Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Go Ahead and Burn it Down.

Catch Me If You Can

by XxLiveyourlifExX 0 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2011-02-08 - Updated: 2011-02-09 - 1104 words - Complete

Catch Me If You Can

Pete and Chris talked for a long time. At some point the rest of the guys showed up. They brought pizza.

“So tell me, what’s next for Fall Out Boy?” Chris asked.

“We-uh-actually got signed, “ Patrick said, “This label, Fueled by Ramen wants us to make an album.”

“That’s great guys.” This was a new voice. They all looked to the door. There was a girl leaning against the door frame, her long blond hair was braided and her blue eyes were sad.

“Stacy,” murmured Patrick, getting up and going to her. Everyone did the same. She joined their group on Chris’ floor.


People had been bringing so much food to the house. Chris’ mom asked them to stay for
dinner. After dinner, Pete and Stacy were doing the dishes. Chris’ mom came in.

“Hey kids. Thanks for cleaning up.”

“No problem, Mrs. Henry.”

“Pete, can I ask you something in the hall?”

“Sure.” Pete finished drying the plate in his hand then he followed her into the hall. “What can I do for you?”

“I thought, maybe, it would be nice if, but of course you don’t have to, but,” Mrs. Henry seemed to be struggling to ask her question. “I thought you might like to speak tomorrow. At the funeral. If you want to, that is. Don’t feel obl-“

“Of course I will, Mrs. H.” Pete replied, giving her a small smile. “I’d love to.”

“Oh good.” She said and then hugged him. “Thank you.”


Later that evening, the boys decided to go home and rest. Except for Pete. He wasn’t sure about leaving.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” Pete asked Chris.

“I’ll be fine. The doctor prescribed me some Ambien. I’ll be out like a light,” she said.

“I’ll see you tomorrow at the church.”

So they left.


The next morning Pete showed up at the church with his parents. Patrick, Joe and Andy sat with them. He didn’t get to see Chris before the service. When the family was ushered down the aisle, Chris and Stacy were clutching each other’s hands, but they weren’t crying. The minister said several minutes worth of words and then he invited Pete to come up and speak.
He walked to the lectern, he was a little shaky. He looked out into the church. Chris managed a smile for him. Pete began to speak.

“Twenty-two years ago, I met my best friend. Matthew Kyle Henry. A boy with three first names. Matt. Together, Matt and I, accompanied by our third Musketeer, Christina, pulled epic pranks, ate ridiculous amounts diner food, and slept way less than what was probably healthy for us. In the sixth grade, Matt learned to play the guitar. We started our first band. The Cootie Catchers. Lame songs were written about not making the school’s basketball team and the mean librarian who wouldn’t let us drink Surge in the library. It didn’t last very long, but the Cootie Catchers started our latest obsession. We were in several bands, both together and apart, throughout high school. The last time we played together was five hundred and eighty-five days ago. A special Cootie Catchers reunion show was planned for Chris’ grad party. Five hundred and eighty-three days ago, Matt was diagnosed. I was scared out of my mind when he told me. And angry. Really angry. I couldn’t understand why my best friend was being taken away from me. But Matt wasn’t. I’m sure he was scared, but he never showed it. He had this incredible serenity. I had decided to quit the newest band I was in so I could spend more time with my best friend. He yelled at me for like two hours when I told him. I rejoined the band. Whenever it was possible, Matt continued doing all the things he loved. We kept going to the diner, going to shows, and playing obcence amounts of video games. At one point my band was invited by a record label to go on tour. It was a huge opportunity. I began to look for my replacement because I was staying home. Matt gave me a black eye. I went on tour. Matt was the perfect best friend for me. He could get me to do the things I needed to do even when I was the worst kind of stubborn. Matt taught me that we only have so many days. We need to live them. I credit who I am and how I am to Matthew Kyle Henry. Thanks, man. I love and miss you.”

Pete’s voice had begun to shake towards the end of his speech. He slowly walked back to his seat. Matt’s mom was crying, but she mouthed a thank you. Chris got out of her seat and hugged him.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

Pete nodded and hugged her back. He proceeded to his parents’ pew and sat down, head in his hands, crying.

Pete tried to catch up with Chris after the burial, but she shook him off. Pete understood. He didn’t really want people around him. Well, except her. But he got it.

Pete declined to go hang out with the guys. He just sat in his room.


The Henry’s took a family vacation for a week. Pete sat in his room for a week.


Pete called Chris when they got back into town. “Wanna hang out?”

“I have nothing to say to you, Peter.” Click.

What had he done? Pete was confused.


The next day he called again. She declined his company again.

Pete called Patrick, Joe, and Andy. They hadn’t heard from her.


Pete called again.

“What did I do?” he asked.

“You didn’t do anything,” she sighed into the phone. “I just-I just can’t see you.”


Pete kept calling. She didn’t answer for a week. Finally she did.

“Pete.” She sounded angry. “You have to stop this.”

“Just tell me what I did,” Pete didn’t match her anger. He just sounded sad.

She sighed. “I’m gonna be at the diner tonight. At five. You can come and talk to me if you want. I don’t think it’s going to make you feel any better. But I’ll be there.”

“Ok,” Pete said, a slight tone of triumph in his voice. “I’ll see you at five.”

A/N: For once, I don't have anything to say here. Read, review, you know. love, Corri
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