Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'm okay now....(thats a lie)

I'm okay now....(thats a lie)

by deannagoodenough 0 reviews

yes ive gotten ride of the old stuff butin this one ehhh its a umm lets just say un known family one

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2011-02-18 - Updated: 2011-02-18 - 958 words

Its always made me wonder for the past three months why I’ve moved in with my cousins or was it my uncles? Now I don’t even have a clue on who they are but I do know that I haven’t meet them yet and I don’t think I want to I heard from my grandparents that they were on tour now weather or not they are my grandparents I don’t know but they don’t want me to call them there names because I’m just like a grand baby in there eyes so I will just let them have that dream

But right now I’m actually putting my little bit of shit that I have on the guest bed its more white and plain in here then in the rest of the house and I don’t mind but it could be black and orange color but I don’t think that they would let me paint the guest room those colors ….
“Halloween why are we living here its weird” my twin came in to the room from the bathroom that we have to share
“I don’t know warning I don’t know” I say moving my shit from the bed to the floor kicking it under the bed softly as I did with warnings stuff giggling when she attacked me hugging me tightly because yes we are really twins and we don’t take shit from no one and moving here just gave us a new start and we were almost the same thing to confuse people of who’s who’s

“WARNING, HALLOWEEN!!!” we heard a scream ripple threw the house and we cringed and shouted back with a small “YES!” to hear another scream erupt for us to come down stairs to meet the guys and we did walking slowly down the steps as if any sign that we didn’t like we would split but we got deep into the living room before the guys came into the living room with sodas chips and other things not even being noticed in till warning burped well giggled poking me and I looked at who she pointed two to see a awesomely hot guy with glasses and a small figure that’s maybe 3 inches taller then me walk towards me giving me a hug as I turned paler from impact of the hug slightly having a pink ting on my cheeks after he left to eat his food on the coach
“my work here is done!” warning said a little to loud giggling at the end as I rolled my eyes smacking the back of her head lightly which in return got us to wrestle with each other on the floor growling and giggling as she pinned me down giggling with a triumphant smirk and I kicked my left foot making her fall onto the floor beside me as I got ontop of her giggling but she decided to take it up a notch and I was always in for a fist fight while wrestling but I guess the guys freaked when we started to through blows at each other

“if you want to fight dirty so can i warning so can I” I say dodging a punch hitting her in her stomach making her duble over before the guys took us to opposite sides of the room were we just started to bust up laughing making them have confused faces on
“Halloween maybe we should just tell them…”
“that we were only playing..”
“and that we never truly hurt ourselves unless its an accident” we both finished giggling a little bit more as I tackled her giving her a big bear hug as we sat down on the couch with her in my lap
“okay weird but tell us about your self’s” the dude with the fro said
“well I am Halloween and I love black and orange I hate sunlight and im under weight for my age because of a few reasons that I don’t want to say right now but um I like apples I will fight you for one just to get it from you and I am short I mean like I’m only like 5’’2’ and a half I hate being called short, a smurf, or anything like that because I am fun size not short and I am 30 seconds older then my twin warning and that’s all” I say giggling a little bit

“hey I’m warning her twin as you should know by now I like black and red and yeah I’m short underweight for the same reasons as Halloween I am the same height as her 5’’2’ and I love oranges I will kill you if I find out that you have one and you didn’t give it to me and we both love coffee were addicted to it and umm I hate the sun two and I think that’s all” I say with a small sigh at the end as we looked at the guys with blank eyes
“so you two are basically the same but with some different things that you like?”
“yuppers!” we say at the same time giggling even more
“okay so you both still have your things packed?”
“WAIIIIIIT!!!” we scream at them causing them to jump “what’s your names?”
“FRANKIE!!!” that last person yelled loudly and with hyperness showing threw and as we went up stairs to get our stuff I knew that me and warning are going to like it with them because we knew that they were taking care of us for the next 3 years as they do a world tour oh boy……
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