Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Puppeteer

The Library

by IsisBane 1 review

Elaborate decor with psychotic sisters who hide their secrets in the shadows...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-03-09 - Updated: 2011-03-09 - 1932 words

WOW.... how long has it been since I updated this? After Christmas??? Well, I wrote a longer chapter this time. Hopefully this makes up for my slight absence :)

AJ was still clinging to the wall as that wretched girl stormed out, dragging poor Karla with her. AJ wanted to run after them and pull the girl away, hopefully to safety. She surveyed her surroundings. If somewhere this tranquil couldn't be safe, then where would she ever truly find sanctuary? The House had to be a figment of her imagination. It looked so perfect, but the walls still echoed from the screams of terror that she knew had once lied within.

Her heart pounded as she dreaded walking the winding halls alone; never knowing what was around each corner or behind each door. She wondered if Wyatt had noticed she was gone. Maybe he was still in that room at the top of the stairs. Or maybe he was looking for her. Was she even supposed to be in this part of The House?

AJ took a deep breath and turned towards the door. She prayed that it didn't swing open to reveal another resident that she had yet to meet. It seemed that so far half of them were sane, while the others had probably lost themselves a long time ago.

She reached for the doorknob and slowly turned it. She pulled the door open to reveal an empty hallway. She quickly stepped into the hall and turned to the left. She walked as fast as she could, hoping to avoid any unwanted encounters. After a few twists and turns, she reached a set of french doors.

AJ stood close to the wall and peered past the glass. Inside was a large room, with two floors. The ceiling reached the top of the second floor, which was accessible only by going up and elaborate staircase on either side of the room. There was another glass wall facing out to the lake, just like the room she had only left a few minutes before.

The glass faced the doors, so she could see the lake. She glanced around the rest of the room. There were books from floor to ceiling on the second level, and books that only came up to the tops of the staircases on the first. A black grand piano sat in the middle of the room, a larger replica of the one that Karla was playing. There was also a harp next to it.

Her eyes landed on the three girls who were inside. One was sitting at the piano playing something quietly. The other two were arguing about something.

She observed them for a moment. The tallest of the three was sitting on a stool next to the harp. Her deep burgundy hair was pulled to the side, showing off her porcelain skin and bright blue eyes.

The next one who was arguing with the girl on the stool was shorter, and stood out a bit less with her inky black hair.

The last was playing the piano intently. The others didn't seem to bother her, though AJ could distinctly hear them shouting through the doors. Her concentration seemed unbreakable.

AJ stared in shock as the tall one suddenly reached over and slapped the other girl with force. She stumbled back and reached her hand up to touch her face. She stood there for a moment before turning on her heels and stomping up the staircase. The girl at the piano stopped playing. She looked up to the girl who was on the second level and called something. AJ read her lips as best as she could.

She understood parts of it. She especially made out the name ‘Isis’. So she guessed that was one of their names. The girl on the stool rolled her eyes and stood. She started walking towards the doors, seemingly disgusted.

AJ froze, not knowing what to do. She couldn't go anywhere. The girl saw her a moment later. She pulled the door open and stared at AJ. She raised an eyebrow and looked her up and down. "I can't believe he chose you. You're so cliché it's not even amusing", she said, glowering at her. AJ stood there. She couldn't exactly reply to that, could she?

The girl pushed past her and stalked down the empty hall. AJ glanced back into the library. The girl who was sitting at the piano caught her eye and motioned for her to enter. AJ warily opened the door and stepped inside.

The girl didn't smile, but she seemed friendly. She was just... quiet. AJ took slow and careful steps towards the piano. The girl glanced at the stool that was in front of the harp. “Sit down”, she ordered. It was far from a request. It was a demand that AJ quickly met. She immediately walked straight for the stool and sat down. Her body was tense as she watched the girl sitting in front of the piano. The girl didn’t even turn to face her. She just spoke without warning as if she was truly talking to no one in particular. “No need to introduce yourself. I already know who you are. We’ve been waiting for you”, she said, a smirk playing on her lips. “Haven’t we, Isis?”

“He instructed us to make you comfortable”, said a voice behind her shoulder. AJ almost jumped out of her seat. The girl with the black hair began walking circles around AJ. She let her slender fingers brush AJ’s shoulder, sending shivers down the girl’s spine.

The girl at the piano chuckled. “I’m sorry. I forgot to tell you my name”, she said, seeming amused. “I’m Sabrina. And that’s my sister Isis.”

Isis looked at AJ and smiled. “You don’t even want to know how long I’ve been waiting to meet you”, she said. “I have to say that he chose a very exquisite young woman.” AJ shuddered at the tone in her voice.

“Would you like us to entertain you, Aimee dear?” Sabrina asked, again, making it sound like a demand. AJ nodded quietly.

Isis picked up the violin that was resting on the piano. Sabrina played a few warm up chords and began playing a melody. She hummed along with it for a moment and began to sing while her sister accompanied her on the violin.

Willow, weep for me
Bow your tallest tree
Down to the infamous hands
Of someone no one understands

I'm not unique in this
It's based on none but my mistake
At night I lie awake
Thinking of all the hearts I'd happily break

It's cruel I know
At least they tell me so
Well someone lock me up and throw away the key
Because I'm not ashamed, oh no
Oh, willow

That I only write love songs
To those whom I don't love
I only reach for him
Who's tied to someone else's glove
That which I hold inside
Which I admire and deride
Which I protect and hide is yours

Willow, weep for me
Don't think I don't see
This life I'm living in two
But still it's something I must do
I'm not unique in this
Nor am I special, sweet or kind
I court a thousand smiles
Yet I keep my own to hide behind

It's cruel I know
At least they tell me so
Well someone lock me up and throw away the key
Because I'm not ashamed, oh no
Oh, willow

That I only write love songs
To those whom I don't love
I only reach for him
Who's tied to someone else's glove
That which I hold inside
Which I admire and deride
Which I protect and hide is yours

Slander and dissention
They're parlor games to me
Papers overrun with lies too mad to mention
You say they never hurt you
No consequence, I'm happy
We're much too far above it all
But oh no, that's not true

These wicked pastimes take their toll
These tyrant vices break your soul
Deliver me from all I am
And all I never want to be

I love you
Doubt me not
Rewrite this plot for all to see

And I only write love songs
To those whom I don't love
I only reach for him
Who's tied to someone else's glove
That which I hold inside
Which I admire and deride
Which I protect and hide is yours

Bend your branches to the ground and hold me close

Let me harmonize with all we knew
Share your sympathy and weep for me
Oh, willow, heal the hearts I've broken
Make me pure and start my song anew

For I only write love songs
To those whom I don't love
I only reach for him
Who's tied to someone else's glove
That which I hold inside
Which I admire and deride
Which I protect and hide is yours

She ended the song with the fading melody. There was something about her voice that seemed almost haunting. The way it echoed off of the library walls didn’t seem normal.

Sabrina chuckled quietly. “I know what you’re thinking. And of course it’s not ‘normal’”, she said shaking her head as if she was surprised that AJ hadn’t caught on to some big secret that was so obvious. Isis set her violin down and sighed. “Do we have to spell it out for you? Or would you rather witness something to prove it?”

AJ stared at the two girls. There was something completely unnerving about them. Sabrina played a quiet song as if to lighten the mood. “Aimee, dear… do you believe in Heaven and Hell?” she asked. AJ nodded.

Isis chuckled. “Well that will make things easier…”

Her sister shot her a look and continued playing. “Will you stop that? She’s already afraid to know what we’re talking about, and then you say something like that after that question.” Sabrina turned her attention back to AJ. “Now that we’ve got that out of the way, I think I can tell you now. That is, if my sister doesn’t so crudely interrupt me again.”

Isis growled quietly. “Why don’t you just come out and say it?” She looked at AJ, her eyes darkening. “We’re part demon.”

AJ’s eyes widened and she felt her stomach twist around in knots. Isis’s eyes had gone from a light gray to the darkest black. With the combination of her dark attire and pale skin, she truly looked like a spawn of Satan.

Sabrina turned on the piano bench so the rest of her body was facing AJ. Her eyes were black as well. “Aimee, are you alright?” she asked. AJ felt dizzy. Demons… The room started getting blurry and spinning. Dark tendrils of smoke embraced the room. The girls’ eyes turned a glowing red. They stared at her. Whispering voices surrounded her. We know your secrets… You can’t hide from us… We know your darkest sins… AJ tried to scream, but no sound escaped her mouth. Sleep, my darling… just rest your eyes for a moment… And all at once, AJ felt swallowed up by the darkness. Death is inevitable…

So,ummm... how was my first chapter update in two months? I personally think it sucked, but that's just meeeee :) The song that Sabrina was singing is 'Willow' by Emilie Autumn... I really wanted to use that in here at some point, just because it's such an amazing song ;)
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