Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Pendragon Knights

The horrible truth.

by Spartanmoon 0 reviews

We fight our way to the enemy leader.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2011-02-11 - Updated: 2011-02-12 - 234 words

Their awaited reinforcements had finally arrived. It was assured that we were at deaths hand. When from inside the fortress there was a unfathomablly massive explosion that rendered both opposing sides senseless. 

Josh had come through. He had detonated the bomb. The entire hoard of enemies fled in retreat to inspect the cacophonic blast. As they fled Ken was in the shadows tracking them to their leaders chambers.

Josh and his troops had finally merged forces with ours at the crossroads of aggression. We followed Ken's trail as Josh shape-shifted into a ferocious bear. We arrived at the entrance and charged in.

We were ambushed as we barged through the door. Three axe-wielding marauders surrounded us. The next thing I noticed was one of the brutes collapse to the floor.

We then awaited the two remaining enemies to make a move. They charged in from both sides in a spinning whirlwind of steel. Josh and I charged into them knocking them to the floor. Jason and Kate naturally finished them off.

After noticing that his troops had fallen the leader decided to rise and applaud us. As he stood you could see his glistening armor shift across his body. Then we noticed that he wasn't alone. He had a brutish minion at his side.

Then he decided to charge toward us after grabbing his broadswords from behind his throne. 

Journal entry#2
   Skipper the Plaguebourne
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