Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Just another rant... :/

YES!!!!! XDD

by IsisBane 2 reviews

ohhh my god!!!!!!! i think i just died!!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-02-27 - Updated: 2011-02-28 - 186 words

guess who won the talent show with a standing ovation in the first fifteen seconds and a perfect score!!!! ME!!!!!! i was so nervous to even get up on stage. i had barely even gotten to 'highways i call home' and everyone was standing up clapping to the beat. I made my youth pastor cry too.... lol

my best friend was so excited... i was a combination of Frank, Mikey, Andy Sixx and Dahvie Vanity xD I had on red eyeliner and X's over my eyes, i was wearing a hat almost exactly like Mikey used to, i had on a replica of the razorblade necklace that Dahvie Vanity wears, and I had stitches on my face to look like Andy. it was awesome :)

and so, i had about ten people ask me if i could give them Summertime on a cd :) i was really excited about that. even the girls who came in first place the past three years in a row were freaking out and begging me to give them that song.

i just wanted to say that... i'm still grinning lol

xoxo BJ
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