Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Three Weeks

by xFamousLivingDeadx 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-28 - Updated: 2010-12-29 - 642 words - Complete

Today I would be meeting with Stacey, I was still angry with her. She lied to me I don’t think I could trust her again, but then again I have to start trusting people more if I ever want to leave this place. I walk into room I could tell this would be a long day. I walk in and sit down in front of her desk; I really thought I could trust her it just shows you really can’t trust people.

“Frank I know you’re angry with me and you have every right to be, but Tyler couldn’t go to jail. The court found him to be insane, and this was the last place I wanted him to come but his not staying long just until the doctors find him a new place to stay out. Tyler is not allowed out of his room unless someone is without him at all times, “Stacey said while looking at me.

I could tell in her voice she was sorry for what happen I do believe her. Everyone I let in my life have shown me trust is something I can’t have in people, I was starting to trust people again but it was taken away from me when she lied.

“I want to believe you and I can tell you are sorry. I let a lot people in life before and gave them my trust but those people shown me I couldn’t trust people as I thought I could, that’s why it’s hard for me to trust again. I know if I want to leave this place I’m going to have to trust again but it’s going to take some time, “I replied while finally looking back at her.

“Frank you have came so far, from being someone who would go insane and not talking to anyone to being someone who is finally open up and getting better. Trust is something you have to do on your own, and yes, it will take time. To leave this place is not base on trusting again its base on if you can finally live a normal life without going back to the old you, which you have shown you can. If you keep this up in three more weeks you’ll be able to leave, “She said.

My heart had stop I would finally be happy to leave I could not believe it. I could not help but to smile I wanted to hear that for so long I was beginning to think I would never leave here.

“Do you mean that, I will be able to leave in three weeks, “I ask with a smile.

“Yes you will if you keep this up then you will be able to leave, “She replied.

After an hour of talking I ran out of her office I had to find Gerard, I still could not believe I was finally going to leave this place. I knew I would not go back to my old ways I came so far I could not throw everything away, I finally found Gerard in our room.

“I’m leaving in three weeks, “I yelled with a smile.

“What, “He ask as if he didn’t not believe what I just said.

“Stacey said if I keep on getting better then I can leave in three weeks, I’m finally leaving this place, “I said before running towards him to hug him.

“I can’t believe it, I’m so proud of you I knew you can do this, “He said while hugging me.

I never thought in a million years I would ever be able to finally live my life again, to be free. I knew I could not mess this up; this would be my last shot of ever leaving.
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