Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Let me be the one to save you

Let me be the one to save you

by DangerDays_ 4 reviews

Emma hates life in Jersey... well, that's until a new family moves in next door....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-02-05 - Updated: 2011-02-05 - 1393 words

I trudged home through the cold new jersey evening as the rain started to sprinkle down over my head. I stared at my feet as they slapped against the pavement, my doc martens keeping my feet warm and dry. The same couldn't be said for the rest of my body. I shivered slightly through my biker jacket as I peered up at the grey sky. Clouds were swirling into odd shapes, obstructing and ruining any chance of sunlight hitting the bleak city surroundings. I peered down at my iPod and changed the track. The sound of misfits blasted through my headphones concealed under my dark brown hair, which was then topped with my black beanie hat. 

I passed a shop window and caught a glimpse of my reflection. Pale White skin, blue eyes framed with long thick black lashes. My hair was heavy round my face, hiding as much of my face from the outside world as possible. New Jersey was the kind of place you had to be careful in. Keep your head down, and don't make any trouble and you'll be fine. I rounded the corner into my street, happy that it was Friday so I had a couple of days free from the hell hole called school. As I walked towards my house, I saw a large van outisde the house next to mine. I assumed we were having new neighborours. I walked by the van and saw a boy about my age walk out of the house. He was wearing grey jogging bottoms and a black tee shirt. His long black hair was tangled around his pale face, and his hazel eyes shined through. I heald his gaze for a few seconds before smiling. He smiled back and then walked back into the house. I went into mine and flopped down on the sofa. New neighborours could be fun!

Mum was home late that night so I turned my music up loud and sat drinking coffee. I finished off all of my homework so I would have the weekend free. Before I got into bed o changed into my nightmare before Christmas PJ's. I lay in bed, but every time I closed my eyes, the boy next doors face kept filling my vision. His intense hazel eyes against his pale skin, and the way his mouth curled up into a beautiful smile. 

I awoke when the light in my room brightened. I opened my eyes and saw my mum had thrown open the curtains
"Emma Louise Lovate you need to let some light in here!" She moaned. She'd never apporved of me painting my basement bedroom black. The tiny window barley let any light in, and when it was covered with my thick curtains, my room wad pitch black. I sighed and sat up in bed.
"Mom, why are you walking me up at..." I peered at the clock "10 on a Saturday!!"
"Because I've just been round to meet the new neighborours and I've invited them over for lunch at half 12. We don't want to make a bad impression so get ready, and try and look presentable" She sighed. By presentable, I guess she meant no eyeliner and no black, so obviously, I did exactly the opposite. I'd never got on with my mom. My dad however, had always been my hero, he'd helped so many people. I guess after 8 years without him you kind of get used to being alone. I showered and changed into black skinny jeans, a batman t-shirt and black and White checked hoodie. After drying my shoulder length brown hair I smudge eyeliner around my eyes. I threw on some socks and my battered black converse before trUdging up the stairs. After a cup of coffee I felt more human and sat down on the sofa. I switched the TV to Kerrang! which was playing Iron Maiden. The doorbell rang and mom told me to turn the TV down. I rolled my eyes and turned it down by one. I heard mom putting on her 'guest' voice as she welcomed our neighborours. I sat on the sofa and watched the music video. I heard the voices getting louder until they were in the room.
"This is my daughter Emma Louise and-" she started
"Mom, you don't have to use my middle name you know. Emma is just fine" I said, more addressing our new neighborours than my mom.
"Fine. Emma these are our new neighborours, Mrs Way, and her sons Gerard and Mikey" Mom said. I looked over at them. Sure enough, there he was... Gerard, the boy I'd seen yesterday. Today he was wearing a White t-shirt and loose jeans, his hair was straighter, but still messy. He stood alongside another boy who looked a couple of years younger, but was nearly as tall as his brother. He has dark blonde/light brown hair, and glasses. He was skinny and lanky, but had a really nice smile. They walked towards the sofa and sat down.
"Man I love this song" Mikey said and I smiled
"You like Iron Maiden?" I asked
"Hell yeah, I love them. So does Gee" Mikey said. I smiled at Gerards nickname
"Awesome, I've never met anyone else who likes them to be honest." I said. 

"Emma, why don't you take the boys down to your room while I talk to Donna here" she said, more an instruction than a question. I stood up and Gerard and Mikey followed me.
"My rooms in the basement" I told them
"So's mine" Gerard said. It was the first time I'd heard him speak, but his voice was beautiful. I lead them down the stairs. I saw their eye light up as they saw all the posters, drawings and photos I had on my Walls. Mikey walked over to my shelf and inspected my CD and comic book collection.
"Girl, you have taste!" Mikey said. I laughed and sat down on my swivel chair. I brought my legs up and folded them under me. I motioned to the bed and they both sat down carefully.
"Relax guys, just because I'm a girl doesn't mean my room is gonna e littered with Bra's and Tampons!" I laughed. Gerard blushed but Mikey just relaxed against my pillows. 
"So, what brings you to jersey?" I asked
"Fresh start, you know?" Gerard said
"Oh yeah sure, but I mean, who takes a fresh start in Jersey? I mean, possibly the roughest area to!" I joked
"Ah, we were drawn by the music scene" Mikey explained. 
"I have to admit, the music scene is pretty good"

"So you'll be going to Belleville high right?" I asked
"Yeah, Gerards 17, I'm 15. How old are you?" Mikey asked
"17, 18 in April. Let me just warn you, Jersey has a great music scene, but it seems all the pop worshipers have decided to come to belleville high. You ask someone if they've heard of David Bowie and they will look at you as if your insane" 

We sat around and talked for a while, although Gerard didn't say much. 
Mikey seemed really nice, easy to talk to, calming to be around, easy to make friends with, but there was something about Gerard that drew me in. He didn't say much, but anytime he did speak he was so intense, there was so much emotion in his eyes. He looked troubled, like he had history, and I'd always been attracted to that. I wanted to know more, to find out about him, where he's been, where he plans to go... what's he looks for in a girl... 
It was like a connection, I wasn't sure weather he felt it, but my eyes were drawn to him. After spending some time together, I decided to put on some music. I picked out my favourite Misfits CD. Gerard nodded in aproval and mikey smiled at me.

After a while, My mum came down the stairs. 
"Emma, the boys have to go now" She said
"Oh okay, well, I guess I'll see you around. You'll be at school on Monday right?" I said
"Yeah we will. See ya Emma" Mikey said and pulled me into a surprising hug. He let go, and Gerard gave me a timid wave before disappearing up the stairs after his brother.

I turned my music up  and David Bowie blasted out. 
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