Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'm Not O-Fucking Kay

I'll Protect You Baby

by ZombiexCupcake 1 review

Frank, Mikey, and Gerard watch movies and order pizza.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2011-02-03 - Updated: 2011-02-04 - 1493 words

A/N: Thanks for reading this story guys! Hope you like like chapter :) gives special cupcakes to urafreaklikeme, microwavedhamster202, and vanessagxx Thanks for reviewing guys!

Frankie’s P.O.V.
When my downstairs was all done we were all lying on the couch sweaty and tired. And may I mention we were watching my favorite movie. Nightmare Before Christmas. It was an epic movie. Just then my mother walked in with Gerard and Mikey’s mom.
“Hey guys. We decided that we want to go out for dinner.” My mom said. I frowned.
“I can barely move my little body mom. And we just finished moving everything. We are really tired. Minus Mikey, he didn’t really move anything.” I said. My mom sighed. Mikey shot a glare at me.
“Okay, fine. You boys can stay here and order a pizza or something.” My mom said. I smiled at her.
“Thanks mom.” I said. She smiled and walked out with Donna. I turned to Gerard and Mikey. Mikey was sitting on Gerard. I was jealous. Shit. I needed to face the fact that Gerard doesn’t like me. I looked back at the screen and watched the movie. When the movie was finally over I was pretty darn tired. Mikey stood up.
“I’m gonna go to my house and get something. I’ll be right back.” He said running out the door. How could he still have so much energy? I turned to Gerard.
“I’m hungry.” I whined. Gerard smiled and laughed a little. Boy, his laugh was cute. He took out his phone.
“Okay, I’ll order pizza.” he said dialing a number. I smiled and took out the movie putting in another movie. Of course I wasn’t really paying attention to what movie I put in and when it turned on I realized I had put Psycho in. Shit. I don’t know why but I had never really liked this movie. It just kinda made me look like a little girl cause I would always get so scared. Gerard smiled.
‘I love this movie!” He said. Uh oh. He was going to think I was a total wimp. I sighed and sat back down on the couch shaking a bit cause of the theme song that was now playing. Gerard looked over at me and frowned.
“You okay Frankie?” He asked. I nodded and made up a lie.
“Yeah. Just a bit cold.” I said. Gerard got up and sat next to me with his arms open.
“Come here buddy.” he said. I’m sure he didn’t mean it but he sounded all sexy when he said it. Like he wanted me or something. I smiled a bit and let him wrap his arms around me. I felt so, so, so secure and safe in his arms. And most of all…wanted. Gerard Way made me feel wanted. I had only just met him but I was madly in love with him. Like when Romeo first sees Juliet and immediately forgets Rosaline. That’s love at first sight. That’s what I was experiencing right now. This second. True fucking love. I watched the movie and tried to act all cool but the truth was that I was about to piss in my pants. I just really didn’t like this movie. Just when the lady was getting stabbed in the shower the door slammed open.
“Pizza is here!” Mikey yelled. I totally flipped out and hid my face in Gerard’s lap. Gerard held me and rubbed my back a bit trying to tell me everything was okay.
“Jesus Mikey, you really scared him.” Gerard said as I heard Mikey sit down on the bean bag and set the pizza down on the table.
“I’m sorry Frank.” He said. I didn’t want to move. I just wanted to stay in Gerard’s arms. Truth is, this may be the closest I will ever be to his crotch ever. My face was in his lap. Legit. I felt Gerard bend down and whisper in my ear.
“I promise I wont let anyone hurt you Frankie. Its just a movie.” He cooed in my ear. I sniffled and sat up reluctantly. Gerard sighed and squeezed the my hand a little.
“Come on. Lets eat something and watch a comedy.” He said turning on the tv and flipping through the channels until he stopped at nickelodeon. The Spongebob movie was on. I smiled and laughed a bit.
“Thanks Gee.” I sniffled. He smiled and hugged me.
“Whenever you get scared your always welcome to snuggle with me. I’ll protect you.” He winked. I don’t think he understands the power he has over me. With his sexy looks and gorgeous lips that I would kiss all day and never ever get bored. I wish he was mine. I smiled a bit as we ate the pizza and watched Spongebob save Bikini Bottom. During the middle of the movie I got really tired and before I knew what I was doing I was dead asleep with my head in Gee’s lap. My head on his shoulder.

Gerard’s P.O.V.
“I’m gonna go to my house and get something. I’ll be right back.” Mikey said running out the door. Frank looked over at me and I looked at Mikey leaving. He winked at me before closing the door. Shit. Mikey could tell I liked Frankie. He may be my brother but he is horrible with secrets and I knew that sooner or later he would tell Frankie about my feelings.
“I’m hungry.” Frankie whined. I smiled and laughed a little. It felt weird cause I hadn’t laughed since I was like 5. He was just so cute and the way he said it was just adorable.
“Okay, I’ll order pizza.” I said dialing a number. I ordered two pies and turned to the TV screen. It was Psycho. He had good taste in movies. I smiled a bit.
“I love this movie!” I said. He sat on the couch and I looked at him frowning a bit. He was shaking pretty bad. It made me worry a bit.
“You okay Frankie?” I asked. He nodded slowly and I sighed.
“Yeah. Just a bit cold.” He said. I got up from the chair and walked over to him sitting next to him opening my arms.
“Come here buddy.” I said. He snuggled into my arms and I had the urge to just pull him onto my lap but I didn’t. Because 1) That would totally be a bit weird and he would hate me and 2) I was totally hard right now. He was fucking god. I wasn’t even really paying much attention to the movie. The door suddenly slammed open.
“Pizza is here!” Mikey yelled. Frankie flipped out and jumped a bit. Before I knew it he was shaking really bad and hiding his face in my lap. Near my crotch. Shit. Shit. Shit. I could not get hard right now. Not when he is hiding his face in my lap. No. No. No. Sooo not gonna happen.
“Jesus Mikey, you really scared him.” I said holding Frankie. Mikey gave me a smirk looking at Frankie hiding his face in my lap.
“I’m sorry Frank.” He said. I sighed bending down and whispering in Frankie’s ear rubbing his back a little.
“I promise I wont let anyone hurt you Frankie. Its just a movie.” I cooed in his ear. He sniffled and sat up. I looked him in the eyes and taking his hand I mine, squeezing it lightly.
“Come on. Lets eat something and watch a comedy.” I said turning on the tv and flipping through the channels until I stopped at nickelodeon. The Spongebob movie was on. I smiled when I saw Frankie’s beautiful smiled and adorable laugh.
“Thanks Gee.” He sniffled. I smiled and hugged him.
“Whenever you get scared your always welcome to snuggle with me. I’ll protect you.” I winked. I hoped I wasn’t like too forward or something. But I could see the slightest blush on his cheeks. Maybe he did like me. Well, I don’t want to get my hopes up. I smiled as we ate pizza and watched Spongebob. During the middle I suddenly felt Frankie’s head on my shoulder. I looked down at him and saw him dead asleep leaning his head on my shoulder. I smiled and put my arm around him as he snuggled closer. He is so unbelievable. He is everything I could ever ask for and a bit more. I held him in my arms and looked over at Mikey but he was also dead asleep in the bean bag. I smiled and also slowly began to fall into a dead sleep holding the most amazing guy in my arms.
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