Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > The Net of Love

Good Morning, Jay

by dannieleto 0 reviews

Catarina is a portuguese girl that loves Thrity Seconds To Mars, and even writes stories about meeting them, especially Jared Leto, her crush since she knows the band... The future is unknown to he...

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2010-12-25 - Updated: 2010-12-25 - 1182 words - Complete

~ Chapter One ~

No warning sign, no alibi,
We faded faster than the speed of light...

- Hum... Good Morning Jay - I said to my telephone, when the alarm played.
I was feeling really good. The music was still playing, and I started to sing along with it... until my sister woke up.
- Shut up, Catarina, you're voice is damn annoying - she told me.
My sister Adriana wasn't much older than me, only one year and a half, but she always thought she had a lot of control over me. She was a fucking bitch, I gotta admit it. She was always saying what I should and shouldn't do, always criticizing me, summarizing: always getting deep on my nerves. But I wouldn't let her get me out of my good mood today: it was Christmas, for God sake!
I turned the music off, contradicted, and just dressed up. I was strangely energetic, don't ask me why. Maybe it was fault of my brand new mobile phone, the one I asked my brothers so many times, they were sick of hearing me. After I was dressed, I went to my living room, looking forward to eat some cake, but I stopped, looking absurdly to my christmas tree.
- More gifts?! - I asked aloud, not believing in that.
I went to my brothers' room, to wake them up.
- Ricardo... why is there more Christmas gifts under the tree? - I asked. He instantly got up.
- Oh, fuck, I tottaly forgot...
Ricardo was my older brother; he was the oldest from the four of us, since he was 26. My other brother, Pedro, was younger than him, but older than me, himself being 23. My sister, Adriana, was 17, and me, the younger one, was just 15.
- Pedro, get up. I forgot, yesterday - my brother Ricardo said, getting up from his bed.
- Yeah, I already understood that - my other brother replied, getting up too. - Let's go to the living room.
They both leaded me to the living room, and I could understand they wanted to tell me something important. We sat on the couch, with each one of them by my side, and I was getting nervous.
- What's up, Ricardo? - I asked, a little afraid of all that.
- Hum, just need to tell you something a little complicated...
- Go straight to your point, please - I asked, now really scared.
I remembered the time when my godmother told me and my sister my mom had died: she told it rightaway, and I handled it... for some days. There was a deadly silence in the room.
- Come on, tell me, I'll be okay, whatever it is - I told them, playing strong.
Pedro cleared his throat, and spoke.
- Well, you wanna know it? Okay, the main thing is that you're not fifteen. You're birthday is in three days, and you're about to make 29. When your mom had you, she hidden you, so your grandfather wouldn't kill you. That time was tottaly unacceptable to have a child before 22 - he said, emotionless and quickly.
I was... shocked. I never had imagined something like that would happen to me. Don't ask me why, but the first thought that came to me was "Now, I'm just ten years apart Jared Leto". I smiled at my mind. I wasn't obssessed with Jared Leto, but I really liked him. Sometimes, I would sigh for him.
- But now you got a decision to make - Ricardo said, turning me off of my thoughts.
- What? - I asked, suspicious.
- You have to decide if you wanna be fifteen and keep your life like this conversation never happened, or if you wanna change for your truly you, the 29-year-old girl, making the surgery that will change your image into how you really look.
I stared at him. Tough decision... Remain like this, or pass all my teenage years, turning to an adult and changing my image? I thought for a while... Hum...
- I'm so sorry, but I wanna make the surgery... I don't wanna be someone that I'm not - I told them, looking down.
- I knew you would make that choice - Ricardo said, making me look at him. He was smiling! - That's an adult answer, and I knew you're grown enough to handle this.
I hugged him, and then hugged Pedro.
- Thank you... Now, tell me, what's about the gifts? - I asked, making them laugh.
- Go open them - Pedro said.
I went to the tree, and opened the smallest gift. It was only a paper, with a bank account number and PIN. It also had a card.
- What's this? - I asked, shaking the paper in my hand.
- Your bank account. Your mom saved money for you since you were born. You must have a lot of money there - Pedro told me, laughing in the end. One single tear fell through my face, while I was smiling.
I picked up the other gift: it was one laptop.
- A laptop? - I asked, confused.
- Yeah, I'm sure you'll want to travel, so, we just want you to keep in touch - Ricardo said, smiling.
- You're the best brothers ever! - I said, while Adriana got in.
- Why does she get a laptop, and I don't? - She asked, a little mad.
- Pedro tells you. Now, I have to drive her to a place - Pedro said, going to his room to get dressed.
He got back in five minutes, and only said:
- Let's go?
I nodded, and went after him to his car. We went to a clinic, somewhere, and the doctor told me some things he had to say, medicin things, and I pretended I listened.
Finally, we went to a room where he would do the surgery. Luckily, it was just an injection, and I would be asleep, while the change would happen.

I woke up a little bit confused, but yet feeling good. I looked up, and only saw the ceiling of my room. Ricardo must've picked me up. I got up and walked to the mirror, to see what had changed. The first thing I noticed was my eyes: they were in the most beautiful green I had ever seen. I never liked green itself, except in someone's eyes. And now, that gorgeous green was in my eyes. Then, I noticed my hair. It was long and... red? I fucking loved that, since red was my favourite colour. Then, I saw that I was taller, and much more thinner. Now, I looked like an adult. Even my face had changed: now, it was oval and, not grabbing, perfectly shaped. I smiled, and noticed that even my teeth were now straight and white. I also noticed I didn't need my glasses to see right. The worst thing about it all was that my clothes wouldn't fit me anymore. Needed some shopping... Good thing I had my credit card, now.
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