Categories > Original > Romance > Magnet

Just Be Friends

by AlexisSCREAM 0 reviews


Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2011-02-21 - Updated: 2011-02-21 - 818 words

okay... Well... Roderick/Rodziie, Hoshi and Yumi are my own characters. I thought it was about time I wrote about them :D

Miku’s POV

I stared around the white walls of the obviously white room I was in. It was boring. I could hear crying from outside of my room, so I was completely confused.
“Luka, she’ll be fine” a slightly high pitched male voice said. He sounded a bit stereotypically gay, if you get what I mean.
“But what if she’s not, Rodziie?! They kicked her! The school said she was fucking kicked!” I heard Luka yell back. Luka. Luka was here/ Luka was here for me? Luka… Did Luka care?
“Sweetie, Roderick is right. They said she’d be awake soon…” my mother’s calming voice said.

Roderick’s POV

I was completely confused. One moment I was playing guitar in my bedroom and the next I was running barefoot to the hospital with my shoes in my hands because one of my best friends was scared. I’d never heard of this Miku girl before, but she sounded interesting.
“I wonder if Hoshi’s still helping Yumi with her homework…” I whispered to myself. Hoshi was my twin sister, although… we looked nothing like each other… She had purple-pink eyes and dark brown hair whilst I had brown eyes and wine red hair. Our younger sister, Yumi, had bright red hair and dark blue eyes. We were never the ideal kids, but we were always there for our friends. Especially Luka. We knew and understood that she’d had a hard time, and vowed to support her. I hated to hear my friends and family cry, so I felt I had to help her.
“They’ll be fine” Luka said, smiling.
“I was kind of talking to myself” I giggled.
“I know” Luka replied.
“SHE’S AWAKE!” Miku’s mother smiled. Luka’s face lit up with joy as Miku’s mother told one of the doctors that Luka was Miku’s sister. I giggled. Luka was an only child. As Luka and Miku’s mother walked into the room, Miku’s father turned to me.

“You’re a dirty fucking faggot, aren’t you?”

Luka’s POV

I felt so stupid for freaking out the way I did. She was fine. Nothing was broken, nothing was damaged. Just a few more bruises. Without thinking, I took her hand in mine.
“It’s going to be okay, Miku” I told her.
“I hope so… thank you, Luka” she sighed.
“Why are you thanking me?” I asked her.
“I-I-” she began, breaking down in tears. Her mother was confused and as I fought with myself over whether to tell Miku’s mother the truth I heard a scream from the corridor. I let go of Miku and raced through the door. Miku’s dad was punching him over and over again in the face and stomach. I felt tears burn in my eyes.
“No… No… NO! Not Rodziie too! Not fucking Rodziie!” I screamed at him. It was only then I noticed Miku and her mother had followed me.
“Dad! Dad stop!” Miku screeched.
“Please… honey…” Miku’s mother begged.
“But don’t you see?! He’s a faggot! He needs his fucking punishment!” her dad yelled.
“No! Just because you punish me for being gay doesn’t mean to say you have to punish every single other fucking person on this fucking planet!” Miku yelled. She covered her mouth after realising what she said and collapsed on the floor in tears.


I fell to my knees, unable to think anymore. I could hear Miku’s violent sobs grow louder as Roderick’s cries for help became fainter. I couldn’t leave them… I couldn’t…
I felt dizzy and sick as I forced myself back to my feet and dragged Miku’s father away from my best friends bleeding and bruised figure. Shaking, I punched Miku’s father in the mouth and knelt beside Roderick, searching frantically for a pulse. I found one. A wave of relief rushed over me as Miku’s mother helped Miku back to her bed and called for security and some nurses. I smiled as they took her father away; he deserved whatever punishment he was going to receive. I held Roderick’s hand and brushed his hair from his eyes before the nurses took him away from me. I felt stranded and too afraid to face Miku. I wanted her to sort things out with her mother. I sat on one of the chairs, shaking violently and trying to convince myself that everything was okay. I wanted to be able to promise myself one thing. But then I realised something. How was I going to explain to Roderick’s sisters that he could be dead because of me?
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