Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love's Unexpected
Love's Unexpected
(#) microwavedhamster202 2011-03-04
Awesome chapter!
But... wait... WHAT?
Update soon...Love's Unexpected
(#) DeathCookie 2011-03-04
Holy shit...BLOOD Dx
Oh God you need to update this soon!Love's Unexpected
(#) TheSoundNA 2011-03-04
Okawhadafuggjushappen'd? Did someone get hurt?
Update soon!
xoxoTSNALove's Unexpected
(#) bythegraceofgod 2011-03-06
I've just found this story tonight and read it all!
You write so well, and I can honestly
say I can never guess what's about to happen!
:) XxxLove's Unexpected
(#) japulapu 2011-10-15
I think you write brilliantly. This story has traveled so much from the beginning. Of course, your chapters are gigantic, but nevertheless interesting. It is gripping, entertaining and higly reeflective. It's very natural, everyone's behavious is just how you would expect it to be. The rise and fall of the mood is done very well. The small climaxes are handled well too. The progress of the story is fast, thus it doesn't get boring or monotonous. Keep going. I would love to see the ending of the story but yet dread it as there will be no more to it.
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