Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems?

Chapter Six~

by CyanideSunlight 4 reviews

Blah blah blah *bad at summeries*

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-03-01 - Updated: 2012-07-10 - 940 words

~Gerard's P.O.V.~

I smirked and said "Hello.."
Aimee sat on my bed next to me and looked at her hands.
I saw her bite her lip. Kinda awkward cause there's nothing to do.
"So... What's new?" I asked, trying to make conversation.
She looked at me weird a sarcastic smile.
"Awesome things. I got the cds I've always wanted and the bass my mum said she'd buy me. Oh and my mum got a promotion too! What do you think?" she asked, annoyed.
My eyes widened then I looked down and mumbled sorry.
"Don't be, I should be. I'm just pissed off at everything. " she said quietly.
I looked at her, then laid back on my bed. She looked back at me.
"You got a lot of stuff in here.." she mumbled.
"Yup. I'm kinda like a collector. I got a lot of comics, cds, posters, mangas, whatever."
Her eyes lit up when I said cds.
"Ohh what music do you have?" she asked me and I pointed to the bookshelf thing I kept my music in. She walked over there.
I looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes while she went through it. Woah, kinda sleepy. Better not fall asleep..
Before I knew it though, she was shaking me gently.
"Yo, you okay?" she asked, slightly worried.
I blink a couple times and sat up. "Yeah just great, you?" I asked sleepily. I need coffee...
She rolled her eyes and held up a cd. "Can we play this?" she asked.
It was Green Day. "Uhm yeah sure. Player's over there." I said and pointed to it.
She put it in and pressed play, and I could hear the familiar music I love.
Aimee sat on my bed again, humming to Green Day and I smiled at her.
We listened to it together. About three songs in, I stood up.
"I need coffee. Want me to get you some?" I asked.
"Uh yeah sure." Aimee answered then kept humming.
I closed my door and when I turned around, I bumped right into Mikey.
"Woah dude. What the hell?" I asked annoyed.
"Did you ask her?" he asked.
Oh shit, Mikey told me not to..
"Uhhh... yeah... But she's okay, bro." I said and looked away.
There was silence, then my door opened.
"I was just going to tell you how I like my coffee. What's wrong, Mikey?" Aimee asked.

~Aimee's P.O.V.~

Mikey had a shocked look on his face, and he was staring at Gerard.
"I- Er nothing." was all he said then, with a glare at Gerard, walked back into his room.
I looked expectantly at Gerard and raised my eyebrows.
"Well?" I asked.
"Nothing. Don't worry about it." Then he walked downstairs.
What the actual fuck? Did I do something? What happened?
I sighed, then walked back into Gerard's room. I layed down on his bed.
I wonder if he'll mind..
I realized I forgot to tell Gerard how to make my coffee. Oh well. Coffee is coffee.
I was feeling sleepy. Whenever I get hurt, I just want to sleep. Emotional or physical, it's the same.
The bed's so soft... Stay awake! He's bringing coffee.
It was taking a long time though. Probably needed to make a new pot or something.
Then, I fell asleep to the familiar sound of Green Day.

~Mikey's P.O.V.~

Dammit Gerard... He needs to stop being so damn curious! I hope she's okay. She seemed okay. Maybe I'm worrying for nothing. But what if she started crying again? She looked okay. FUCK.
I walked back to my bed, and lay next to Eva. She cuddled up to me.
"What's wrong, babe?" she asked, worried.
"Nothing. Gerard just pissed me off. No worries." I said and held her closer.
She kissed my neck and whispered "Aww well he is your brother. I have them too, I know how it is. Just forget about it. I can help if you want.."
I sighed and she kept kissing my neck.
Stop kissing me! It's not making me feel any better.
I sat up suddenly.
"Sorry, I just-- ..Can you go home? I want to be alone." I whispered.
Eva looked hurt. I never rejected her, especially when she whispered like that. I just couldn't take it right now. So confused...
"Fine. Call me if you need me." she said then walked right out. I sighed again. A wave of guilt passed over me.
I took my glasses off, layed back down, and put my pillow over my face. I need the darkness to think, but I don't want to go and turn off the lights.
Kay, I feel protective of her. I'm worried about her. I think she's beautiful, even when crying. I just want to comfort her. And right now, I'm jealous that Gerard has her in his room.
I growled and turned over.
What is this? I've never felt like this for Eva. I love Eva, but this is different. I know Eva inside and out, and Aimee is a complete mystery to me. Almost. WHAT IS THIS? UGH.
A knock on my door startled me, then Gerard walked in with three cups of coffee then put one on my desk.
"You okay, baby bro? Sorry okay? She was fine. Okay? She's fine."
I looked at him. "You sure?"
"Positive." he said with a smirk.
"Okay fine. Leave me alone." I said.
Gerard just rolled his eyes and left, almost spilling the coffee he still had.
I walked over to the desk and took a sip of my coffee.
Yum.. Gerard makes the best coffee..
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