Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Laceration Gravity p1

Laceration Gravity p9

by dArDeViL 0 reviews

Frank and Skyler have an interesting day at school together. Frank meets Derek and both of them argue. Gee shows up later and takes both of them to see Mikey who is in the hospital...still sick and...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2011-01-17 - Updated: 2011-01-18 - 2156 words

The next morning I got up at & 7:20 and got dressed quickly, picking out a nice pair of black skinny jeans and an Infamous t-shirt. I then slipped on my Vans and went downstairs to the kitchen.

For breakfast I decided to eat waffles. When I was done the doorbell rang.

I ran to the door and saw Frankie standing there with a huge smile on his face.

“Hello!” I said cheerfully.
“Hey! Ready for school?”
“You bet.” I grabbed my bag and followed Frankie out the front door and down the walkway.
“You look cute this morning,” Frank complimented
“Thanks, you look pretty sharp too.”
“Thank you, my dear. All thanks to no uniforms.”

I smiled and we continued walking.

Mikey’s POV

I awoke to yet another morning…sick. I hated my condition: not being able to go anywhere or do anything I loved.

It was weird, but I actually wanted to go to school. At least there I’d get to spend more time with Skeye.

What’s more, I was falling for her more and more. The only problem was…Frank. He may have been my best friend but he always got what he wanted. And girls flocked to him easily. I, on the other hand, had never had a girlfriend.

There was one time I came close.

What had happened was I had a crush on this girl, was too shy to say anything, Frank met her, asked her out and while they were together he treated her like crap, broke her heart, and since I was his friend- the reason they were introduced in the first place- she never spoke to me again.

And I guess it wasn’t Frank’s fault. He didn’t know I liked her. But this girl was my friend before she ever met Frankie. I was not going to let something happen to Skeye, though. Not if I could help it.

Skyler was different. Different from any other girl. I knew that for sure. She even said she’d choose me out of every guy in her life. I was even going to ask her out if it hadn’t been for Frank barging into my room yet again without knocking first. But now that he was going to our school I was sure they’d become closer and closer, ruining my chances.

Frank steals all the girls, but this time would be different. I really, really like Skeye. And I would take care of her. I just needed to get better first. At least Frank would keep her company, until I got back.

“Morning, bro,” Gerard greeted me as he walked into my room.
“Hey, Gee,” I rasped.
“You’re still sick?” he asked incredulously.
“No,” I lied, “I’m feeling a lot better now actually. Think I can go to school now,” I replied quickly. Anything to get me out of this bed and with Skyler again.
But Gerard wasn’t buying it.
“Are you sure? You don’t look so good.”

Gerard walked closer and up to my bedside to get a better look at my complexion.

“You’re really pale, Mikey,” he assessed.
“I-I am?” I asked nervously.
“And you’re sweating profusely, Michael.”
“But I just took my temperature,” I protested.
“What was it?”
“I haven’t checked it yet.”
“Where is it?” Gee asked. “Where’s the thermometer?”
“Over on the dresser.”
Gerard picked it up. “Mikey it says one-oh-five!” he exclaimed. “You’re just getting worse each day! This isn’t normal. That’s it! You’re going to the hospital.”
“MOM!” Gee yelled loudly before I could get another word in.

A few moments later our mom stormed into the room, panicked. “What is it, Gerard?”
“Mikey’s burning up. He looks like a skeleton.”

Our mom felt my head, read the thermometer, and seemed to agree with Gerard.

“Come on, sweetie. You need to see a doctor.”

I was shivering all over. I only wanted to see Skeye.

“No hospitals!” I protested.
“You’re going. You don’t have a choice,” mom retorted firmly.

I was scared. I really didn’t think it was all that serious. I figured I’d get better eventually. I mean, the only thing I recollected of that night that could result to how I was now was only the cold weather, right?

Skyler’s POV

I was in my first period class with Frankie and man did he look cute. Ahh! What was I thinking?!

“This place doesn’t seem so bad,” Frank stated.
“I guess if you’re coming from a Catholic school it’s not.”
Frank laughed and asked, “So where’s this Derek I’ve heard so much about?” I froze up but Frank didn’t notice. “You barely mention him but Gee has told me stories and so has Mikey.” He then glanced over at me. “And both seem very careful to not mention him whenever you’re around or give you this look. Kind of like you were affiliated with each other at some point.”
I gave Frank a gentle smile which he slowly returned.
“Do you want to tell me why that is?”
“It’s a very small world.”

Frank nodded but thankfully didn’t push the subject. So far, Mikey and Gee were still the only guys to know that I went out with Derek back in middle school. And at this point in time I wanted to keep it that way. I would tell Frank eventually, just when I was ready.

Frank then sighed and put a comforting arm around me, almost as if to sway me to tell him what was on my mind. I didn't shudder.

“Don’t worry about it, okay? He’s not even remotely important. He’s just a big douche bag.”

FF to Last Period Class

“School’s almost over!” I cheered as the last five minutes of the school day were expiring by the second.
“Woo!” Frank shouted.
“What is it?” I asked when I saw Frank’s facial expression change.
“My phone,” he replied, “it just vibrated.”
“Really?” I asked, walking over to his side. “Who’s it from?”
“Gerard. It looks like he’ll be picking us up later,” Frank stated.
“Why?” I inquired curiously when I saw Frank’s eyebrows pull together.

Also, after blowing their big chance it was hard to believe that Gee would even want to see me.

“Something important, I guess,” Frank said with a shrug.


“Well, school’s out for the weekend!” I cheered.
“Yippee!! Let’s go,” Frank said, taking my hand in his.

We went to our lockers, grabbed our books and whatever else we’d need for our homework load, and made our way to the front of the school.

“Gee should be here shortly,” Frank stated as we sat down on the grass.
“Okay,” I sighed as I shut my eyes.
“Shit!” Frank exclaimed.
My eyes snapped open. “What?” I asked, worried.
“I forgot my math book. I’ll be right back.”

Frank got up and darted back inside the school.

I stayed where I was and continued waiting. And that’s when he showed up. Always at inopportune moments.

“What’s up, Skeye?”
“Go away, Derek!” I said fiercely.
He smiled. “Aw, that’s how it’s gonna be?”
“You know I can’t stand you!” I countered.
“It wasn’t always like that,” he retorted smugly. “You used to beg me for more.”
“Shut up!” I yelled. His smirk only grew wider.
“Got it!” Frank said, running past Derek and rejoining me on the grass.
“Who’s this dipwad?” Derek inquired as he gave Frank a look of disdain.
Frank glared up at Derek. “Skeye, is this loser bothering you?”
“Aggravating me,” I retorted simply, seething underneath the cool.
“I think you should leave,” Frank stated lethally, standing up protectively in front of me.
“Make me,” Derek taunted darkly.

I knew this was headed nowhere positive so I also stood up and tried to calm down the tension obviously there between Derek and Frank.

“Frank, let’s go,” I urged as I gently pulled on his arm. “He’s not worth it,” I replied as I moved my hand to Frank’s shoulder.
Frank looked over at me quickly and sighed. “You’re right, Skeye.” He then took my hand and held it in his before turning back to Derek. “Who are you anyway?”
“Ask her.” Derek gestured to me and I scowled at him before turning back to Frankie.

I sighed and said, “Frankie, meet Derek Wickman, the guy Gerard and Mikey can’t stand, also known as my ex-boyfriend, aka the jerk who gave me the nickname Skeye.” I loved explaining things in my famous monotone.

Judging by the look on Frank’s face he was utterly shocked.

“You’re the loser that broke her heart?” Frank inquired angrily.
“Correction,” Derek retorted, “I’m the one who shattered every emotion she ever had.”

And boy did I know that to be true more than he did.

“You’re the one who picks on her, you’re the reason she’s scared to trust and flinches at almost every touch, you’re the fucking problem!”
“Don’t get too caught up in her, Frankie, she’s nothing but a whore and waste of time,” Derek commented.

Time seemed to move too fast for me to grasp within the next few moments.

Frank threw the first punch…right into Derek’s face. But Derek recovered quickly and soon they were both having it out in front of the school.

At one point Derek was able to get up while Frank was down and kicked him repeatedly.

“Frankie!!” I shrilled. “Stop it, Derek!”

Frank got up and threw a few more punches before Derek took off.

“This isn’t over!” he yelled. “I’ll be back, Skyler!”
“Jerk!” I called after him. I didn’t think he’d really follow through, though.

I ran up to Frank, who was on his side in pain.

“Ow!” he kept repeating over and over.
“I’m so sorry, Frankie,” I said sadly.
“I’ll be okay.”
“But you’re bleeding,” I retorted worriedly.

Frank attempted to laugh but failed.

His lips were bleeding as well as his knees and elbows. His right eye was bruised as I’m sure other parts of his body were as well.

I felt so bad.

“Come on,” I said, getting up and holding out my hand. “Up you go.”

He smiled and accepted my hand so I could help him to his feet.

“That guy’s a fucktard,” Frank muttered as he dusted himself off.
“Tell me about it,” I agreed.
“You actually dated him?” he asked incredulously.
“Yeah. Crazy, right?”
“Kind of, yeah. But, I still adore you.”
“You shouldn’t have fought him,” I said as I led us to a nearby bench and made him sit down.
Frank shook his. “It was worth it.” I joined him on the bench. “You’re worth it,” he added sweetly.

I smiled and ran my hand over his cheek. It’s been awhile since anyone thought I was worth anything. Aside from him and Mikey. But Frankie had just stood up for me and voiced that I was worth something.

Frank smiled faintly at my touch and brought his hand up to hold mine there. When he released my hand and it dropped at my side, Frank put his hands on my cheeks and caressed them gently.

He traced my jaw with his fingertips and tilted my chin as he brought our lips together.

Our kiss ended just as suddenly as it started when we heard the screeching of tires.

“Oh my geez! What happened?!” Gee asked as he ran out of his car and up to us.
“Derek and Frank got into a fight,” I replied.
Gee rolled his eyes. “Does that kid ever knew when to give up?”
“Apparently not,” I retorted glumly.
Gee sighed and said, “Come on, let’s go.”
“Where are going?” I asked curiously, wondering what could’ve shifted the topic so fast and have him hurrying us back toward his car.
Gerard hesitated before he answered me. “To the hospital,” he stated.
“I’m fine, Gee,” Frank protested.
“I know!” Gee snapped. “It’s not for you, genius.” Gerard shook his head and took a nice deep breath to calm himself. “It’s Mikey,” he said finally. “He’s not doing too well.”
That’s all it took for me to get the seriousness of his tone and posture. The world became blurry.
“What?! What’s wrong, Gee?!” I questioned, worried and horrified to hear the answer.
“I’m not sure but you both have to come with me. He’s been asking for both of you.”

We nodded and piled into Gee’s car.

Please Mikey be okay.

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