Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > A SeЯies of Interesting Events

The Edge

by TheSHM 0 reviews

It's a battle of patience as Big's stupidity wears the unfortunate Shadow down. Meanwhile, another odd face appears, and this one is a bit more frantic than the rest...

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-02-05 - Updated: 2011-02-06 - 2616 words

Chapter Three: The Edge


"RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Shadow can't take it anymore. A gale erupts from his body, blowing Rouge, Omega, and even Big off of their feet. Shadows quills stand on end and wave like a flag in a hurricane. A crater forms around the hedgehog as the ground collapses in on itself. A faint red aura can be seen traced around Shadow. His eyes glow a menacing blood colour.

Shadow walks to Big, puts one foot on the cat's gut, and emotionlessly threatens, "Give me the net."

"Oh, Sha-dow!" sings Rouge. She drags Big's net around Shadow with an arrogant smirk on her face and nose pointed in the air.

"What the..."

"Well, early on, me and O here decided to play a little game. While you were getting Big's ice cream, we traded his brand-new net for our broken net. Turns out he needed a broken net anyway to give to his pet frog as a gift. Yeah, I know, don't ask me." Shadow listens but nothing is registering. It all sounds like gibberish, everything after 'game'. "SO once you lost it, the loser would be forced to tell you that we had the net all along and the winner would get this 1-Day-Off Pass I got from GUN. And since it took you over 10 minutes, Omega won." Rouge pouts, looking down with a frustrated look, and folding her arms when she says 'Omega won'.

A crack of electricity smacks Rouge across the face. Her cheek is reddened by the electricity.

"Ow... Shadow, what was...Ah!" Rouge looks at Shadow in great awe. Small rocks around Shadow defy gravity as they lift off of the ground and float in the air. Nearby trees' leaves rustle as an even stronger gale emanates from the jet black and crimson hedgehog. Shadow is looking straight down, with empty eyes. The faint red aura is much stronger now, rising off of Shadow like a translucent fire.

"So this was all a game? To see me break down?" Shadow's voice is whispery and low.

"Well, um, yeah...Uh...No need to get so angry over it." Rouge becomes nervous. She hadn't expected Shadow to react this badly.

"Rouge, my sensors detect the life form known as Knuckles the Echidna."

"What? Why him and why now?" Rouge looks over her shoulder and as soon as she does, there is Knuckles, already in her face.

"What are you guys doing?" asks Knuckles. One of his arms is in a folded position while his other hand is on the side of his muzzle, curious as to what Team Dark is doing.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Rouge retorts.

"I had to ask," sarcastically remarks Knuckles.

"Hmmmm...Never mind, Sonic, I don't want ice cream anymore." Shadow is... there. He is on the thin line between sanity and insanity. Not only has Big just said he didn't want ice cream anymore, but now he confused him with Sonic.

Instead of losing his mind, Shadow sighs and gives in. Big- BIG THE CAT- has just defeated the Ultimate Life Form. Mentally.

"We got the net. Let's go." Shadow folds his arms and looks away, slightly embarrassed.

"Fine with me," Rouge replies, shrugging. She closes her eyes as she follows Shadow.

"Affirmative- mission complete." Omega begins walking with Team Dark. Shadow passes by Knuckles first. Omega, taking one step for every three Rouge takes, is second. Rouge is behind.

"Wait, what's this?" Knuckles snatches the red net from Rouge. The bored bat had a firm grip on the net, so the result of Knuckles's mindless action speaks for itself.

"Knuckles, no!" With Knuckles snatching one side and Rouge holding the other, the net breaks in two.


More silence.

" know what you've done?"

Knuckles does not notice the impending tragedy. He sees the red net Big is holding. "Hey, isn't that the same red net Vector had earli-" A sucker punch from the side by Shadow shoots Knuckles into a building, causing a huge dust cloud. The impact stuns several civilians who begin running and screaming. Shadow detaches his two golden wristlets from his gloves. His red aura is replaced by a brilliant, expansive golden one.

He looks up, revealing white, empty, inflamed eyes. His close-body aura blows up and becomes a massive, fiery aura five times the size of the hedgehog himself, taller than a one story building and behaving more erratically than any wildfire. With this, he begins to turn red. The aura begins to turn silver. In the blink of an eye, he strikes Knuckles, taking down the entire building.

"Shadow! Wait, stop! You don't have to kill him!" shouts Rouge. Shadow did not respond. He dashed back where Knuckles was and threw down hundreds of Chaos Spears in only a few seconds. He then charged up a truly brutal Chaos Spear, one tremendously larger than normal, and lobs it at Knuckles, resulting in a massive shockwave and mushroom cloud explosion.

"If Shadow does not desist withing thirteen seconds-" SMACK! BOOM! "-six seconds, the echidna will die."

"Shadow! Didn't you hear him? He's going to die-"

"SCREW HIM! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF ALL THIS BULL!" Shadow shook his fist at Rouge, then formed a dangerously lethal ball of Chaos energy in that very hand as well, possibly as a warning to STAY OUT OF HIS WAY or else she would be killed. "I'LL DO WHATEVER I WANT TO DO TO COMPLETE THIS MISSION! IF KNUCKLES DECIDED TO GET IN MY WAY, THEN HE MUST DIE!"

"But Shadow...Wait! Knuckles! He said Vector has a red net!"

"Vector HAD a red net- the one the cat...Blaze...she still has a big red net..." Shadow jumps into the air and flies off abruptly.

"Shadow! Ugh! Sometimes I hate the way he does things!" Rouge and Omega swiftly follow Shadow, who flew over the open ocean, causing massive, sparkling waves under him. Rouge grabs Omega, half of red net in hand, and flies over the ocean as well.

"Bye Sonic!" cries Big. He gets up and holds up the net. "Where did this come from?" He throws it down and walks away. Knuckles, bruised, bloody, and broken, groans as he struggles to get to his feet.

"What...what was that for...What did I do?"

"HA-HA! SERVES YOU RIGHT!" shouts Charmy from a distance. The Chaotix gets up and run, er, limp-and-crawl away. Knuckles stays silent. But then he looks around frantically.

"No...Shade, I blew it..." Knuckles had lost the Master Emerald shards. They could be anywhere in the wreckage of the broken street. In the heat of the battle, they may have been strewn somewhere else, like into the ocean or into the sky. In his condition, there was no way Knuckles could search for them without passing out and/or dying. He falls back to the ground, now REALLY a failure of a treasure hunter. All of a sudden, though, he begins to fade away, become more and more transparent before, eventually, he disappears altogether.


Shadow, supercharged, dashes across the ocean at sonic speed, bent on finding that other red net. As he crosses at supersonic speeds, jets of water rise out of ocean like liquid volcanic eruptions before crashing down with grace. Shadow's too far ahead to be wettened. He screams off into the purple horizon. But then he stops, hovering just above the water's edge via his jet shoes. Now we're at the"Where do we go now, What do we do now" stage.

"Agh! The Shrine is on the other side of the Federation!" Shadow quickly punches the palm of his hand, then decides to use Chaos Control. He bites his lip, still enraged by what had just occured. Still, one part of him doesn't find any of this necessary over a comically enlarged red net.

"Shadow! Wait! Where 'you going?" Rouge calls out. She and Omega are sprinkled with dripping, reddened, water droplets.

"Chaos...CONTROL!" In the blink of an eye, Shadow warped away. Rouge and Omega are lucky enough to be close by. Otherwise, they would have been stranded in the middle of the ocean.


They reappear at the Master Emerald shrine. Otherwise the dead of night, the three are warmed by the gentle glow of the Master Emerald. Shadow briskly walks up the stairs of the shrine, closely followed by Rouge.

"Finally." He stands in front of the Master Emerald and folds his arms. As he looks upon it, the thought that all of this occured just over a simple red net, one they could have simply bought at an Acme store, begins to dawn on him.

"Shadow, what's going on?" Rouge asks, somewhat worn out by the chase.

"I've got to get to the princess's dimension to find her red net right now!" Shadow extends his hands. "Master..."

"Uh, Shadow?"

"What?" Shadow quickly turns his head and sees Rouge walk up to the side of the emerald. Her hand rubs against the crystallic exterior of the emerald. That is, until it reaches a dip.

"The Master Emerald- look!" Rouge points out that the Master Emerald is incomplete.

"No! This can't be..." Before Shadow can start groaning about this, Rouge flashes the 2 missing Master Emerald pieces. "What in the ... how did you-"

"A girl has her ways." Rouge walks up to the Master Emerald and slyly walks around it. "That Knuckles isn't too bright of a treasure hunter. I sneaked these mammoth pieces away from him while he wasn't looking."

"I don't have time to hear your pathetic love stories. Fix the emerald or get out of my way," Shadow demands in his usual, emotionless, Lord Kelviny tone.

"Love stories? Ha! I've heard better lies from a jewel thief. Oh wait, never mind. Anyway, pretend I don't know how to fix the Master Emerald. Because I don't."

"Arg! I need that Echidna! Without him, this mission is as good as failed," Shadow now regrets pulverizing the echidna to a red goo. Rouge tries putting the pieces in their correct places. As she does, a bright, almost blinding, jade-emerald light eminates from the shards. As the light dims, the crevices disappear.

"Well will you look at this?" Rouge looks at the emerald, stunned.

"It's ... fixed?"

"To perfection. I don't know how I did it, but it's done." Rouge is curious.

"Good, now to use this thing."

"You know, when we're done, and if Knuckies ain't back yet, I could really stea- er, "borrow" this beautiful thing," Rouge whispers as she smiles with greed and lust.

'What. A. Fool. Does she really think we have time for greed?'

"Shadow. Rouge. We are wasting time," Omega calls. He never joined Shadow or Rouge at the top of the altar. While they were having fun restoring the Master Emerald, Omega was scanning the environment. As he finished, jets in the robot's back activate. Flames shoot downward and propel Omega up.

"O's right, Shadow. It's already pr'tty late and we still don't have the red net. Something tells me The Commander's going to really get on you for taking so long on a simple mission like this."

"Whatever, just warp." Shadow summons the power of the Master Emerald to send the three into Blaze's world. "Master... Control!" An utterly white light flashes from the Master Emerald as it complies to Shadow's demand. A storm of electricity squeals and laughs as it dances around Team Dark. In milliseconds, the three disappear with the light. But as they disappear, someone else falls out of the light.


"Shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot! Where is it Where is it! Please don't tell me anyone has it! Good Lord, if anyone has that, I'm dead... It's over...It's the end of Blaze the Cat ...NO! I still have time- I think...ARGG! NO! IT'S OVER!" Blaze looks around. "Great, where am I? What happened? Am I in Sonic's world AGAIN? Wait, oh, DUH! That's the Master Emerald!"

Blaze's arms are moving so fast, it looks as if she has dozens of them. She tries to point at the Master Emerald, but winds up looking like a homicidal schizophrenic ADHD patient. She really is that frantic. "How'd I get here? What happened? NO TIME TO FIND OUT! AGH! I'M DOOMED! NO...Must...control...panic...I should go to Sonic for this." Blaze sees a dark red object. "AHG! THAT LOOKS LIKE ONE OF THOSE BATONS SONIC GOT ON HIS LAST ADVENTURE...Didn't he give it to Tails? Yes! Yes! He had this one in his workshop! Sonic might be there if this is here!"

Note, Blaze is speaking so fast that many of her words nearly run into each other.

She runs off of the fallen Angel Island in a panic-ridden search for Sonic. She comes across Tails's Mystic Ruins workshop where she sees Tails and Sonic outside opposite of each other. "Yes! Phew...Finally, good luck for once!" She runs towards the two and her maximum possible speed.

"It's still not opening, Sonic," Tails pouts. He puts down a Chaos Emerald powered laser and admits defeat.

"Man, that's one stubborn book. Guess we'll just have to try again tomorrow."

"Okay." Tails gets up and puts the book inside his workshop. At the moment he closes the door behind him, Blaze runs up to Sonic.

"WHOA! Oh! Hey Blaze, you scared me-"

"SONIC, no time! You have to help me find something!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, slow down for a seco-"


"Okay? Listen, Blaze, I'd help anybody in need, especially a friend, but right now, I kind of have my hands full."

"WWAAAHH! I'M DOOMED! NOO!" Blaze, excessively flamboyant in her actions, falls to ground crying.

"Blaze, what's wrong with you?" Sonic realized that no matter how "changed" Blaze was, for her, crying and whining like this was completely out of her character, which meant something was terribly wrong.


"Blaze, calm down and tell me what happened."

"I don't know! It just...just slipped from me!"

"I see. And what does it look like?"

"Well, it's lavender, like me, and it has a golden lock on it, and it's a bit aged, but-oh, and it's a book, my diary actually, don't tell anybody though-" Sonic suddenly gasps.








Did Cream get home?

What about Amy's date?

Was Eggman really jailed for good?

When Knuckles mentioned Shade, obviously a Nocturne Echidna, why did he say "I blew it"?

What happened to Knuckles?

Who stole the jewels and framed Knuckles?

Who called the Chaotix?

What would the Chaotix do next?

Would Knuckles want revenge on Shadow?

What happened to Shadow, Rouge, and Omega?

What is it about the mysterious boo- er, Blaze's diary that would make her act so Out-Of-Character?

Finally, How the ** Did Blaze's diary get on Sonic's face, like, for real?

Anyway, this is the end of the original ASoIE. Up next is it's lesser read spawn, A Series of Unusual Events. Please Review (concrit, if you can) and Continue to part two. I said please and it rhymes with cheese, so review!
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