Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > So Wrong

Swelled Up From The Rain, Clouds Move Like a Wraith..

by Alala19 1 review

hehe :]

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-01-30 - Updated: 2011-01-30 - 1854 words - Complete

“What do you want to buy?” Billy asked as we pulled into the parking lot.
“Everything.” I said as she turned off the car. She turned to look at me with her hazel eyes, exactly the same shade as Ben’s, and Frank’s, but I doubt I would see his again anytime soon.
“Well, I hope you have enough money, cause were doing some major shopping.” she said to me with a smile. I smiled back, and got out of the car, stepping into the warm June air.
I had sold everything I owned, before joining the army. I didn’t know whether I was going to make it back alive or not. I pit all the money in my bank account, and made a will, stating that I was going to leave everything to Dylan. Being In the army, meant that I hadn’t touched any of my money, instead my wages were added, and causing the already large sum, to grow bigger over the years.

Together, we made our way through the parking lot, and to the mall. I stared up at it amazed. This is definitely a sight I hadn’t seen in years. Billy dragged me into a shop. I didn’t quite catch the name; I was too amazed at being back in an American mall. We walked around the shop, grabbing random clothing. I had my arms full of pj’s, jumpers (even though it’s June), vest tops, jeans, trousers and t shirts. Billy pushed me into a changing room, and forced me to try on every garment. It was very time consuming; especially as I had to unlace, and remove my army boots.

Satisfied with what I wanted to buy, Billy and I made our way to the checkout to pay. The teenager at the checkout stared at me and Billy with raised eyebrows.
“I should get a pay raise for this.” she muttered as she started to scan the tags. We just chuckled and shrugged.

We made our way around several shops buying more, including make up, belts, shoes, and underwear. I brought Billy loads of new clothes too, as a treat. She had been good to me, and she couldn’t afford new clothes herself, due to her and Dylan’s money problems. I felt bad about having lots of money while they struggled.

“My feet are going to fall off!” Billy whined.
“Oh suck it up!” I said with a smirk, as I glanced at her. She really did look tired. I looked around and spotted a Starbucks.
“Oh my god, its heaven” I gasped as I made my way to it, followed by a very tired Billy.
“Whatca want Hun?” I asked.
“Caramel frappuccino.” she said tucking a piece of her strawberry blonde hair behind her ears.
“Ok. I’ll get it, while you get us a table.” I said, as I turned to her. She nodded and attempted to grab my many bags from me.

I turned around with the frappuccino and my drink and scanned the busy shop for Billy. I spotted her, and made my way over to her. I sat down opposite her and handed her, her drink.
“That should stop you dying on me just yet.” I said, and smiled when she glared at me.

“I’m gonna go do the test.” she said quietly as she tapped her fingers on the table.
“What… in here?” I asked as looked around the room, before allowing my eyes to land back on her. She looked up at me, and met my eyes before nodding.
“Why don’t you wait until you get back?” I asked, as I watched her bite her bottom lip.
“No! What if Dylan finds it?” she retorted.
“Well… If you are, then you’re going to have to tell him anyway. He’ll find out when you start getting fat, and pop out a baby, anyway.” I said with furrowed eyebrows. My brother had a right to know if he was going to be a dad again. I sat there watching her nervous behavior, before she grabbed her handbag and got up out of her seat.
“I need to know. Like you said earlier, I might not be.” she said looking down at me, her strawberry blonde hair falling into her face. The lights brought out the red tint really well.
“I just have to know. It’s killing me.” she said. I allowed my eyes to penetrate hers, before they danced over her features; her small button nose and furrowed eyebrows. I sighed before nodding in approval. She smiled, and kissed my cheek.
“Do you want me to come with you?” I asked. She gulped and shook her head.
“No. you stay here, and look after the bags and drinks.” she said.
“Ok.” I smiled. She smiled back before making her way over the restroom. I watched her, and sighed. I wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but I was extremely jealous of Billy. It should be me with a family. I closed my eyes, and rubbed my face with my hands. Maybe I’ve just become bitter.

I swirled my finger around the froth in my cappuccino, as I inhaled the strong scent of coffee, gave off by Starbucks. I saw a figure in front of me out of the corner of my eyes, but ignored it, thinking it was just another customer about to sit at the table in front of mine.
“Well, hello stranger.” a cool, male voice said out of no where, causing me to jump in shock. I jerked my head up, only for my eyes to meet with a pair of hazel ones.
“Frank!” I said, shocked as I held my hand over my heart as I attempted to control its rapid rate. Frank chuckled, and looked down at me shaking his head slightly.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you jump.” he said softly.
“No, it’s ok. I was in my own little world anyway.” I said with a smile.
Frank smiled and sat in Billy’s chair opposite me. He put his sunglasses on the table, and his double espresso, before lifting his eyes to mine. I jerked my finger out of the cappuccino and sucked it, easing the burning sensation. I had unconsciously put my finger in the hot coffee, instead of the cool cream.
“So… fancy seeing you here.” I said, after I took my finger out of the mouth, satisfied with it no longer burning.
“I know. It’s a small world.” he said with a smirk, his eyes falling on the shopping bags on the floor.
“Someone’s done some major shopping.” he said with an amused smirk.
“That’s not all of it.” I said. An amused smile also creeping onto my lips, as he raised his eyebrows, before looking at the floor on the other side of the table. “It’s in the car.” I finally said. His eyes lifting to meet mine again.
“Girl, you can shop.” he said, causing me to laugh.
“Well, I had to buy everything. I gave it all to charity.” I said, as I looked down at my cappuccino.
“I love shoe shopping.” he said randomly. I looked up at him, with a growing smile, as he stared out of the window. “My dad used to call me Francesca, when I came back with a new pair of shoes.” he said looking back into my eyes, before taking a sip of his espresso.

I laughed, and managed to stop myself in order to take a sip of Billy’s frappuccino. Due to my recent encounter, I’d learnt that my cappuccino was too hot to drink, unless I wanted to burn my tongue, and my mouth… which I didn’t.
“Two drinks?” Frank asked, looking at me with a disbelieving grin.
I looked at him with a confused expression, before realizing what he was talking about.
“Oh, no. This is my sister in laws. She’s gone to do something.” I said, as I pointed at the drink.
“Oh.” Frank said.

An awkward silence clouded us.
“How’s the motel?” Frank asked. I looked him in the eyes, not really knowing why anyone would ask that question. Then again, he was trying to start a conversation.
“Not bad.” I said, scrunching up my nose. “Belinda, my sister in law, owner of the frappuccino, insisted I stay at her house until I find an apartment.” I said. Frank smiled, and leaned over the table a little, leaning on his arms. “She’s over protective. I didn’t really want to start an argument with her. She’d probably go ninja on my ass or something.” I said, shivering at the though of having an argument with Billy. No one in their right mind would have an argument with her. She’s mental. Frank laughed, and took a sip of his espresso.
“Well, if your looking for an apartment, I’m looking for a roommate.” frank said. I looked at him with curiosity.
“Me, and my friend Mikey have a house. Our old roommate moved across the country, so we have a spare room.” he said simply. I watched him, as I considered it.
“It’s better than moving in with a stranger. At least you know me…well kind of. And Mikey’s just a retard, he’s either in his room reading comic books, and playing video games, or round his brother’s, reading comic books or playing video games.” Frank said. His hazel eyes daring, and tempting me to take the offer.

“Well?” Frank said after I didn’t say anything.
He grabbed a napkin from the table, and grabbed a ball point pen from his pocket, before scribbling something down on it.
“At least check it out before you make up your mind. I swear I’ll make Mikey tidy it for you.” he said pushing the napkin across the table. I looked at the genuine sincerity in his eyes, before picking up the napkin, and nodding. I found it odd that he carried a pen around. Considering that shops, and banks have pens there for you to use. I folded the napkin up and put it in my pocket. My gut instinct telling me I should take up this offer.

Frank checked his watch.
“Shit.” he mumbled.
“What?” I asked. The first time I’d spoke, in what felt like ages.
“I’m late. I was supposed to meet my friend 10 minutes ago.” he said drinking the rest of his drink.
He stood up and put his big aviator sunglasses on. I smiled at how weird he looked.
“Nice to see you again Max, and I’ll see you later… or tomorrow” he said.
“Yeah, you too.” I said, before he smiled at me and walked off.

Authors Note:
Sorry for lack of updates, just been really busy. But nice to see Frank again, yes? Again, feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, I will answer anything. Love ya, motorbabies.

xoxo t.iero
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