Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Simple, The Beautiful, and The Valiant

Rooftop Sanctuary I

by shamefullyyours 0 reviews

It is the night before the beginning of the week long celebrations that would mark the King's victory in ending the war. Leovaldo once again avoids his aristocratic obligations...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2006-05-14 - Updated: 2006-05-14 - 434 words

The sun retreated from the approaching moon, burying its warm hues beneath the horizon as the moon's entourage of stars rose to fill the void of the darkening sky. Two youths sat on distant rooftops deep in reverie, effortlessly evading their duties and obligations while their parents struggled, in vain, to find their missing children. They dreamt under the same changing light, both helpless and unaware of the paths that had been laid out before them.
Their destinies would be sparked that night, and they would devastate the world.

An aristocrat sat on the roof of his castle, thinking of youthful ideals, while he knew his father would be scouring their home to discuss policies and treaties. Despite the late hour, he could see the peons running about the palace courtyard and walls, no doubt searching for him and asking about his most recent whereabouts. He could faintly hear guards and servants beneath him, checking the balconies and shouting for him. He knew it would only be a matter of time before they discovered his rooftop sanctuary, but decided to make no effort to move at all.
A breeze picked up, causing his long, hazel-colored hair to whip across his face in discord. He stared at the navy sky, his hands on his stomach and his thoughts on when his next chance for escape would be.
A woman's voice startled him despite its gentle pitch and tone.
"I suppose you know the degree of havoc you are causing by hiding up here?"
The aristocrat craned his neck to see his mother standing eloquently behind him. With her hands neatly clasped together in front of her, her usual erect posture and elegant appearance seemed slightly out of place on the roof. He returned his gaze to the stars and gave a long sigh before responding.
"I am surprised you are not more excited about this celebration. There will be many opportunities for... diversions, tonight." Her soft and articulate tone was a pleasant change from the hoarse shouting of the servants below. "Besides, if you come with me now, this hiding spot could remain secret."
The aristocrat craned his neck to give his mother a raised eyebrow. Though her face held her usual sweet expression, the sparkle in her eyes was clearly apparent to him.
He took his time standing up, stretching every bone and muscle in his body like a cat while his mother stood patiently and sweetly. It seemed to be a practiced routine.
Leovaldo the Patrician accompanied his mother back inside, where a night full of politics and formalities awaited them both.
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