Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Rocket Trainer

Chapter 8; The Shinx With A Black Heart.

by Moonlight_Angel 0 reviews

Akari catches a Shinx.

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: The Narrator - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2011-02-03 - Updated: 2011-02-03 - 342 words

Leaving Ikumi, I realized something, I had no one to defend me. Now what? I asked myself with grief. I'm so stupid, now the only Pokemon that will listen to me is Beedrill I hollered.
"...Perhaps," I started to say, "Perhaps I could catch a Pokemon of my own!" I announced as soft as possible.
I looked around after saying that. Didn't see any. "...Where do Pokemon hide again?" I was refreshing my memory.

"...Oh right, tall grass!" I was hopeless without Ikumi.

I looked in the tall grass and noticed a Pokemon, I ran over to it in an instant.

"Hello, little Pokemon!" I said as cheerful as possible. "Wanna be my Pokemon?" I waved my hand.

"Shinx!" The Pokemon said, it grasped my hand with its teeth.

"I-It bit me..." I then knew being nice to Pokemon wasn't going to help me catch it, so I chose another resolve.

"...I'm going to fight you!" I announced. The Pokemon looked at me with a glaring rage, I was scared out of mind.

"...Beedrill, I choose you!" I screamed in an honest as possible way. "Beej!" Beedrill looked like it was ready to fight.

"Okay Beedrill, use Pin Missle!" I hollered, yellow pins came out of Beedrill.
Shinx took the attack.

"Um...Posion Jab..." Shinx looked at me with a nasty glare, I looked away from it.
Beedrill looked at the glare, I looked at Beedrill with a nastier glare than Shinx.

"Forget it! I'll just catch it!" I took out a Pokeball at the Shinx.

Shinx was sucked into the ball.

The ball shook.

It shook again.

The ball shook one last time, and then the Pokeball glowed a strange color.

"Did I...just catch it?" I looked at the Pokeball on the ground, I wasn't willing to pick it up.

"Is it mine now?" I asked myself, I walked closer to it.

"Idiot girl, the Pokemon is yours, pick it up before I take it!"

The voice sounded very familliar, I couldn't figure out who it was.

To be continued.
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