Categories > Cartoons > Teen Titans


by Ncisfan1212 1 review

Set during apprentice part 2. Batman interceeds during Robin's fight with Slade. Rated PG-13 for graphic fight scene.

Category: Teen Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-03-14 - Updated: 2011-03-14 - 254 words - Complete

The fight for justice is never easy.

That much could be said for any hero. But when justice takes a twists itself so that you must turn your back on your friends, family, and everything you once held dear? It changes you. That's why when Slade said all Robin needed wasMotivation[//] it pushed him over the edge.

"motivate this! He yelled as he punched Slade in the jaw. Slade would not be defeated so easily. He jerked around and pinned Robin's arm behind his back.

"the first lesson you need to learn is gratitude." Robin couldn't hear anymore as his arm was twisted behind his back. He heard the last part.

"who knows? I may even be like a father to you."

Robin's face turned to look at Slade in disgust.

"I already have a father." a circle of bats flew overhead.

Slade slammed Robin into the concrete wall. A smear of blood trailed behind his head as he slid down the wall, unconscious. Slade was about to do more, when a boot to the face stopped him. He looked up, expecting to see the teen titans, up and moving. He was tragically mistaken. In a black costume and matching mask, stood Batman.

"leave my son alone."
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