Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Driving hím banana's

Charpter Six : Shame.

by LieschLightning 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-02-28 - Updated: 2011-02-28 - 751 words

AN: Loves, Sorry it took so long, i hope you'll be reading this!
I had this My Chemical Romance - concert going on, and i just couldn't concentrate on writing.
Hope you guys forgive me.
and yeah, it is really short too, but i'll make it up to you!

xoxo Liesch

Monday moring, He's lying sick in bed, note to Gerard Way: Don't ever drink so much on sundays!

"Mum! I need water!" he yelled, no answer, offcourse, she was at work. Now he has to get of his lazy ass, go downstairs and pick up some water. this was going to be the worse day of his live!

"Where's your brother, Mikey?" Frank asked,the second he walked into the hallways.

"He's sick from our little party yesterday." Mikey smiled, it has been one hell of a night. Frank and Gerard had become friends and were playing Guitare Hero while Mikey was sitting in a corner drinking all the jack.

After a while they found out how funny drunk-Guitare-Hero could be.

"We should defenitly do that again!" Frank shouted, doing a little dance.

"But you said he's sick? Should i send him a 'Get better'-text? I mean, we're friends now, that's what friends do right? And do i have to send him 'xoxo'-s, isn't that to Girly?..." He kept chatting away to himself about the text.

"Just fucking marry him!" Mikey said, irritated, just to annoy Frank.
But, that sentence made Frank snap.

"I don't even like him!" he yelled loud and much to clear. "I don't want him to be my boyfriend! For god sake, mikey! I'm going to find grace!"

Frank stepped outside and slid his cellphone out of his pocket.

Hey Gee, Mikey mentioned you are sick.
Get well soon!
xoxo Frank

He pressed pressed the send button the second he was done typing.
--I Remember Halloween...--

"Oh, fuck you." Gerard spoke to his cellphone, but then he saw who the message was from, Frankie.

Should he text back? But what should he say? Would a simpel 'Thanku' be enough?

Why? Miss me allready?

Send. Oh, maybe he came of like he's interrested in him now, that's not good at all.
Or was it?

Maybe he just wanted Frank's attention, his addoration, his everything.
But that was just maybe.


"Frank's been texting me to death!" i huffed, secretly loving how much he texted me.

"I didn't see him text, not even once, today." Mikey said spoiling my fun.

"Are you trying to say he's imberrased about texting me!?"

"That's exactly what i'm saying!"

"You're just jalous!"

"Hey Gu-.."

"What are you fighting about?!" Frank asked, when he saw Gerard and Mikey standing there, almost killing eachother. Mikey's hands ready to grasp at Gee's troath.

"Mikey, here, is jalous of... of...-" Gerard tried to search for words, to not hurt Frank, but at the same time, to not hurt any of this beautiful thing that's maybe growing between him and Frank. Maybe.

"Gerard is into you, Frankie." Mikey suddenly spoke.

"JERK!" Gerard screamed, not even thinking about what he was saying or doing. He smacked him on his head and went upstairs in a ruch. "Fuck you, Michael!" Gerard cried out from upstairs.

"Fuck!" he kept yelling, while trying to pack all of his stuff, he stormed out the front door and called Alison instantly.

"Do you guys have a bed for me? i'm running away from my brother." Those words felt stupid and he regretted them a second after.

"Why are you running from Mikey?"

"He told frank.." Gee I mutterd, then he felt tears crashing on my cheecks , he was becoming soft, real and vulnerable.

"Gerard don't go!" Frank shouted after him, he was allready halfway down the road.

Gerard jumped and trew his cellphone shut.

"I want you to stay! Please Stay, don't go. Sorry, but i have to ask. Do you really like me?" Frank was blushing, but Gerard dind't knew what to say.

"I... I..." He bit his lip and shoock his head.

"Offcourse i don't, we're friends, i'm not gay." He said, a tear started rolling down his face. "You should just leave me alone, Bye Frankie." Gerard said, walking away from frank.

Frank dropped to his knees, what does he mean by this? He kissed Frank, didn't he?
Was he using him? What about Mikey? He said Gerard was into Frank. Was he Joking?

Did this all look like a joke to them? Well, to Frank it didn't.
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