Categories > Movies > Pirates of the Caribbean > Blue Leads to Hell

Right for All the Wrong Reasons

by devilsgyrl 0 reviews

Bern spends a night with Barbossa...

Category: Pirates of the Caribbean - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2010-12-24 - Updated: 2010-12-25 - 2345 words

I looked up at Barbossa in surprise. I really had no idea why he wanted to know about Sir Allen Parker. What did Sir Allen mean to him? I mean, most likely, neither of us would ever see him again. However, since Barbossa had told me the story about the woman he loved (or at least I had assumed it was love), I felt I owed it to him to tell him what he wished. Besides, angering a pirate is never a good idea. They were all known to have short tempers and make rash decisions.

"Sir Allen Parker was rather rich," I started out, imagining a clear picture of Sir Allen in my mind. He was dressed in formal clothes with a fancy blue button-up top, a white wig that he always wore, and a perky black hat. Going on, I added, "I guess he was nice looking. There was never anything wrong with his looks exactly. It's just...he never seemed to pay attention to me."

I remembered all the times that Sir Allen had come for a visit. He would come and talk to my parents but would never really say anything to me. It was rather horrible always being left out. It was even worse being treated like a minor. When Sir Allen spoke about me, he would speak like I wasn't sitting in the room and he would always speak about me and not directly to me.

Deciding to explain this to Barbossa, I said, "I know he didn't have a problem with marrying me. However, I think the only reason he was doing it was because of my parents. My parents and him made a bargain. If Sir Allen would marry me, my mum and dad would pay him a rather large sum of money. I guess that was how desperate my parents wanted me to me in a rich family."

Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes, but I would not cry today. Certainly not here and now. It didn't matter that my mother didn't care about me. It didn't matter that all my parents cared about was money. I was gone from them and Sir Allen for forever. No way were they ever going to find me on this ship. And to be honest, I didn't even know how long I'd last on this ship with all these bloody pirates.

Barbossa frowned and said, "Greed can do strange things to ya. It seems rather inappropriate to be marryin' such a pretty thing like yerself off just to get more money." Barbossa looked down at me sitting next to him, huddling in his jacket with the blanket over my legs. I wasn't sure why he was calling me pretty. With my windblown hair, smeared makeup, and these awful clothes on, I probably looked like hell. Not for the first time, I wished I had packed some extra clothes with me.

Deciding to protest, I told Barbossa, "I'm not pretty, don't try to sweet talk me. We all know I'm nothing special." That was totally true. I wasn't anything to drool over. My hair was long and brownish/blonde. My eyes were blue, my features were pale unless I was hot, and I was only five feet tall and weighed a whole ninety-five pounds. Yeah, there wasn't much to like about me.

Barbossa seemed to think otherwise though. Looking down at me wisely, he said, "So ya say. Someday, ye'll know what I mean though. Someday lots of men'll be fightin' over ya. Just wait 'nd see." Barbossa paused and then added, "Do ye have a lot of friends back at yer home?" The word "home" seemed strange to me. Home had never felt like a home.

"No," I replied, shaking my head. "I didn't have a single friend actually." This was all true. For some reason, it was like I just didn't get along with people my age. I wasn't sure if it was my appearance or personality, but I had just never been able to make a friend. It was sad really. Most girls had at least one or two friends.

Barbossa frowned, but didn't comment. Instead, he slowly got to his feet and towered over me as he said, "Well, I'd best be lettin' ya have some sleep. Ye'll have a long day tomorrow. It takes gettin' use to things on a pirate ship." With that said, Barbossa started to stride over to the big doors that led to my little cabin.

For some strange reason though, a weird impulse overtook me and I found myself crying out, "Wait!" Barbossa paused at the doorway and raised his eyebrows at me curiously. Now that I had told him to wait, I didn't know what to say. All I knew was that I didn't want him to leave and I wasn't even sure why. I was really starting to lose it.

"Will you stay in here? Just for tonight?" I asked suddenly, knowing that he needed to stay. When Barbossa's eyebrows flew up and he gave me a look of pure astonishment, I added, "You know, just to make sure nobody comes in during the night. I'm not sure I trust all of the crew." As I said that, I couldn't help but think about the man who had grabbed my dress earlier.

Barbossa hesitated in the doorway for a moment and then agreed, "Aye, I can stay with ya tonight. "Want me ta sit over here by the door ta keep watch?" Barbossa's motioned to a wooden chair sitting just in front of the doorway. The chair looked really stiff and hard. I didn't think anyone would be able to bear sitting on it for more than five minutes.

Hoping I wasn't getting myself into trouble by initiating this, I shook my head and said, "No, don't sit there. You can sit on the bed with me if you'd like." It wasn't like I wanted Barbossa in my bed, but I certainly didn't want him to have to sleep in a hard wooden chair. I guess I could be a little too merciful sometimes. Maybe that would be my downfall.

Still looking rather surprised, Barbossa crossed the room and sat down at one end of the bed. He leaned against the wall and took his hat off. For a moment, I thought he was going to take his shirt off too, but he didn't. Tossing his hat on the nightstand nearby the bed, Barbossa said, "Want to lay down? It would probably be more comfortable for ye. Here, I'll close my eyes."

Barbossa clenched his eyelids shut and waited for me to lay down. Deciding that I could certainly trust him at this point, I pulled the blanket off my legs, arranged myself into a position where I was lying on my side, and then wrapped the blanket up around my body as well as I could. I had never been good with wrapping blankets around myself and somehow managed to get my legs all tangled up in the sheets. Oh well, it was just going to have to work. I didn't want to bother with the silly blanket.

Closing my eyes, I said, "Okay, you can open your eyes now. I'm going to sleep." I didn't even bother to open my eyes again. My eyelids were heavy and felt like weights dragging me downwards. I trusted Barbossa to behave while I slept. I don't know what made me trust him, but I just kind of did. That was strange, especially considering that he was a pirate.

As I got sleepier and sleepier, my brain started to shut down and I just started acting upon instinct. It was cold here in the cabin. Even with Barbossa's coat and the blanket, I was still shiver. Some part of me told me that there was warmth coming from above me. Without knowing what the source of warmth was in my sleepy state, I moved up the bed and rested my head on the warmth. I immediately felt warmer and let out a sigh of relief. Little did I know that I had actually just put my head in Barbossa's lap.

A few minutes later, something or someone stroked my hair out of my eyes and behind my neck. It felt quite good and I let out another sigh of pleasure as I wrapped myself around the heat and snuggled in closely. This was obviously not a good thing. My body was taking over and my mind had shut down. You should never let yourself let your guard down around a pirate.

~ ~ ~ ~

The next morning, I woke in confusion. It took me a long time to figure out that I was aboard a pirate ship and was no longer in my safe fluffy bed at home. When I woke, I was alone. Barbossa must have left me someday in the night. I frowned at that. I wished he had stayed with me. After all, anyone could've come in and raped me in the middle of the night without the captain keeping guard!

Deciding that there was really no point in just hanging out and sitting on the bed, I slowly got up and stretched. All my limbs were rather sore. That wasn't a good sign. I was sore and I hadn't even spent an entire day on the pirate ship! Yeah, that was definitely not a good sign so far. Maybe it was a bad omen.

As I padded across the floor, I noticed something the black and blue lying on the chair by the door. Curious to see what they were, I picked them both up and held them up to the lighting. As I did so, a small note fluttered to the ground and landed at my feet. I immediately dumped the clothes back onto the chair and reached for the note. After retrieving it, I peeled it open carefully and read the words that were written on it. It was a letter from Barbossa.

My eyes skimmed quickly across the note and then returned to the blue and black lumps. Barbossa had said that he had found some different clothes for me and that these should be the right size. I sure hoped that he was right. It was more than embarrassing to have to walk around in a dress that I was practically drowning in.

I quickly slipped the black pants on and buttoned up the blue shirt. Surprisingly enough, they fit quite well. I had to admit that I felt quite a bit more confident in these new clothes. They seemed more like pirate clothes. I wasn't a pirate obviously, but I wanted to try and fit in with the crew as much as possible. There was no saying how long I would be on this damned ship for.

Once I had changed and was setting the note back down on the chair, I realized there was writing on the back too. Curious as to see what it might read, I unfolded it once more and brought it to eye level. After skimming it over, I realized that Barbossa wanted me to dine with him for breakfast. Hoping I didn't look too bad, I squared my shoulders, opened the door to my cabin, and marched out.

Unfortunately, there was a major problem with all of this. I had no idea where I was suppose to be dining with Barbossa. Nervously, I crept across the floor and kept my eyes open for the captain. The lower deck was eerily quiet. I didn't hear or see anyone. I told myself I was just being paranoid when I suddenly felt strong brown arms grab me.

Freezing in my steps, I looked upwards to see the same black man who had grabbed my dress yesterday. He was giving me an awful smile and his eyes glittered menacingly in the dark. Leaning down he hissed in my face, "Are you lost, little girl?" He had white dots painted on his face and his mouth was large. The muscles in his arms protruded and he looked very strong.

I was instantly afraid. Frowning, I tried to pull away from him as I hissed, "Leave me alone! I'm suppose to be dining with the captain now." Instead of respecting the captain's orders like I had wished, the black man just chuckled loudly and said, "You can dine with the captain later. You're not going anywhere for now." With that, he yanked me against him and shoved his lips against my mouth.

The forced kiss felt hard and wrong against my lips. I tried to pull back, but there was nothing I could do against this man. He was too strong and he was sucking every ounce of my breath away. I couldn't breathe. There was no air. Panicking, I tried to rip my lips away from the man's. All that did was cause him to suck down harder on my lip and grab my breast with one hand.

The way his fingernails bit into my breast was very painful and my vision started swirling as my air supply became more and more restricted. What was going to happen to me here? Was I going to pass out and be raped? It certainly seemed like it. The worst part was that there was absolutely nothing I could do about any of it. I was just going to fall into this evil man's hands and let him do what he wanted with my body. I had absolutely no control in this situation.

The man squeezed my breast harder and just when I thought I couldn't handle him ripping into my sensitive flesh any longer, there was a loud crack. Abruptly, the man went still and cold. His eyes glazed over and he fell to the ground with a loud thump. There were footsteps behind me and then a gentle pair of arms wrapped themselves around me. Feeling lost and scared, I huddle in the person's arms and buried my head in their chest.
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