Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How Wrong We Were to Think We Knew Anything


by Anthrax_Angel 0 reviews

Frankie calls Mikey out and Jen starts to worry

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-12-14 - Updated: 2010-12-15 - 986 words

Mikey’s POV

I watch as Jen enters the house then pull off down the street, everyone is silent no one knowing what to say, Frankie just stares at the van door like Jen’s going to open it. We all pile out Ray and Bob shoving Frankie into the house where he decides to go off on me “what the shit Mikey” he says turning on me while I sit on the couch. I don’t understand why he’s so angry it’s not like I did anything wrong “what” I respond unsure of what he wants to hear. “Come on dude, you know I like her so what’s up with you to snuggling all the damn time and that stunt when she freaked” he says waving his arms around. “Wait what stunt” “what freak out” the guys ask, “she had a panic attack she doesn’t like silences she usually rambles to fill the space but Frankie bitched at her so she stopped” I calmly explain. “So what your saying it my fault” I sigh internally “no I’m just explain what happened” “so what stunt did Mikey pull” Gee asks running his hand through his hair. “He got all handsy calming her down” Frankie says glaring at me “physical contact can help calm someone down weren’t you paying attention in health class” Ray says.

Frankie stand there for a minute, well a Frankie minute which is more like 10 seconds “so your telling me you don’t feel anything for her” he asks me. I’m not sure what to tell him if I tell the truth he’ll be pissed, but if I lie I take away the slim chance I may have with her. “You don’t have a chance anyway” my brain says I can’t help but agree “I don’t have feelings for her” I see Gee’s face he’s pissed I caved. “Okay cool” he says and turns to play video games with Ray and Bob, I sit on the couch and pull out my comic. Later that night I beat myself up for caving to Frankie “that’s why she’ll never want you, you’re spineless” ran through my head as I cut my wrist. I went to sleep thinking about how Jen was probably thinking about Frankie.

Jen’s POV

I’m in my room sitting on my bed when Frank walks in, he seems different less energetic, he sits down beside me “hey” I say “hey” he replies tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I look into his eyes and he leans in slowly closing the space between us, I kiss back then realise no lip ring I start to pull away. “BEEP, BEEP, BEEP” I slap the alarm clock my dream quickly fading, I smile as I realise today is my first day of freedom, me and Frank had made up he apologized and agreed that he was wrong. I stood and automatically booked it to the bathroom tossing my cookies before getting ready for school, I sighed when I passed the calendar my period was already a week late I was getting nervous.

I put on my headphones and go wait outside for Mikey and Gerard listening to Jessie’s Girl, the guys show up before the song ends and I climb in the van “sup” I say buckling my seatbelt. Gerard turns and pops confetti on me “you’re free” he says I laugh and shake the confetti out of my hair, “I know woot” as we pull into the parking lot I see Frank waiting for us. “oh no” I say smiling as Mikey parks “JENNY” Frank yells as soon as I open the door tackling me back on the seat, “ouch” I say my back landing on a seatbelt. Frank stands and pulls me off the seat “what are we going to do now that your free” he says link his arm with mine, I look around for Mikey but he’s gone, I shake my head “that kid is the Flash” I think to myself as Frank drags me inside. “they same thing you do every day hang out a Mikey’s” I say opening my locker, “no way we’re doing something fun” he says crossing his arms. “Actually unless there are two Ways I won’t have any fun” I say smiling at my stupid joke.

Frank is still smiling but some of his excitement is gone I sigh to my self and wonder how much longer I can keep this up, I love Frank he’s one of my best friends but that’s it, and I don’t think it going to be enough. We meet up with the guys for lunch and I sit and talk with Gerard, “hey can I talk to you about something” I ask “sure” he nods lighting a cig, its cold out but we still hang outside. “How much does Frank like me” I ask looking at my shoes “sorry sugar against the bro code for me to tell you that” he says taking a drag. “How mad would he be if I told him I didn’t feel the same way” I ask looking up “I don’t know I’m sure he’ll get over it.” “I know he will but I don’t want to lose him, but I hate feeling like I’m leading him on” I sighed looking around for Mikey “where’s Mikey?” “He’s around I’m sure” Gerard says “there’s my next problem I think Mikey’s mad at me too” I sigh again and get up suddenly not feeling well. “Look I’m cold I’m see you later” I say rushing to the bathroom and losing what little lunch I had eaten, I had to figure out what was going on.
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