Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > From The Earth To The Morgue

From The Earth To The Morgue

by savedbymcr15 2 reviews

A man manages to get onstage during a concert. Mikey gets hurt. Suddenly, the Way brothers' world is turned upside down. [Co-written story]

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-12-30 - Updated: 2010-12-30 - 859 words - Complete

Gerard's p.o.v.

We were in the midst of playing our set, when some guy, around the age of 45 managed to get past security and onto the stage. The man ran for Frank, so I ran after him, in order to defend my friend. Frank had disappeared off of the stage, and then the man made a sharp turn and ran for my brother.

Oh man! He's going for Mikey! I have to stop him before he gets there!

Unfortunately, I didn't. The man ran at my brother, and tackled him to the ground. I looked up to see Bob looking like he wanted to rip this guy apart. He mouthed down to me asking if I wanted him to come down where I was. I mouthed back up at him that I had this under control.

The man was punching my brother, and then he started to choke him. I ran at him, and ripped him off of Mikey. I started to punch this guy, and I was sure making him uglier than he already was.One of the backstage crew ran out and grabbed the man, dragging him backstage.

I looked overat my brother. He was lying on the ground, whimpering. He must've been terrified. I would've been.

I ran over to my brother and I knelt down besidehim.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

Mikey shook his head 'no' and continued whimpering. I had already put the microphone down, so my hands were free. I tried to put my hands under Mikey's arms so I could get him up, but he refused to let me.

I took his bass off of him, and I tried again. This time, Mikey let me lift him up.

When I got my brother up, he was shaking. I let go of him, and he started to fall again. I quickly grabbed him. It tore my heart to see him looking so vunerable. I held Mikey so his back was against my chest.

"Mikey, breathe, calm down. I'm here now, and I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you."

Oops...spoke a little too soon...

The man escaped from the backstage crew, and ran back onstage.

He ripped me away from my brother, and he tossed me to the ground, and he pushed my brother back to the ground. He punched Mikey in the stomach, and then he got up. That man kicked my brother in the stomach, and then in theribs. You could hear a loud 'crack' amplify itself throughout the stadium.

Mikey cried out in pain. I got up, and this time, I tackled the bastard down and started to beat the shit out of him with no mercy. I picked him up by the collar of his shirt, and then, he asked me,

"Is that all you've got?"

"Nope, we're just getting started."

"What else can a little faggot like you do?"

I slammed his face into the floor. Then, I knelt down and spoke to him.

"Don't you EVER try to mess with my baby brother again. You got that?"

"Can you repeat that?"

I picked him up my his collar, and then I said

"I said, don't you EVER try to mess with my baby brother again, because when you mess with him, you mess with me."

I slammed his face onto the stage once more.

"That's what you get for even attempting to mess with my brother."

The backstage crew came back out and got him off of the stage.

I picked up the microphone.

"Violence is still not the answer. Don't EVER do what I just did. I only did that because he was messing with my brother, and it made me feel threatened." I put the microphone back down and ran over to Mikey.

"Mikey?" I asked my brother, who was now crying.

He looked up at me, with his eyes full of fear and pain.

I tried to pick him up.

Mikey curled up into a little ball which prevented me from doing so. I moved his arms, and I placed my hands under his arms, lifting him up with me. Mikey's body was trembling even more than it was before.

"Mikey, nothing's gonna happen to you, okay? Just breathe, and calm down."

" rib hurts.." Mikey told me in a soft, fearful voice.

"Shh..just relax." I told my brother as I held him with my arms around his waist, his back against my chest.

"I was so scared. I thought that he was going to kill me or something."

"Do you seriously think that I would let that happen?"

"No, but..he was just..." Mikey trailed off.

"I know. Can you stand by yourself?" I asked.

"Yeah...and can we get my rib checked out after the show?"

"Sure." I replied. I gave my brother a final hug a kiss on the cheek and walked back to the microphone.

Mikey came up to me and gave me something. It was Bengay that fell out of the man's pocket.

I spoke into the microphone.

"Hey! It's Bengay! That guy's really gonna need this after the guys backstage are done with him."
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