Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How Wrong We Were to Think We Knew Anything

Secrets and Truths

by Anthrax_Angel 1 review

Jen keeps a bid secret but tells Frank the painful truth

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-12-16 - Updated: 2010-12-16 - 1026 words

Mikey’s POV

Last night had been the worst night I’d had in a long time, I don’t know what happened to set me off but I almost lost it. No that’s not true I knew what set it off Frankie telling us he was going to try again with Jen now that she’s free. I avoid Jen in the morning, when I picked her up in the morning my brain had kicked up all my feelings from the night before. “She doesn’t care about you she pity’s you” “if Frankie was really your friend he wouldn’t be going after her, he only hangs out with you because of Gee.” In Science she looks sick but Frankie doesn’t even notice he keeps listing ideas for what they should do tonight. “Hey where have you been all day I missed you” Jen say as we walk to history “around” I say fighting my thoughts “yeah she missed you, I’m sure.”

“Can I ask you a favour” she asks as we sit down “sure” I ask before even thinking I don’t think I could say no to her. “Before I ask I need you to promise you won’t tell a soul, not even Gerard” a stern look appears on her face, “I promise, what’s wrong” I asked worried. “I need you to take me somewhere” she says looking down “okay” I reply not even asking where, if she didn’t want to tell me that was cool. “Really” she says her eyes bright “yeah, to the end of the earth if that’s where you want to go” I only half joke, if that’s where she wanted to go I would figure it out. “Thanks, now we just need to ditch the guys” she says thinking, “faint” I say “what” “faint I take you to the ‘nurse’ and we’re back before final bell.” “Mikey you’re brilliant” she says slumping forward onto her desk, “Jen, Jen” I say shaking her in fake panic Mr. Davis tells me to take her to the nurse and we leave.

“So where to” I ask when we’re in the van “a drug store” she says looking out the window, I start driving. “I wonder why she doesn’t want the guys knowing she’s going to the drug store, does she think we don’t she’s a girl” I think to myself. “Can I ask you something” I say “sure” she says in a small voice “do you keep in touch with your friends in Cleveland?” she seems surprised, I guess she thought I would ask what she needed, but it was none of my business, “no I don’t keep in touch tell you the truth I never had any really good friends, not like I do here” she smiles at me while I park. “You want me to come in” I ask assuming she’ll say no, “umm… no I’ll only be a minute” she says wandering in “she doesn’t trust you” my brain whispers for once I have the strength to say it’s wrong.

Jen’s POV

I leave Mikey in the car and head into the store, I grab two pregnancy tests and pull out my phone talking into it. “Yes I got two mom” I say placing them on the counter “yes I’m sure they’re the ones you want, I’m not sassing you” I put the phone on my shoulder. “I really hope she’s pregnant or there is no excuse for her bad mood” I say paying the lady and continuing my fake conversation as I leave. I jump back in the van “got what you need” Mikey says pulling out of the parking spot “yup” I say kinda hoping he’ll ask so I’ll tell him. He doesn’t ask but I knew he wouldn’t, he would wait for me to tell him, and I wasn’t sure I was ready to tell him. I shove the tests in my school bag as we pull into the parking lot and wait for the guys.

“Are you mad at me” I ask Mikey, I didn’t think so but I wanted to know for sure after his disappearing act this morning. “No why would you think that” he asks turning to me “well you didn’t say anything to me this morning then you went all Flash and disappeared. Then you weren’t at lunch and you didn’t say anything in science so I thought” I ramble on “I’m not mad promise I didn’t sleep well last night so I was tired this morning I slept through lunch in the van.” It was such a simple answer “I’m sorry guess I just…” “No worries, I’m sorry you thought I was mad” he says and we both smile.

“How did you guys get here so fast” Frank says climbing in the back “we got out of History early” Mikey lies, I’m surprised I know he didn’t like lying. “Lucky government was painful” Frank says lay across the seats, “hey my spot” Gerard says to me. “I got here first” I smile unmoving he rolls his eyes and crawls in the back, “so what are we doing” Ray asks from the back. “The same thing we always do, I might be free but I’d put money on the fact that I’m still on probation” I say as Mikey drives to his house. “No fun” Frank says wrapping his arm around my waist as we get out of the van, I pull away. “Frank” I start waiting for everyone to go inside nodding when Mikey hesitates “look you’re one of my best friend and I don’t want to hurt you but I just don’t feel the same way about you.” His face starts sad then gets angry “its Mikey isn’t it” he turns and heads in the house “Mikey you asshole I thought we agreed she’s mine” he said storming Mikey.
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