin on his face. I smile half-heartedly knowing he is lying as we head back to the van my head starts spinning when I realise I would soon have to face the music. I climb into the van taking up position behind Mikey “how do you walk so fast I swear, are you not telling me something are you really the Flash” I ask trying to fill the silence in the van Frank confirming the fact he’s not okay by being abnormally quite. Mikey doesn’t respond “seriously it’s like one second your right in front of us the next, boom in the van ready to go. I wonder where they others are I hope their okay, see this is why I need a buddy at shows I hate this waiting to make sure everyone’s alright at the end. You sit here and wonder what if something happen what if they got trample in the mosh pit and are bleeding somewhere in a hospital” I keep rambling cause neither Frank nor Mikey say anything. “Jen shut it their fine” Frank says from the row behind me, I was a little shocked by his tone but I faced forward so he wouldn’t notice. Mikey didn’t say anything we just sat in silence.

It didn’t take me long to become uncomfortable I hate silence I get really freaked out by it, it becomes like this pressure that pushes down on me from all sides. I lay my head against Mikey’s seat and start taking deep breathes trying to calm myself by listen to the sound of my breathing. It doesn’t help and I start breathing fast “Jen” Frank says from behind me I can’t catch my breath the air is pushing around me to hard. The door closest to me opens and Mikey turns me to face him placing his hand on my face making me look him in the face. “When I was six my mom took me and Gerard to see this movie I wish I remember what it was called but I don’t. Anyway I just remember being so scared that I ducked down behind the seat in front and stayed like that till my mom decide we should go. Gee was so mad cause he was really excited to see it, he called me a chicken for weeks” Mikey rambles. “That’s mean, I mean calling you a chicken is just bad taste” I say my voice shaking. “You okay” he asks his hands on my shoulders “yeah I’m fine, remember I told you the first day we met I had a thing about silence” I say smiling weakly leaning my forehead against his.

“I’m so sorry” Frank says grabbing me from behind “it’s cool” I say still looking at Mikey “thank you” I mouth then I break out of Frank’s grip to give Mikey a hug of my own. The others then show “that was amazing” Gerard says climbing into the front seat I smile at Mikey and hop back in my seat as he closes the door behind me. Frank doesn’t go back to the back row instead he stays beside me. “Why does Mikey get a hug” Ray asked poking me in the back of the neck “because he’s awesome” I say turning around and smacking his hand before he can poke me again. “What we’re not awesome” Bob says a pout on his face “of course your awesome but Mikey is like this mush more awesome” I say holding up my index finger and thumb practically touching. “Why is he so lucky” Frank asks I shrug I don’t want to hurt Frank any more then I had tonight. We talk about the show till we reach my house “thanks guys see you tomorrow” I say jumping out and walking slowly up to the door.

As soon as I open the door he’s on me pushing me up against the wall his breath reeking like beer “I thought I said no” he slurs. “I wanted to go it was Frank’s birthday” I say my voice not as strong as I wanted it to be, his hand strikes me across the face “you’re gonna pay” he says dragging me to my room by my hair. He shuts the door then strips us both having his way with me in a way he could never with my step-mom to many punches for her. He leaves eventually and I crawl into my bed and think of a six year old Mikey cowering behind a theatre seat, I image a six year old me holding his hand and telling him it would be okay.
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