Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Always Attract

The End.

by -impervius 7 reviews

Exactly as the chapter title suggests, the final chapter, although a bonus chapter is still to come.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2010-12-19 - Updated: 2010-12-19 - 2803 words - Complete

Fear not, you guys! Although this is the last official chapter, there is one more important part that I am adding onto the end. A bonus chapter, if you will. It's already written so I'll post it the minute I get a few ratings and reviews on this one.

A bass drum was sounding in Abbey’s head. With every breath she took, the drum beat continued. Boom, boom, boom, boom. But it was not a drum; it was something else. The sound was familiar. She knew the source of the sound was the essence of life. What was the name for it? Boom, boom, boom, boom. Her heart! It was her heart! Her heart was beating. And so she must be alive! This pleased her, though she could not quite remember why she thought she might not be alive in the first place. Another sound came, a kind of tuneful mumbling. Like a song was playing, but the radio was not quite tuned into the right station. Later, voices were speaking, but they were unclear. She could not decipher what they were saying. This frustrated her. Thus, she concentrated determinedly on making those voices understandable. And with time, time that was unmeasurable but definitely long-winded, the voices became clearer, as though she were listening to a well-tuned radio.

‘Dude, I think her finger moved!’ A voice cried excitedly. The voice was too loud; she wanted it to be quiet. It was hurting her head. The voice seemed familiar, as if she had told the owner of the voice once before to shut up, so the owner should know better than to annoy her. ‘Abs, can you hear me?’ Another voice was speaking to her and she thought she should reply, but she was not sure how. She vaguely remembered that there was something really important she had to do; that she needed to open her eyes to do it. Once she had come to the conclusion that opening her eyes was essential, she concentrated all her energy on opening them, as the voices swam in and out of her mind. Finally, the voices became crystal clear, making it obvious that the owners of them were on either side of her, and it became evident who these voices belonged to.

‘Okay, I swear her eye lashes moved just then! I’m not seeing things dude!’ Mikey’s voice exclaimed.
‘Shut up and keep watching your stupid movie. Stop getting my hopes up.’ Frank snapped.
‘Hey, would I interrupt Jaws if I wasn’t certain?’ Mikey asked seriously.
‘Will you two shut up?’ Abbey groaned. ‘Some of us are trying to figure out what the fuck’s going on...’ Suddenly, there was a shuffling, as if the two men were moving, and she felt both sides of the bed shift as the men sat on either side of her. Her eyelashes fluttered as she opened her eyes to the sunlight streaming in through the blinds of the hospital room, squinting at the sudden onslaught of bright light.

‘How do you feel?’ Frank asked anxiously.
‘Like I’ve been hit by a train, thank you for asking. What happened? Why am I here?’
‘You don’t remember?’ Mikey frowned.
‘I just remember leaving the bus to do something, and that’s it.’
‘They said she might not remember,’ Frank said to Mikey. He turned to Abbey. ‘Basically, some asshole beat you and left you for dead. It’s okay, we caught him, the cops can deal with him now. But Bob found you in the alley next to the club – ’
‘We thought you were dead...’ Mikey eyes glazed over with fear upon recalling the night.
‘But she’s not,’ Frank said quickly. ‘And that’s the main thing.’ Mikey nodded in agreement as the two of them lapsed into silence. Once Abbey had enough of the silence, she spoke once more.
‘How long have I been out for?’
‘Few weeks,’ Mikey replied. ‘They weren’t sure when you were going to wake up.. Or if you were going to wake up.’ Abbey nodded, trying to process this information.

Suddenly, she recalled why it had been so essential that she open her eyes in the first place, as parts of the beating flashed before her eyes. ‘Where’s Gerard?’ She asked abruptly, interrupting the montage of images from that night. Frank and Mikey looked at each other.
‘Not here right now,’ Frank replied. ‘I’m sure he’ll visit later.’ Abbey could not help but feel that he may not visit. He had been angry at her, had he not? It was highly possible that he thought she got what she deserved in her drunken stupidity. She suddenly sat up. ‘I have to see him,’ She stated. Just as she moved to stand up, a nurse entered the room, and pushed her back onto the bed with a ‘where do you think you’re going?’
‘I’ve got something really important I need to tell someone,’ Abbey said urgently.
‘Well you can tell them over the phone because we’re not letting you go for at least a couple of days.’
‘But I’m fine! Really! And this is important!’
‘It can wait, your health is more important. I’m going to get a doctor to check you out now that you’re awake, and we may have to run some tests. I would have been here sooner had your friends told me that you woke up like they were supposed to.’ She eyed Frank and Mikey pointedly and they recoiled from her scolding look. She quickly bustled from the room to retrieve a doctor.

Frank turned to Abbey the moment she was gone. ‘What do you mean you have something you need to tell someone?’
‘Gerard, I have to tell him how I feel.’ Abbey said frustratedly.
‘How you... Wait, you wanna tell him you like him?’ Mikey asked, shock evident on his face.
‘I want to tell him that I love him,’ she corrected him. Abbey suddenly realised this might be a sensitive topic around Mikey. Although he had made it clear he knew she should be with Gerard, he might not want to talk about it. But at these words, his face split into the widest grin she had ever seen him wear.
‘Finally, you figure it out! Took you long enough!’ He laughed.
‘You made me realise it.’ She reached out and touched his face. ‘Thank you.’
Mikey smiled at her. ‘It was my pleasure.’ He grabbed her hand, and held it with both of his. ‘We were always meant to be friends. We just needed some time to figure it out.’

Abbey looked from Mikey to Frank, the memories of the attack flooding back to her like before. But she let them come, because she knew that she had to face the memories sooner or later. At first she flinched, but eventually smiled grimly upon remembering her last thoughts during the beating. ‘I thought I might never see you both again.’ Tears filled her eyes. ‘I’m sorry I fucked up everything. I put you two through so much. I took advantage of both of you because I knew you loved me enough to stick around through it all.’ She took one of each of their hands in hers. ‘I’m so sorry,’ she sobbed. ‘I’ll never drink again. And I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you guys.’ Both of the men smiled at her.
‘I love you.’ Frank said simply.
‘And I love you.’ Mikey added.
‘You don’t need to apologise. But you do owe it to yourself to clean your life up. Start over.’ Frank said.
‘And we’ll be right there beside you every step of the way,’ Mikey nodded.


Days passed and Abbey sent Frank and Mikey home from the hospital. She told them she needed time alone to organise her thoughts, and prepare for her release from hospital. She spent every waking minute thinking about what she would say to Gerard when she saw him. She had come to the conclusion that she would do her best, and make no promises she could not keep, and if he said no to her then she would have to accept that. Abbey had insisted Frank and Mikey say nothing of her to Gerard; she wanted to explain herself and she did not want anyone else making excuses for her. On her fourth day of consciousness, her doctor told her that everything was normal after several tests had been conducted, and she was free to go. It had been almost a month since the beating, and all her bruises had basically faded; all her broken bones were basically healed. She made it her mission to go straight to Gerard’s; her nerves were tearing her apart and she just wanted to get it over with.

Abbey pulled up in front of Gerard’s apartment that October afternoon, ready for acceptance, or rejection. For a while she watched the leaves fall from a tree across the road. But it was now or never. She got out of the car quickly, before she could change her mind and walk back, flung open the door to the foyer and ran into the elevator. The elevator ride seemed to last an eternity. Finally, she was on his floor and in front of his door. She stared at it for a while, working up the courage to knock, when abruptly, the door opened, revealing to her the man she loved. His mouth dropped open when he saw her and he stopped to stare. For a while, that was all they did; stare.

After what seemed like forever, Gerard spoke. ‘What are you doing here?’ His voice sounded strangled. ‘I didn’t even know you were awake.’
‘I told Mikey and Frank not to say anything.’
‘Why?’ Gerard demanded angrily.
‘Because I wanted to say everything to you myself. And I couldn’t because I was stuck in a hospital bed!’ Gerard turned around and walked back into his living room, sitting on the sofa. He leaned forward and ran his fingers through his hair. She followed him. ‘Look,’ Abbey began, standing in front of him. ‘I need to say this to you and I need you to listen, even if you throw me out afterwards.’ Gerard looked up at her. She took this as a signal to go on. ‘The night I got hurt, I realized something. I was coming to look for you when he came after me, so I never got the chance to tell you. I came to tell you that I’m in love with you. I know that now. Your brother’s my friend and he will always be my friend, but compared to you, he’s nothing. He doesn’t make me feel like you do, he doesn’t get under my skin like you. You give me a feeling of safeness, contentment and evoke a passion within me that no one else can and I’m sorry I jerked you around and didn’t realize until it was too late.’ Gerard went to open his mouth but Abbey silenced him with a finger. ‘I have treated you horribly and there’s nothing I can do to take that back. But I’m never going to drink for the rest of my life and I’m never going to treat anyone the way I’ve treated you ever again. I know I don’t deserve forgiveness and I understand why you never visited me in hosp –’

Abbey’s sentence was cut off by Gerard’s angry voice. ‘What do you mean I never visited you?’
‘You weren’t th –’
‘I visited every fucking day until Mikey and Frank told me the doctors said you needed space.’ Abbey stopped and stared at him, realizing Frank and Mikey must have said that in an effort to let Abbey have the space she had asked for the last couple of days.
‘You were there?’ She asked in a small voice. His expression softened.
‘You didn’t know?’ Abbey shook her head in reply. ‘I sang to you every day. I thought it might help you wake up.’ She remembered the tuneful mumbling and suddenly felt teary.
‘You did visit.’ She whispered.
‘Of course I did, you silly girl,’ he replied. ‘I’m in love with you too.’

Abbey ran into Gerard’s arms and wrapped herself around him. They kissed passionately, and before they knew it, clothes were disappearing. Gerard tore off Abbey’s t shirt with such haste, she was sure she heard it actually rip. Almost immediately, her bra was off and he was lifting her off the ground. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her into his bedroom, taking her nipple in his mouth in the process. She moaned as his tongue fluttered lightly over it and he lifted his head to kiss her once more. ‘I’ve been waiting a long time for this,’ he grinned into her mouth, as they arrived at the bed and he put her down. She smiled and pulled away from him, biting her lip as she undid his belt.

Gerard’s pants came down with Abbey’s help, as Gerard threw off his shirt. Once he was completely naked, he kissed her again, breaking away to kiss his way down her body to her panties. He kissed the fabric and she shuddered at the feel of his lips, anticipating much more than just his lips touching her bare skin there. ‘You better tell me now if I’m going too far,’ he whispered hoarsely. ‘Because once I start, I won’t be able to stop.’
‘Don’t stop,’ she moaned, running her fingers through his hair.
‘I’ll be quoting you on that,’ Gerard grinned as he hooked his fingers in the tops of her panties and pulled them down. He stood up and looked her over. ‘You are more beautiful than I ever imagined.’ He said lovingly.
‘I was just thinking the same thing,’ she smiled, looking him over and pulling him down onto the bed on top of her.

He hovered over her, planting kisses on her lips, her face, her collarbones. His hands roamed all over her, starting from her breasts and working his way lightly down her body to begin rubbing his finger over her nub, occasionally dipping his finger inside of her. Abbey moaned in blissful pleasure as Gerard got her wetter and wetter, until she was crying for another part of him to be inside of her. ‘Please,’ she begged. ‘Now.’ Gerard grinned and nodded, positioning himself over her. ‘I love you,’ he whispered, and plunged inside of her, slowly at first, and eventually building up a rhythm. ‘Faster, harder!’ She screamed as she reached her climax, shuddering underneath Gerard, as he too shook with an orgasm. They came together and collapsed in each other’s arms, panting.

‘Well, if I’d known that was what I was in for, I would’ve picked you much earlier,’ Abbey joked. Gerard grinned and kissed her on the nose.
‘So this is it?’ Gerard asked her. ‘You’re not going to change your mind?’
‘Not in a million years.’ She smiled happily as she kissed his chest.
‘Well it’s nice to know the saga’s over for now!’ A voice yelled from the other side of the wall.
Abbey turned to stare at Gerard. ‘How long has Frank been here?’
‘Long enough to know that you want it faster and harder!’ Frank called obnoxiously. Abbey had to smile, knowing that she was the luckiest girl in the world to have these men in her life, regardless of some of their perverted tendencies. The rest of the afternoon was spent drinking coffee, having sex, and disciplining Frank. Abbey could not help but think that this was the start of a new, happy chapter in her life, she was simply annoyed she had taken so long to start it.

Let me know how you feel about this last chapter. This is the end of this particular plotline, but I may do a sequel eventually if the mood strikes me. How would you guys feel about a sequel?
Rate, review, expressing your feelings is always good!
I'd also like to direct you guys to my other story "Vicissitude." It only has two chapters at the moment, but as this story is wrapping up, I will be devoting all of my time to that story now, and I'd love to have you guys on the ride with me.
You are all always so encouraging! Thanks for reading and being so supportive, it means the world to me!
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