Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Puppeteer

The Puppeteer

by IsisBane 1 review

Gerard, Frank and AJ never expected they'd have to execute each other just so one of them could live. But with Viktor, your expectations will be your demise.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2010-12-27 - Updated: 2011-01-09 - 876 words

AJ's head pounded with each bump in the road. She opened her eyes to complete darkness, and wanted to scream out. But something told her to stay as quiet as possible. She tried to reach out in to the dark, but her hands were restrained. She didn't thrash around. Instead, she just sat there and waited.

She refused to close her eyes. AJ tried to calm her nerves by going through song lyrics in her head. It helped a little, until her panic returned in a single thought. "Gerard, are you in here?" she asked quietly. Her heart pounded as she awaited an answer. Any kind of sign that she wasn't alone would be comforting.

After a moment, a voice broke the silence. "I'm right here. I think I'm next to you."

A small smile crossed her face. She carefully moved her foot around and finally hit something. "Watch where you kick", Gee said, chuckling. "I don't want my leg to be broken in the morning."

She smiled and scooted closer to him. She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. "What's happening?" she whispered.

"I wish I knew", he whispered back, resting his head on hers. A feeling of security surrounded them and stayed there until a burst of light poured through a door. AJ squinted and stared at the sight in front of her.

They were in the back of a van, facing the doors. Outside was the most serene place she had ever seen, yet it had a menacing feeling to it. There was something about opening your eyes and seeing a large mansion surrounded by trees at the edge of a lake that was slightly unsettling.

She desperately tried to see any sign that they weren't the only ones in this remote area, but thinks looked worse with every glance into the seemingly never ending foliage. A man around twenty-five or so appeared a moment later at the doors. He had brown hair that looked like it had just been swirled with blond. He had no sympathy in his chocolate eyes as he roughly pulled Gerard out of the van.

AJ tried to kick him away, but someone else pulled her out as well. She barely got a glimpse of the person's face as he pushed her towards the mansion. He had black hair and big brown eyes that gave away just how young he was. Seventeen, possibly older. AJ noticed he handled her with much more care. As if she were a small child. Even still, she tried to fight him.

She started kicking him as he guided her forward. He pulled her closer to his body, bracing her back against him. He continued pushing her gently as he almost warily whispered something. AJ thrashed harder. "Amy, stop this. It'll just be easier if you do as I say" he said quietly. She barely heard him over her own fear when he said her name.

She stared up at the mansion that loomed over the large lake. It was stone, and it looked fairly new. It seemed as if it was out of a fairytale. But the large gargoyles gave it more of an eerie feeling. The iron gates creaked open automatically, as if on cue.

AJ kept her eyes focused ahead, concentrating on Gerard. She winced with ever shove that the older man gave him. After they passed the gates, the slammed shut and AJ heard a loud click. She looked back at them. It would be impossible to climb them with their monstrous height. And now that they were locked... well, she'd just have to find another way for them to get out.

Her 'escort' led her through the doors and into the large entryway. The man gave Gerard an extra hard push that made him stumble forward a bit. Without his arms to balance him, he tripped and fell to his knees. AJ felt her arms be released jut as the man untied Gerard's hands. When he finished, he stood and turned, grabbing the the other man's arm and dragging him out the door with him. The door slammed and locked.

AJ didn't even care. She was at Gerard's side in a second, helping him to his feet. They were both still a bit shaken, so even his fall made things worse. He steadied himself and looked around.

There wasn't anything around them except multiple doorways and a few small windows. AJ spotted a small table at the end of the short hallway. She took Gerard's hand and guided him to it slowly. On top of the table were two envelopes.

After further examination, AJ was ready to have a nervous breakdown. Scrawled in a foreign handwriting was a name she hadn't seen in years. Amy Joe


Okayyyy..... I just wanna say that even though this is short, it took all of my concentration. So I worked really hard. The location is kind of based on a place in Indiana... except there are other cabins. But the mansion actually exists. It's really cool, and I thought I might use it in a story sometime. Besides, nobody has owned that place in years (which I find quite suspicious.... lol). Anyway, i would love some reviews :)
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