Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Helena


by adrenaline_bomb 1 review

Frank has a awesome end of tour surprise in store for him.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-03-01 - Updated: 2011-03-01 - 749 words

I woke up, but didn't want to move, so I stayed still, still hugging Gee for all I was worth and he was hugging me back just as tightly.
"Hey, Frank's missing, he's not on the bus or in his bunk." I heard Ray say, panic lightly edging his voice.
"Shit, where'd he go?" Bob mumbled, there were three sets of footsteps pacing the bunk room.
"Ask Gee if he knows." Mikey suggested, a few seconds later the bunk curtain was ripped open. "Uhhh..." Mikey started.
"Morning bro." Gerard mumbled, eyes forcing themselves open and him making no effort to move out of our tight embrace.
"What's the story with you two, you've been acting really wierd all tour, I know we're an intimate band but this is just ridiculous. Please tell me it was nightmares, or sleep walking." Bob was nwaving his hands around with a slightly amused expression on his face.
"Actually, I was crying." I said, and everybody frowned.
"Dude, what's up? You never cry?" Ray stated.
"I'm not sure why, really. But I do cry rather reguarlly actually." I smirked in spite of myself, I was pretty sure Ray knew what I was upset about- he knew about how much I liked Gee, Ray was an amazing secret keeper, but I'd sworn him to secrecy and he never breaks a promise.
"Why do you never tell us, you act all strong and macho and you make us all feel so insecure and small, me especially." Mikey muttered, me and Gee still hadn't let go.
"I really don't know." I smirked, "I make YOU feel small?!"
"Yup, every four foot elleven of you." Bob said sarcastically as I stuck my tounge out at him.
"Ahhh, your gonna love us so much, Gee especialy." Mikey mused.
"Huh?" I frowned.
"You'll never guess where we are right now." Ray grinned a full on toothy shit eating grin.
"Ooooooh! Tell me! Tell me or I eat your brother Mikey!" I threatened, my voice going up a few octives.
"Wait till we get outside, and your welcome to him. I'm sure he doesn't taste good but there sure is plenty of him to eat." Mikey chuckled and the trio walked out of the bunk room.
"Uhh...Do you think we should let go now?" Gerard asked, but I really didn't want to leave my favourite heat source.
"Yeah, I guess we should." I untangled myself from him and the blankets and walked towards the front lounge.
The door was open so I walked out and couldn't believe my eyes. Disneyland Florida!
"OH MY GOD YOU GUYS ROCK! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I screamed, jumping up and down and squealing like a school girl before pulling Bob, Ray and Mikey into a tight hug each.
"Don't thank us, we just agreed to it and helped get some money for it, it was Gerard who wanted to do it for you." Mikey informed me as I released him from my tight grip.
"Yeah, he always knew you'd wanted to go since you were a kid and it was about time we all went on holiday, we've been saving up for ages, that big jar in the kitchen which you keep putting twenties in." Ray laughed,
"OH! I remember, I get bored of having money and not being able to spend it so I stuck it in the jar." I giggled.
"I can't believe you told him it was me." I heard Gerard mutter from behind me, having just emerged from the bus.
"GERARD ARTHUR WAY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I screamed, tackling him to the floor in a huge hug and straddling his hips. "THIS IS THE BEST THING ANYONES EVER DONE FOR ME!" I was still yelling as I finished the last bit. I didn't give him a chance to reply because in a sudden wave of confidence and excitement I pressed my lips to his and got lost in the fireworks.
"Ahem." Mikey coughed, pulling me out of the wonderful fireworks. I jumped off him and pulled him up, he was giggling nervously which was incredibly cute.
"Sorry, got carried away." I looked at my shoes.
"Don't be sorry." Gerard was grinning like a grinning thing and we all stared at him, "I mean, it's okay. No, uhh, I mean uhhh... Oh stuff it." He muttered as we all burst out laughing. This was garunteed to be the best holiday of my life! Ever!
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