Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

The End

by xFamousLivingDeadx 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-28 - Updated: 2010-12-29 - 775 words - Complete

Three weeks have finally come today was the day I would be leaving. I never thought I would see this day or thought this could happen. I’m still in shock I’m leaving I keep thinking any minute I will be waking up and this will all be a dream, but lucky that has not happen yet. There were times I didn’t think I would make it that all this hard work of getting better would have been a waste but I prove myself wrong and everyone else.

If it was not for Gerard I would have never made it I would never even tried to get better I wouldn’t let myself even think it. He was the one who push me into getting better showing me I could do this if I just gave it a try, and that it would not be easy there would be times I would mess up but as long as I kept trying I would finally be better and it happen.

There was only one problem I had no idea where I was going to go I had no place to live, my parents no longer cared for me. I know Gerard once told me I could stay with him when I finally left this place but that’s been months ago I’m sure now he doesn’t wont me to stay with him. For now I wasn’t going to let that bother me, I was finally leaving I needed to be happy.

I look around my room one last time this would be the last time I would ever see it and I was beyond happy. I never wanted to see this place again; I wasn’t going to let myself fall back into my old ways. In some ways I was kind of scared of leaving I forgot how it was like to live in the real world, I lived behind some many walls it’s been a while since I last seen the world. As I was looking around I heard a knock on my door, I turn to see Gerard.

“So are you finally ready to leave this place, “He ask while walking in.

“I’ve been ready. Just one problem where am I going to live, “I ask while looking at him.

“Alright then let’s go, and don’t worry about that, “He replied.

I just look at him and followed him out, how could I not be worried about that, I had no place to go but it didn’t seem to bother him so I wasn’t going to let it bother me even though it was hard not too. We finally reach the front doors, the doors to freedom.

“Goodbye Frank, “Stephanie said while hugging me.

She was the only person I was going to miss, she also help me out. She listen to everything I had to say and showed me not to be afraid.

“Goodbye Stephanie, I will miss you, “I replied.

“I’ll miss you too, “She said while looking at me.

I went out the doors and breathe in the fresh air I was finally leaving, I was happy. There was a taxi outside I had no idea where I was going.

“Where are we going, “I ask Gerard as he put my bags in the taxi.

“Again don’t worry about it, are you ready, “He ask.

“As if you had to ask, “I replied.

We both got in the taxi and headed out I was finally free.

Hour later

After an hour the taxi went down this dirt road I had no idea where we were going, finally after driving down the long drive way, we pulled up to this house. It was beyond beautiful it was big the front porch was big. I got out of the taxi and look around, having no idea what was going on.

“So do you like it, “Gerard ask while getting out.

“It’s beautiful, but why are we here, “I ask while turning towards him.

“Welcome to our home, “He said with a smile.

I just stared at him this was our home I couldn’t believe it. I started to smile I had a home. I finally knew what it was like to finally be free and to finally to live my life. I couldn’t wait to start living my life with the one I loved, my new life was just starting.

The End. Thanks for all the reviwes on this story, it means a whole lot. And for everyone who stuck with me and everything. Thanks again.
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