Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > From the Zones to Battery City

ONE: Operation Drac Attack

by MCRmyBabe90 0 reviews

"Where is he you mindless drone? Where. Is. My. Brother?!"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2011-01-09 - Updated: 2011-01-10 - 2790 words

A/N: Hiiii all!! I finally have Chapter One finished and ready to go. Enjoy XOXO

Three Months Later
I woke up in a cold sweat and with a scream. Fun Ghoul was instantly awake and off the old beat up mattress with his lazer in his hand trying to find the danger. I was gasping for air, and my hand automatically went to the locket around my neck to comfort me. When Ghoul saw there was no danger he put his lazer back and sat down, pulling me into his arms.

"Another nightmare?" He asked as he rocked me gently in his arms. I just nodded at him, still trying to calm my breathing. "Shhh it's okay. I'm here and everything is okay now." He kissed my shoulder and I let out a shaky breath.

"I'm sorry Ghoul." Was all I could say to him.

"Don't be sorry Sapphire. Just relax, it's okay now."

I took a few deep breaths and finally felt a little better. My breathing returned to normal, and my heartbeat slowed to a steady pace. These nightmares were occurring more and more frequently now, ever since that disaster that was my twenty-first birthday. It's been three months since that horrific night, and I still have no clue what happened to Crimson Soul. There was no news about him anywhere. None of the Killjoys here in the Zones have heard anything, and BLi was keeping tight lipped about it in Battery City. That is what struck me as the most odd since BLi loved to gloat whenever they caught a Killjoy. I would not give up on Crimson. Something told me he was still alive, and I won't stop until I find him.

"Do you want to talk about your nightmare?" Ghoul asked me.

I shuddered just thinking about it. Korse was the star of tonight's nightmare. It took place at the diner, and Korse was able to overpower and capture us all. He had Poison and Grace shipped of to Battery City, and I watched helplessly as he ghosted Jet and Kobra right in front of me. I tried to break free and ghost his ass, but there were too many Dracs holding me back. I was crying when Korse had his Dracs drag in a semi-conscious Fun Ghoul. Korse shot me a wickedly evil smile and aimed his lazer at Ghoul's head. I was screaming and fighting so hard to break free, but I couldn't. Korse pulled the trigger and I watched as Ghoul's lifeless body hit the floor. That was when I woke up.

"It was just a stupid nightmare. I'm fine." I said and kissed Ghoul lightly on the lips before finally getting up off the mattress.

Ghoul watched me as I made my way over to the sad excuse of a mirror that hung on the wall of the room we were in. Looking at my reflection in the mirror made me internally cringe. I looked like complete shit. My collar bone length black hair was a mess, and stands of my bright blue streaks stuck up in all directions. I had big purple circles under my hazel-green eyes which showed my three months of no sleep. The freckles across my nose and cheeks were the only positive I could find since all my time in the sun made the stand out against my alabaster skin.

"I look like Holy Hell." I said to Ghoul as he got up and got dressed. He tossed me my boots and twin lazers and chuckled.

"That's what staying up late and barely sleeping at night for three months will do to you. You need to slow down and take a break."

"I can't slow down, you know that. Not with Crimson still missing and BLi trying to take us down."

He put his gun in it's holster and gave me a stern look as I laced up my boots, and tucked my lazers away at the small of my back. "Sapphire you are running yourself into the ground. You need to take a step back and just breathe. You'll be of no use to anyone if you kill yourself from stress and no sleep."

He was right of course. At the rate I was going I would end up getting myself ghosted. "Okay. I promise to take a step back and breathe, Scout's honor." I said to Ghoul and smiled, making the Girl Scout hand sign to show my promise. He just laughed and kissed me before leaving the room to join the others.

We were currently hiding out in the house Grace and I ended up at the night of my birthday massacre. We were only here because the diner still wasn't completely repaired yet. Most days I stayed behind here with Grace while the boys were at the diner fixing it up. I was going crazy being stuck here and couldn't wait for us to be back on the road. When I finally finished making myself look somewhat presentable I left the room to go join the others. When I reached the kitchen, the smell of eggs caused my stomach to growl loudly. Walking into the ancient kitchen I found Jet Star behind the stove cooking eggs and toast, and Grace sitting at the old wood table eating happily. She smiled at me when she saw me.

"Good morning Sapphire." She said as I took a seat at the table. Jet brought me over a plate of eggs and toast that looked so sinfully good. It wasn't very often that you get to eat real food in the Zones, so this was a treat.

"Morning Grace," I replied and bit into a piece of toast, "Jet you are a God! This is so good."

Jet Star just laughed and poured himself a cup of coffee. I saw out the broken kitchen window that Kobra, Ghoul, and Poison were leaning against the Trans Am listening to Doctor Death's morning report. I took my plate of food and joined them outside, with Jet and Grace following behind me.

"Good morning all you Motor Babies out there in the Zones. You're here with my, Doctor Death Defying. Killjoy news is top priority today. Mama Mayhem and Father Funk were patrolling Zone 2 yesterday when the ran into a Drac problem. They put up on hell of a fight, but got themselves captured."

"Damnit, another two captured." I heard Poison say under his breath.

I lost my appetite, and put my plate aside. Mama Mayhem and Father Funk were probably now sitting in a Battery City jail cell waiting to be interrogated on our whereabouts.

"Breaking news Motor Babies. I just received a distress call from Mass Chaos. She's on the outskirts of Zone 6 with about a dozen Dracs hot on her trail. She's calling for any Killjoys nearby to go and assist her."

"Poison shut the radio off then and the rest of us were up and in motion. We were probably the closest Killjoys to her, and we needed to go help her. We couldn't afford another Killjoy being abducted or ghosted by the Dracs. Poison, Kobra, and Grace piled into the Trans Am while myself, Jet, and Ghoul piled into my Camaro. We sped away from our hideout with Poison leading the way. Time to kick some Drac ass.

It only took us about fifteen minutes to arrive to the outskirts of Zone 6. It was a war zone. Mass Chaos was hiding behind a giant boulder closest to us and shooting blindly at the Dracs. She wasn't doing too bad considering she just nailed two of them between the eyes. We were out of the cars in seconds, the boys charging towards the Dracs, lazer beams shooting left and right, and Grace and I running towards Chaos.

"Chaos!" I called to her and she smiled in relief.

"It's about time your skinny ass showed up!" She pulled me into a quick hug, and then Grace. "Hey there Grace."

I peered around the side of the boulder to take in the action. The boys were doing pretty well, but didn't realize that three Dracs snuck passed them and were heading towards us. Oh goodie, my turn to kick ass.

"Keep Grace safe, and cover my ass!" I called to Chaos as i sprinted out from behind the boulder, lazers drawn. The three Dracs stopped and sized me up.

"Hey there boys." I said and grinned, "Care to dance?"

The Dracs began shooting and I gracefully dodged each blast. I caught one in the chest, and was about to ghost number two until I felt something slice into my arm. I hissed in pain and saw another Drac decided to join the dance, smoke coming out from the lazer he just fired. I focused my attention on him, ignoring the burning pain in my arm. The other two circled around me, trapping me between them.

"Shit. Sapphire you crazy bitch!" I heard Chaos yell, and then I heard the sound of two lazer shots. One came from Chaos's gun, catching one Drac in the back. The other shot came from the Drac in front of me and I quickly rolled away to dodge it, firing my lazer as I rolled. I caught him in the chest and he went down. I quickly fired again and caught the last Drac between the eyes as he came at me.

"Way to go Sapphire!" Grace yelled as she and Mass Chaos sprinted towards me.

"You're a crazy bitch you know that right?" Chaos said to me and shook her head, "You're bleeding too." She motioned towards my arm.

"So are you." I motioned towards her side.

"Aw shit. Stupid bastards. And I liked this shirt too." She grumbled and inspected her injury.

A pathetic moan caught my attention, and I noticed the Drac Chaos hit trying to crawl away. I marched over to him, my silver and blue lazers trained on him, and kicked him hard in the ribs. He groaned and coughed and I knelt down to pull off his mask. He was a young one, no older than me. He looked at me light a deer caught in the headlights.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked him, digging the heel of my boot into his chest making him squirm. "I have a few questions for you."

He just looked at me. He reached his arm out for his lazer, but Grace kicked it further away from him.

"Now," I began pointing my silver lazer at his face, "where is Crimson Soul?"

I got no answer, so I dug my heel even deeper into his chest. He squirmed even more and groaned. "Where the FUCK is my brother you mindless piece of shit. Where. Is. My. Brother?!" I spat out through clenched teeth.

The boys were heading over to us now, they had taken care of all the Dracs and ghosted them all. My prisoner still refused to answer me. I kicked him hard in the ribs once, twice, three times. Tears of anger and frustration rolled down my cheeks. I kissed the stupid Drac across the face, breaking his nose and nearly knocked him out. Blood gushed from his new wound. "Tell me where my fucking brother is!" I screamed at him now, my voice echoing all around us.

"Sapphire! Sapphire that's enough! He doesn't know anything!" Ghoul yelled coming over and pulling me off the Drac. I hissed in pain as Ghoul's hand came in contact with my injured arm. He ignored it and help me tight against him.

"Ghost him Kobra." Ghoul said in an eerie voice. Kobra nodded and pulled his lazer out, ghosting the Drac.

"Grace are you okay?" Poison asked and Grace nodded that she was fine. "Mass you're bleeding, so are you Sapphire. Let's get back to the cars and patch you guys up."

We all headed back to the cars in silence. Ghoul didn't lead me over to the Trans Am with the others, but instead led me over to my Camaro. I sat on the hood still fuming from not getting any information out of that Drac as Ghoul fished the First Aid kit out of the trunk. I was no closer to finding Crimson Soul and it sucked.

"Okay this is going to sting a bit." Ghoul said and placed a few cotton balls of ointment against my arm. I squeezed my eyes shut and hissed in pain, but Ghoul's touch was gentle. He had me bandaged up in mere minutes.

"Thank you." I muttered to him as he placed the First Aid kit back in the trunk.

"Saph I know you want to find Crimson, we all do, but you can't just kick the shit out of every person that you think knows something."

I sighed heavily and suddenly felt very exhausted. I rested my head against Ghoul's shoulder feeling defeated. "I know. I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me. Fuck, I'm a mess. I sware I'm going insane."

"You just need a few days to really relax and get your head on straight."

He was right. I did need a few days to clear my mind and really get back to my old self. If I didn't do that soon, it could ultimately get me in to some serious trouble. Ghoul hopped off the hood of my car, and took my hand leading me over to everyone else. He left me with Jet and Chaos and pulled Poison aside to talk to him in private.

"Thanks for coming and saving my ass Sapphire. I really owe you one." Chaos said to me giving my shoulder a squeeze.

"Don't mention it Chaos. We all have to stick together with the shit that the industry is pulling. I know if I was in your situation, you'd come save me."

She laughed and nodded, "You bet your crazy ass I would. But now it's time for me to jet. I'm supposed to be meeting Lazer Shadow in Zone 3. You best radio me any time you need anything missy."

I nodded and she pulled me into a hug. She hugged Kobra, Jet, and Grace, and waved to Poison and Ghoul then got behind the wheel of her Mustang. "Remember, radio me if you ever need anything!" She called to me and I gave her a thumbs up. She honked to us in farewell and sped off towards Zone 3.

Ghoul and Poison finished their private conversation and joined the rest of us some ten minutes later. Ghoul had his trademark grin in place and I looked at him confused. He took my hand and began ushering me towards my Camaro.

"Uh Ghoul? What the hell is going on?" I asked as he opened the passanger door for me and I climbed inside. He slid behind the wheel and started the car before answering.

"We've all been worried about you lately Sapphire. Between the recourring nightmares and your constant partolling for any information for Crimson, you're spent. You need a break and that's exactly what Poison decided to give you."

"I was still confused. "Okay so what's going on? Where are we going?"

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and sped away from the others. I watched as they got smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror until they disappeared completely. "We're going on a little mini vacation. I know exactly where I'm taking you. Consider this a little romantic getaway. We're going to meet up with the gang at the diner in two days."

"A romantic getaway? NOW of all times? Ghoul we have Korse after us, and we are on a mission to bring down BLi. We can't do this now!"

He just smiled while keeping his eyes on the road. "We can and are doing this now. The gang can take care of anything BLi or Korse related while we are gone. You need this, I need this, so we are doing this. Hush up and just enjoy this."

I sighed and closed my eyes, a small smile playing on my lips. Just Ghoul and I alone for two days, no worrying about Korse or Bli or getting ghosted? He was right, I did need this. I need to get back to one hundred percent health mentally, physically, and emotionally. Bring on the two days of relaxing and healing, and not to mention the two days of just Ghoul and I. My smile turned into a grin when I thought of all the two of us could do together.

Ta-Da!! I hope you enjoyed Chapter One. Please don't forget to review! I love hearing what all of you have to say =] XOXO MCRmyBabe
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