Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Look Alive, Sunshine.

Chapter 4

by Vampirechick1159 3 reviews

Dallas is different from what they expected...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-01-30 - Updated: 2011-01-30 - 711 words

The world slowed down around us when we reached the point in Zone 3 that used to be Dallas, Texas. The place wasn’t barren and flat, like it was when we were last here. Instead, a tall white building was standing in its place. A tall white building with the BLI symbol over the front. “Whoa, no. We gotta get out of here,” I said, throwing the truck into reverse. “We gotta go before they see us.”
An alarm went off somewhere inside. We were already a mile away when there were more white cars in our rear view mirror. “Fallon, I swear, if we die, I will put you through so much pain when we get to hell.”
“Shut up,” she moaned in an angry voice. “Get to a place we can stop. See if we can lose any of them.” She leaned out her window again, which was thankfully large, and shot at our pursuers, taking out car after car. I finally pulled over at a half-destroyed gas station. I got out of the truck and kept low to the ground, helping her to shoot the Dracs. Their response to us was feeble. I got shot in the arm, but kept going. It took forever, but we eventually killed them all, and Fallon took over driving. I kept trying to stop the bleeding with my hand and failed. Every time the truck hit a bump or I moved my hand a little, more warm red stuff oozed between my fingers. We finally pulled over when I began to get dizzy from lack of blood. Fallon took a shirt from the back seat, made a kind of tourniquet, and tied it to my arm, binding my wound afterwards with more cloth. “Go to sleep,” she told me, turning down the radio. “I’ll see if I can get help.”
It wasn’t too hard to do as she said, and I quickly fell asleep. When I woke, I was on my back, lying on the cool sand, staring up at the night sky. The stars were nowhere to be found, but the moon was high overhead. “Easy,” a familiar voice said, helping me as I tried to sit up. “How do you feel?”
“Better,” I sighed. I still felt kind of dizzy, but nowhere near what it used to be.
“Seems you two can’t get enough of us,” Party Poison snickered.
“Shut up,” I mumbled, closing my eyes as a stabbing pain penetrated my shoulder.
“They got you pretty good, didn’t they?”
I nodded. “But I got them back.”
He smiled. “Yes ma’am, I’m sure you did.”
“Bad news from the Zones, tumbleweeds. It looks like Jet Star and the Kobra Kid had a clap with an exterminator that went all Coasta Rica and uh, got themselves ghosted, dusted out on Route Guano. So it’s time to hit the red line and up thrust the volume out there. Keep your boots tight, keep your gun close, and die with your mask on if you’ve got to. Here, is the traffic,” Doctor Death-Defying concluded, playing another song. Silence fell between Fun Ghoul, Party Poison, Grace, Fallon, and I.
Grace’s face was tracked with tears when I finally spoke. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Party Poison sighed. “We’re all gonna die out here. They just got stupid and were the first ones to go. How does your arm feel, Vampire?” he asked, loosening the bandage made from an old tee shirt. It was completely soaked. “Hey, Lady Laserbam, would you mind getting more of whatever fabric you put on her arm?”
Fallon got up without a word, going straight for the truck. She returned just as Party Poison had the nasty piece of fabric off me. He checked the wound, then tied the fresh white cloth on, applying pressure to stop the bleeding. I was getting a little dizzier. “Hold still,” he murmured when I swayed. Fallon appeared at my side, holding me steady.
Fun Ghoul pulled Grace into his lap, letting her cry. Silence fell again; the only sound was the radio, faithfully playing the music Doctor Death-Defying had chosen. Party Poison took first watch, finally allowing me to sink into unconsciousness.
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