Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Summer's End

So close, but still to far away

by lalatherapist16 0 reviews

Things start to get tense as the Ways and the Ieros start to get closer- at least for Gee and Frankie

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-02-23 - Updated: 2011-02-24 - 899 words - Complete

Frank's Point of view

After Gee and I were done with dishes, mom made excuses to keep us down stairs. She had us do laundry and fold it once it'd come out of the dryer. Then she made us make dinner.

It gave Gee the chance to try something he'd learned in his home ec. class. I had no idea what it was called. He just showed me what to do and took care of the rest.

Watching him cook was like watching him in music. There was a look pure joy that took over his face made me happy. And he knew what he was doing. He wasn't stumbling around the kitchen like Ems did whenever she had to cook.

I didn't know I was smiling until Gee poked my nose. “What are you so smiley about?” he pressed me against the wall. “I-I don't know,” I stuttered as he pressed his legs against mine.

“Sure,” he leaned forward and pressed his lips to my neck. Over his shoulder, I saw the kitchen was empty. Oh what the hell, I thought, and put my arms around him.

He bit down and I clamped my lips tightly so I wouldn't moan. I didn't want to ruin this little moment we had together.

My eyes were shut and I leaned into him. He responded, taking some of my weight.

And, of course, there was an irritated cough behind us. We broke apart and I glared over his shoulder at my mom. She glared back and Gee pulled away from me.

He grinned easily at her and she seemed to melt. She smiled quickly then left the room with a quick, “Get back to cooking.”

I looked sideways at Gee and he shrugged. We got back to cooking, just like we had been told. Once we were done, there was a colorful dish sitting on the table and the girls all had poked their heads in more than once.

Gerard's Point of view

Why couldn't Frankie and I ever get any time alone? At least not at his house. Nobody ever bothered us when we were in my room.

Maybe it was cause nobody ever felt like walking all the way down stairs just to keep checking on us. Whatever the reason, I liked it. The privacy.

Next time Frankie and I were going to makeout, I hoped we were at my house. Maybe we wouldn't have to jump apart without a moments notice.

I had to smile and clench my teeth to keep from growling at his mom in the kitchen just an hour ago. And I was about to throw my mom from the porch when she pulled at my hand as Frankie and I tried to hug when we were leaving.

We walked home. I was glaring at the ground and she walked to my right. “So, only a couple months now.” she said as we walked. She was trying to make small talk to break the steely silence.

I nodded, trying to remember it wasn't her fault about busting in on us before. It was Ems'. “Are you excited?” she prodded. I grinned and looked at her.

“Yes.” I kept it short. She smiled back and squinted her eyes in the wind that whipped around us. Then she shivered and looked up at me. “How are you not cold?” she said and hunched her shoulders as another shiver rocked her small frame.

I shrugged and we walked on. Mikey had eaten some ramen while we were gone. Mom poked him and sat the plate she had brought him in the fridge.

He looked at me and smiled. I grinned back and went down stairs to my room. When he tried to follow, I pulled the door shut and locked it.

“Gee!” he scoffed and stomped away. I chuckled and went down the stairs and opened the second door and ran across the floor and flopped on my bed.

Laying on my back, I grinned up at the ceiling. It felt good to be in the warmth and safety of my basement. I just wish Frankie was with me.

I rolled onto my side and kicked off my shoes. The clock on my bedside table said 9:30 p.m., but all I wanted was to close my eyes and not wake up until tomorrow.

So I got up and grabbed a loose t-shirt from my dresser and changed. I slid into bed in a pair of superman boxers and an old black shirt that hung from me like a trash bag over a stick.

Switching the light off, my room was engulfed in darkness. It was oddly relaxing to me and I fell asleep. The last thing I remember thinking was, only two months now.

And I was drifting in the darkness in my room as it mixed with the darkness in my head. My eyes were shut and my head was heavy on the pillow.

Only two months left, then nothing could separate me and Frankie. Ever.

Who wouldn't be pissed about that? Really. R+R please!!!!


I'm deleting The pained Life of Emily Lee this Saturday, Feb 26. If you want to try to read it again, the chapters will be the same, do to my OCD so I save all the chapters I work on on my computer. Even this one :P

Hugs and unicorns-

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