Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The pained life of Emily Lee

Play along

by lalatherapist16 1 review

Can Emily play along for enough time to get Frank's plan to work?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-02-26 - Updated: 2011-02-26 - 1061 words

My back was so stiff. I opened my eyes and tried to rub my head. My arms weren't moving. And they hurt.

Blinking, I looked down at my arms and gasped. My hands were covered in blood and my hands were both cut and one of my wrists.

Then I remembered. Frank. The car. The man. Everything.

Once I figured out what was going on, I relaxed in the chair. I just wish that I could move my hair out of my eyes.

I shook my head, making more hair fall in my eyes. Groaning, I gave up trying to move it. The door opened, but through the hair, I couldn't see who it was.

“Have any good dreams?” a cold voice asked. Frank's voice. The door shut and Frank was by me, brushing the hair back from my eyes. “Are you okay?” he whispered, his voice warm and scared.

I nodded and he relaxed somewhat. He sighed and took my face in his hands. “I need you to pretend that I broke you. Your going to have to act like me, okay? Can you do that?”

He looked into my eyes and I noticed that when they were alive, they looked close to gold. “If it means hurting people, then no, I can't” I whispered. He let go of my face and paced like a cage animal.

Every turn, he'd stop and look like he was going to say something, then start walking again. On a turn, he did talk, them it all flowed at a steady pace.

“You see, I have a plan to get us out of here, but I need your help. I was sent to watch you. You're a good fighter, but you can't do much until those heal.” he nodded to my wrist. I nodded, interested in his proposition despite myself.

“If we can get out of here together and tell the cops, somebody, about what's going on here, we can stop it. But if we get out, we're gonna have to fight for it. And you need trained in a bit more dangerous fighting. They trust me around here. If I tell them I'm going to be your teacher, they won't ask.”

I nodded, waiting for more. He smiled. “We can change everybody's lives here, Ems! Together, we can take down that crazy bastard. It'll be easy.”

He was right. That did sound easy. But I still wasn't sure how long I could be apathetic. Or if I even could.

“But,” he said the worst thing he could have, like he was reading my mind. “If I teach you the deadly stuff, they might want you more. And if they think I broke you.....” he trailed off, looking at me.

I met his gaze easily. “Tell me what to do.” I said softly. He grimaced and came over to unchain me.

“Well, you have to walk like us and talk like us and look like us. Now, show me a blank face.” he said, helping me stand up. I nodded and wiped all emotion from my face. It was easier than I had thought.

I felt my jaw relax and my eyes go flat. Frankie smiled and my eyes started to burn with emotion as I tired to not smile back. “Perfect! Now talk. Repeat this. 'When I get my hands around your neck, your as good as worm food.'” he said all of it without emphasis on anything and his voice went cold.

Trying to mimic his tone, I repeated what he'd said. His smile grew wider and he nodded. “Good. Now we need to work on your walk. Ever been to a zoo?”

I nodded. Duh. He grinned and leaned closer to me. “You know when you pass the lions and they always pad after you? The tenseness of their bodies that you can't see but you can tell that it's there? That's how you have to walk?” I tilted my head to the side.

“It means you can control ever part off your body. It's not hard but it takes concentration until it's a reflex.” he walked around for me and I watched carefully. He did look like a lion in a zoo. There was even a hint of danger as he walked.

“Try it.” he stopped in front of me. I nodded and tensed my muscles and walked. Every nerve-ending in my body was alive. It felt different, but I kind of liked it. I felt everything.

The wind brush on my arms and the feel of my shorts brushing together. I felt my shirt move against my chest and walked back to Frank. He smiled and touched my face. “Very good, little lioness,” he whispered and hugged me.

I hesitated. He was cute, but it felt like I was hugging my brother. And I think he might be gay. Or bi. Not that I had a problem with it. It was just awkward.

“Frank, are you gay?” I asked quietly. He laughed and let go of me. “Bi, dear. I even had a boyfriend before I got taken. It might have been a good thing that I broke up with him. I know my parents are still looking for me.” he hung his head sadly.

“If only I could say the same. My parents hardly notice me.” he looked up and blushed. “I know.” he mumbled.

“Oh yeah.” I said when I realized he'd been watching me. The room crackled with awkwardness and he cleared his throat.

“Shall we?” he gestured to the door. I nodded and gave him a quick smile. Who knows how long it would be before I was going to be able to smile again.

I made my face cold and tensed my body. Frank opened the door and I stepped out, the cold halls seemed warm now. He took me back to the hall and we walked back to the man's office.

Frank tapped on the door with his knuckles and pushed the door open. The man welcomed me with open arms and I kept the cold mask on the whole time.

I found it easier than it had been before. With the man in the room, I felt the urge to kill him quickly. But I held it in, letting my body absorb the hatred.

Will Frankie's plan work? R+R PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE
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