Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > So Wrong

We Are The Kids From Yesterday

by Alala19 1 review

... Is anyone else feeling bad for Max at this point? More drama, so what is up with Gerard? Sheesh. Hehe Not telling youu.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-02-22 - Updated: 2011-02-22 - 1977 words

I lay there, watching Ben sleep next to me. He was so young and innocent. Sadness consumed me, as I thought back to old memories. I sighed and kissed his forehead, and went to sleep, wishing I could go back in time. Maybe then I’d have everything I’d ever wanted; a family.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I looked at the shop contemplating it. Billy had come to pick up Ben earlier, despite his pleas to stay here for another night. Bored and alone (due to the guys finally going to work), I decided to look for a job.

I stared at the ‘staff wanted’ sign in the shop window, before inhaling a deep breath, and entering the shop. I walked up to the counter, where a tall man stood writing in a book. His arms were covered in two full sleeves of tattoos.

“Hey. How can I help you?” he asked, looking up at me. His eyes a light brown color. I smiled.

“I’m here about the job vacancy…” I said, clutching the folder in my hand tightly.

“I see.” he said nodding; his brown hair flying all over the place.

“You trained?” he asked, and I nodded. My eyes locked onto his. “Good… Portfolio?” he asked. I smiled, and brought my folder out, and placed it onto the counter softly. I had made Billy bring it over earlier, since I had left it at her house before I went away. He tore his warm gaze away from mine, to the portfolio. He turned it around, before flicking through the various drawings. Nodding, and saying ‘nice’, as he studied them. He finally tore his gaze away, and looked me in the eyes, as he closed the folder.

“I like ‘em. I think you have talent.” he said, leaning his elbows on the counter either side of my folder. “How long since you done you last used the gun?” he asked, seeming to notice that I hadn’t been in a tattoo shop for a few years.

“A few years.” I said, fearing that my chances of getting the job had lowered significantly. The guy looked down and bit his lip, before bringing his head up and locking his gaze onto mine again.

“Why so long?” he asked. I scrunched up my nose.

“Been in the army.” I said, a smile growing on my lips at his shocked expression.

“Wow…” was all he said.

“Look, I like you, and I think you have talent.” he said. My heart rate increased, hoping that I’d get the job. “I’m gonna give the job, but I want you to get comfortable with the gun again.” he said. Relief washing over me, at the news that I’d got the job.

“You ok to work today?” he asked, causing me to nod. “Good. We’ll sort out bank details and shit later. I want you to spend the day familiarizing yourself again.” he said. A smile etched into his face.

“I’m Eli.” he said, holding out a hand to me. I placed my hand in his firm grip with a smile.

“Max.” I said, looking into his brown eyes.

“Welcome to the team Max.” he said with a smile, as I released my hand from his.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Frank’s voice greeted my ears, before I was even up the driveway.

“Where have you been my little munchkin?” he asked, as he held the door open for me.

“Work.” I said, collapsing on the sofa.

“Work?” he asked, sitting down next to me, and looking at me as if I was crazy. “Since when, do you work?” he asked, turning around to face me fully. I looked at his disbelieving face with a smile.

“Since today.” I said with a proud smile.

“So why are you only coming home at…” he paused to turn his gaze away from mine, and look at his watch “… 6:58.” he said, fixing his gaze back on mine.

“Well, I had to walk home.” I said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“So, where do you work?” he asked, ignoring the last thing I said. An excited grin appearing on his lips.

“Some tattoo place in town called ‘Rites Of Passage.’” I said frowning as he clapped his hands together.

“What?” I asked confused.

“Freebies.” he said childishly, before lunging at me with a hug.

“Put her down.” a voice said, from the doorway. Whoever it was sounded disgusted. I looked up, as Frank let go of me, to see Gerard sitting down on the sofa opposite. I narrowed my eyes as he glared at me for what felt like the millionth time in the few times we’d met.

“Oh, we have company.” I said, turning from Gerard’s glare to Frank who was looking between me and Gerard as if he’d just realized we were all in the same room together.

“Yeah… look, sorry… I forgot. I’ll kick him out if you want?” Frank asked, looking sympathetic, and apologetic.

“Nah, forget about it.” I said, with a smile. After all, Gerard was his friend.

“Kick me out?” Gerard asked, causing me and frank to turn our attention to him.

“Yeah, well she lives here, and all you do is sit there and glare at her for no reason.” Frank said, to a scowling Gerard. I turned away.

“Frank, it’s ok. Let him stay.” I said, my eyes fixed on the blank TV screen.

“Forget it.” Gerard said, causing him to gain my attention again, as he stood up. “I’ll leave.” he said, before storming out. I sighed. My presence really does have a great effect.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I looked at the dates on the calendar in the staff room, and smiled. Two weeks since I got this job. Pretty damn good.

“Max, your customer is waiting for you” Toyah said, as she poked her head around the staff door. I smiled and thanked her before drinking the rest of my coffee. I put the cup on the table, and threw my head back, preparing myself. I put on a fake smile, and entered the main shop. I looked up, and saw the guy admiring the many photographs of tattoos on the wall.
“Hey.” I greeted, approaching him. He jumped slightly, and turned to look at me with his shocking green eyes. A smile on his lips revealing his perfect white teeth.
“Hey.” he said. I smiled and nodded, before moving around the back of the desk. I brought out the template from under the desk, and laid it across the counter, so he could see it.
“So whatcha think?” I asked, not bothering to sound motivated as I looked at his fake face expectantly. The guy looked like he’d just come off the ‘perfect’ assembly line.
He looked up at me, with his fake smile.
“I dig it.”, he said looking down at it again with awe.

“Awesome. If you go sit down, I’ll get it ready.” I said, pointing to my booth with my hand. He smiled before gliding to my booth.

“If you could roll your pant leg up and stand, that would be awesome.” I said as I put on my gloves.
“Long day?” he asked, as I peeled the template from his leg, revealing the dark lines on his skin.
“You could say that.” I answered, glancing up at him with a friendly smile.
“Is this your first?” I asked moments later as I started the outlining.
“Yeah. But first of many I reckon.” he said. He really wasn’t that bad, once you’d got beyond the looks.
“I just hired a new photographer, and he recommended you. Said you did his back piece.” he said, wincing a little.
“Ah cool.” I said nodding.

“You know, you’re really pretty. You’d make a good model.” he said, after 10 minutes of silence. I laughed and looked up at him disbelievingly. “Seriously. I own a modeling agency, I know what to look for.” he said defensively. I sat up straight, partly, because my back was beginning to ache, but also to look at him with raised eyebrows. He put his hand in his pocket, and brought out a business card. “Come to my work if you don’t believe me. I’d love to have you on the team. You’re unique, there’s just something about you.” he said, holding the card out to me. I stared at it, and then looked into his eyes. They held honesty. I took the card, and put it on my desk beside me, before going back to shading in the dragon I had done around his leg.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I sat at the table in the kitchen with a coffee in front of me, as I stared at the business card I held in the other hand. I felt a presence behind me, but didn’t look up to acknowledge it.
“What’s that?” Mikey said from behind me. I sighed.
“I got offered something today.” I said quietly, as he sat down in the chair opposite me.
“If it was drugs, I hope to god you said no, they fuck up your life.” he said all too serious. I looked up, and smiled. His eyes glanced at the card in my hand. I pushed it towards him, and watched as he read it, his eyebrows rising into his forehead. “Modeling? Where’d you get this from?” he asked, pushing it back to me, and looking into my eyes.
“Some guy I inked today.” I shrugged. We were enveloped into silence.

“You gonna go for it?” he asked, as I sipped my coffee. I scrunched up my nose, and set my coffee on the table.
“I don’t know. It might be a scam to get me into my underwear or something.” I said, causing Mikey to burst out into a fit of laughter. “Besides, I’m not really model material. I’m not tall, and I’m not pretty, and I’m definitely not girly enough.” I said with a shrug, convincing myself that actually going through with it would be a mistake.
“One.” Mikey said, causing me to look up at him. All seriousness on his face. “You are pretty.” he said with a cute smile. I smiled up at him, although I didn’t believe him. It was the fact he said it which counts. “And two, just because you don’t wear pink all the time, put on tons of makeup, and get a manicure a week, doesn’t mean your not model material. You’re unique. You’re not like all the other girls out there. Besides, you don’t need make up to look pretty. You have natural beauty.” he said. I smiled, and sighed, not sure about it all anymore. “I think you should go for it. Take someone with you.” he suggested. I looked up at him amazed. He’s just done a good job of convincing me
“You’re amazing.” I said, causing a grin to spread on his face
“I know.”
“Anyway, I have to go get ready. We’ve got an inter-” he said standing up, and cutting himself off, with wide eyes, as if he’d just let slip some secret. “An interesting party to go to.” he said, covering it up.
“Ok. Bye” he said quickly, before rushing out of the room. I laughed at his weirdness, before looking back down at the card. I guess it’s worth a shot. Might be fun.

Authors Note:
I know some of the chapters are spaced funny, but my computer is a shit sometimes and doesn't let me space them the way I like to space them, but enjoy this chapter.. And seriously, what is up Gerard's ass? haha
I love ya all. xoxo t.iero
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