Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Disenchanted

Memories Part 3

by Dead1724 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-02-03 - Updated: 2011-02-04 - 999 words - Complete

"Aria?" Miss Anderson said.
"Yes?" I said between mine and Lacey's laughter.
"I hate to tell you this, but a really bad thunderstorm is coming in and traveling conditions wont be won't be safe until morning. I think you should be getting back."
"Oh," I frowned. The guys had left two hours ago. I told them I would just be back at nine(when visiting hours were over) but it looked like I'd be two hours early.
"Promise you'll e-mail me?" Lacey said as I gave her a hug goodbye. Lacey seemed to be the friend I was looking for- despite her young age. We both had been through the same thing, and were able to help each other. If only Lacey didn't have to be stuck in this place. Hell you be a good name for it.
"Of course," I assured her.

The sky was so dark when I got outside I couldn't see any amount of sunlight (I was surprised me and Lacey hadn't noticed).
A few raindrops fell from the sky, landing on my face. Though I didn't really mind, I always loved rain.
I got a cab and told the guy to where the guys told me the bus would be. The rain was pouring on the car when I arrived to the bus. I gave the driver extra money so he could maybe stay at a hotel if he needed to. Miss Anderson sure was right about horrible traveling conditions.

By the time I reached the bus, I was soaked. I went to the sink in the kitchen to wring out my hair.
"I can't believe the first guy she called hot was a cartoon character..."I heard Bob say.
"Hey, I don't blame Aria, cartoon characters can be pretty sexy," Ray laughed.
I quickly made my way to the room Bob and Ray's voice was coming from. I found them all in our 'bedroom' journals. Each of them had one in their hands. In Bob's was the one I wrote when I was 10, and totally obsessed with Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender. And in Gerard's...the cheap green one from wal-mart. The journal that always gave me chills to look at. It was during the summer...when I first started loving him. The summer that landed me into that hell hole. And Gerard was at the end. He knew everything now.
"Aria!!" Gerard exclaimed when he saw me standing at the door.
Anger raged through me like nothing ever had before.
"WHAT. THE. HELL. ARE. YOU. DOING?!" I shrieked.
"SHUT UP!" I screamed as I walked over to Gerard. I grabbed the journal from his hands and smacked him across the face. I went over to the other guys and took the journals and screamed and hit them.
"I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH MY STUFF!" Gerard got up and tried to get near me "Don't you f**king get any closer!" I screamed at him. He moved again "Aria, I'm-"
"SHUT UP!" I told him again. "I hate you! I hate all of you! I f**king hate you!!" I started to cry. I ran to the bathroom through my tears, locked the door, and collapsed. I crawled over to the toilet and started to throw up.
"Aria!" Gerard said on the other side of the door.
"Go away you son of a bitch!" I coughed.
He began yelling more and started to bang on the door. I flushed and went to wash my face, still crying my eyes out and hyperventilating. I just couldn't believe what had happened. I couldn't believe it. I started crying harder and harder until I couldn't take another second of it. I had to make it go away.
I got a razor blade and began gashing at my arms and legs. I began to move up to my neck when the door suddenly opened.
"Aria!" I just laid there on the floor--everything was happening so quickly-- everything was so hectic. I didn't know what to do.

My dreams were horrible. I dreamt about people tying me down to some sort of bed thingy and not answering my questions. I dreamt that I had died in a hospital-- The guys were there along with Lacey and my parents. Gerard was crying the hardest. His sobs were so was like he was actually...
My eyes opened. Bright lights were shining above me. I looked at the figure sitting on my bed. I tried to lean up but my arms were connected to multiple things. Blood was being put back into me.
Gerard was looking at me, his eyes very, very red.
"What's wrong with your eyes?" I asked like a curious child.
"Well,it's not makeup.."
"Do you have allergies?"
"Not right now, no."
"When why..?"
"Because I've been crying, Aria." he said hopelessly.
"Why have you been crying?"
"Because of all the things I've ever done to you." his voice cracked.
I looked at my arms again and realized there were bandages covering most of them; then I remembered what had happened.
"Gerard," I asked and he looked at me ",why did you read my journals?"
He sniffed ",because, at that place we went to, I followed you and Miss Anderson. I heard you two talking...And I heard something I shouldn't have. I was curious about what had happened, but I didn't want to ask you because you probably didn't want me to know...And I didn't want you to have to re-live it any more than you had to. So I went back and told the guys..." He shook his head ",it's all my fault, Aria. I'm so sorry." Tears were steaming down his face.
"Don't be, Gee. It's all my fault: why your here, sad and crying your eyes out, and why I'm here having blood put back into me. It's all me..."
"How could you say that, Ari? All you did was fall in love..."
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