Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Want To Stand By My Side, Darling Your Head's Not Right.

Stop To Pretend,

by mew 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-02-20 - Updated: 2011-02-22 - 991 words

Everyone stared at me.


I avoided eye contact and stared awkwardly at the floor, but from the corner of my eyes I could still see them. I saw a girl nudge someone next to her and point to me, I see another whispering to her friend.

It felt like the longest 15 seconds of my life, walking to my locker. When I finally got there I hid my face behind the locker door and pretended to be searching for something in my locker.

The bell finally rang and it was the day I met Frank.

He was the new kid, I know that's not surprising, in my last period class. I saw him in the cafeteria, but didn't even give him a second thought. I was pretty flattered when he picked me to sit next to, given the choice to sit next to me or Matt, a really sexy jock.

He smiled at me, and I ignored him. Soon enough, he'll just ignore me, like everyone else is slowly learning to.

He sat on my right, closer to the middle of the classroom, so I could check him out without him noticing.

He was a cute kid, actually. In fact he was pretty hot. What can I say? He wore a Misfits t-shit, I'm not gonna lie that band was sick, and skinny jeans. He had the side bangs and black hair. His lip and nose was pierced and his arm was filled with ink. This kid must've been a grade 11. He had to be at least a year younger than me.

The fact that this kid was going to be my Chemistry partner wasn't such a bad thought. I mean as long as no one tells him about my... disease.

"We'll be continuing our notes from yesterday, Gerard if you'd just give Frank your notes," the teacher said. Frank just awkwardly turned to me. I got the notes out and passed him the papers.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you," Angie said and got a couple laughs. I just ignored it and got out a new paper and started copying out new notes.

"Thanks," he said. I just shrugged. I noticed a couple of girls looking over here, more at Frank, some whispering.

I sighed. Obviously I'm not the only one who's noticed this guy's good-looks.

The minute the bell rang I got up and was the first person out of the classroom. I shoved past every kid, some even screamed 'EWW!". I rolled my eyes and ignored them.


I don't live at my parent's house anymore. I moved out 6 months ago after getting a job 8 months ago at Wal Mart. Trust me, worse mistake I've ever made.

The door was locked so I knew Ronnie, my roomate, wasn't home. I fell onto my bed and stared at the ceiling.

Man, Frank wasa babe. I shook my head.

Stop thinking that way! You're sick.

I rolled over to my side and saw a white piece of paper on the ground. I bit my lip. I know every word written on this piece of paper. Despite this fact, I found myself reaching out for it. I snatched it and braced myself.

Dear Gerard,

I know we haven't spoken for 6 months and I'm sorry for cheating on you. I'm terribly sorry. I don't blame you for being mad. But that isn't why I'm writing this letter...

I have AIDs.

I'm so sorry.

- Jessica.

I heard the front door open and I threw the piece of paper back on the ground. I just can't seem to bring myself to throw it out. I got up out of bed and left my bedroom. Ronnie was standing there with a bag of McDonalds under his arm and a tray of 2 drinks in the other hand. He also has AIDs, got it from his ex-boyfriend.

"Hungry?" He asked. I shurgged and sat down at the table, where he brought the food. Our apartment was big enough for the two of us. It was simple, when you walk in it's split half-kitchen and half-living room and to your right is a small hallway with Ronnie's room, my room, the bathroom and a closet at the end.

"How was school?" He asked, I shrugged again. He was a year older than me and had dropped out at the age of 16... 3 years ago. He's been working at McDonalds since then.

"How was work?" I asked.

"Well, I got a new co-worker, his name is Jeremy and he was talking to me about his favourite music, and he loves The Cure, too!" Ronnie said. He loved The Cure, it's his all-time favorite band. The day I met him, it was a year ago and we were both extremely drunk at a party, he was going into detail about all The Cure members, he was literally obsessed. I nodded, and he continued talking. I zoned out and started thinking of Frank for some reason.

Man, was I ever lucky to sit next to him. He's so fine.

As much as I wish I could shake these thoughts out, I couldn't. I was heads over heels for this boy! And I just met him. Man... I really need to get laid.

"Geraaard," Ronnie snapped me back into reality. "Are you even listening to me?!" I looked at him and nodded, "Yeah."

"Oh, okay... well anyways... we went on break together and he knows EVERYTHING about The Cure! He's so amazing!" He sighed in an abudance of happiness.

"Didn't you just meet him?" I asked, even though I really shouldn't be talking.

"Oh, but I could just tell this guy is perfect..." Ronnie said.

"Well if he's perfect, he probably doesn't have AID's," I said, killing his joy. He sighed.

"Wishful thinking never hurt anyone," Ronnie said. Just as I was about to say something Ronnie said, "Hey, shouldn't you be getting ready for work?" I sighed, "Yeah."

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