Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Gotta Be Cruel To Be Kind With Vamp's Like Her

Sharpie Ink

by MrsPatrickStump_FOB 2 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-01-18 - Updated: 2011-01-18 - 1124 words

Brendon paced up and down the hall outside Beckots room.

"Are you just gunna stand their all night?" he asked through the door

Brendon charged in.

"We need to get him back, they could be torchering him or anything!" He said tearing up.

"Calm down boy" Beckot smirked. He walked over and straitened up Brendons tie. "Iv got a plan..."


Her eyes felt heavy as she awakened. Looking up at the ceiling she realized she was in her room. She could feel something touching her arm. Turning her head she saw Andy dabbing her with a yellow sponge. It was cold and wet, by fuck it stank. He looked up and smiled re-assurinly.
"Hey there sleepy head." Joe said softly from the bottom of her bed.
"Andy what the fuck are you doing to my ar-" her voice trialed off when she saw the state of her arms. They were burned...badly.
"You forgot about the sun..." Patrick sighed from behind Andy, passing him another wet sponge and placing the other one in a bowl of blue liquid.
"What happened?" she asked confused.
"Scarlett your gunna be ok, we'll make it better..." Andy almost whispered.
She watched as the liquid sizzled on her skin, fading the burns slightly but not fully. "Just something i whipped up last year, Pete had a similar situation, it'll take a few hours to fully clear it up but you'll have super-soft skin when it does..." he laughed trying to cheer her up.
She looked down at her feet and wriggled her toes.
"Joe what the fuck are u doing to my feet?" she giggled twitching under the ink of the sharpie.
"What do you think I'm doing?" he grinned. She raised her brow.
"I think your giving me ink poisoning."
"Am not!"
"Are too!" She said pulling her foot away. He had drawn a freaking dragon on it.
"Like it?"
"Hmmm well its kinda cut-... why is it eating a tree?"
"WHAT!?!" he gasped pulling her foot back down to him pulling her entire body down with it. Fuck he was strong for a little guy.
"Joe! You made me drop the sponge on the bed you dick!" Andy complained.
"It was meant to be a subway! Not a tree!" he said disappointedly. "See the filling?" He pointed to what looked like bark of a tree in the middle of the supposed sandwich.
"Ohh yeah! I totally see it now!" She smiled.
"No you don't." He laughed chuking her foot back to her.
She giggled leaning back against the head of the bed.

"Ok. That should be ok for now. they should defiantly be cleared by tomorrow." Andy sighed standing up. "Guys could you give us a minute?"
Patrick and Joe looked at each other and left. Her smile fell as she turned to Andy, he looked down at her with concern and curiosity.
"what?" she asked politely. Folding her legs.

"So that sounded like a pretty bad dream you were having." he said gently sitting down on the bed.
She suddenly remembered every little detail, it wasn't really them doing it, she knew that, but she still felt like it was partly Andys fault for waking her up, she looked at him sadly.

"Mabay it was mabay it wasn't." she shrugged.

"Look, I'm sorry i snapped at you the other day, and I'm sorry i hacked your files..."

"Its fine, you were gunna find out sooner or later..."

"It said you were on suicide watch Scarlett."

"So?" she asked defensively

"So..." He looked her dead in the eye and sighed. "So when i was healing your burns i hat to take off your gloves..."

She looked down a her pink finger less gloves, just long enough to hide her wrists.

"That was 6 months ago Andy"

"No it wasn't, those wounds are mabay 2 weeks old a-"

"Is there a point to this Andy?" she growled, fighting back tears.

"You tell me?"

"Don't give me that crap."

"Look i understand that you-"


"Scarlett please just have a conversation with going off on one."

"Fine" she said bitterly bitting her tongue.

"I just wanna know if we are making it worse."

She took a moment to answer. On the one hand yes, they had invaded her privesey, kidnapped her etc. On the other, they were sweet and did try to be nice... kinda. But looking at the concern in the slayers eyes, she was incline to say no.
"No Andy, no you aren't" she sighed shaking her head.

"Good" he smiled. "And look, I'm not gunna force you to tell me anything, but, believe it or not i do know how to keep a secret."

"Great i guess" she mumbled uncomfortably with the hole thing. It was none of his business. Any of it.

He looked at her sadly.

"I'm gunna go make something to eat. Coming?"

she stood without a word and fallowed him out the door, her arms tingling from the burns.

She looked around to see Joe and Patrick in the kitchen talking. No Pete. She heard loud thuds from the training room, when nobody was looking she snuck in.

Pete was punching a massive stuffed vampire thing. Weird. His fits thumped against it like no tomorrow. His red hood was up over his head and his skinys were old and worn, his feet concealed by yellow socks that made small padding nioces against the concrete floor.

He did a double take upon noticing her in the room. He turned and pulled down his hood.

"Wow your actually in the same room as me.. of your own chioce..." he half smiled.

"yeah.. "

"Feeling better?" He asked indicating her arms and reaching for a stake.

"Kinda, will it ever actually heel?"

"Well Andy tolled me a day but it took a week... so just add 6 days to whatever he tolled you and yeah..."

An akward silence fell on the room as he hurled stakes at a target bored.

"Sleep well?" He asked.


"Don't lie, i can scene it"

"What makes you so sure your sences are right?" she smirked.

"Their never wrong." he added "Now, how did you really sleep?"

"Meh...bad dreams, not uncommon" she shrugged.

She watched him for a minute. She concentrated on him with all she had.

-Shed flip i told her it was me, still at least it would break the silence...-

"What was you?" she said without thinking.

Pete turned to face her. "Hu?"

"Wh- why would i flip?"

"Were you reading my mind?" he asked half exited half sarcastic. "Oh you big hypocrite" he laughed.

"Why. Would.I. Flip. Peter." she asked in a less baffled tone. He sighed.

"I was the one who stopped your dream..."
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