Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Frankie's journal

The Nineteenth and twentieth entry.

by xDcee 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-03-16 - Updated: 2011-03-17 - 425 words

I know you guys want Frerard and Franks depression to stop or die down a little bit, but it's going to take a little bit of time. I might get it started in the next three?? Not sure yet, but read and enjoy. - Max

I wish I were a superhero you know? If I had some kind of superpower, I would like, freeze or boil Gerard’s perfect body, then do something totally inhumane to Alex and his squad of losers. But hey, I never will, but you can’t blame me for dreaming though huh?
They surprisingly let me go all day without hurting me physically, Alex once went to punch me but Gerard stopped him and told him I wasn’t ‘worth it’. If I’m not worth all their time, why do they do it every day? They are wasting their own life away on me, a short punk kid with no friends, no family anymore and a fucked up life. What do they gain from that?
Gerard’s brother Mikey came and talked to me today actually... about something very interesting...
Gerard, for one, is gay. He wears make up like foundation and such, tight pants and a load of black is all that’s in his wardrobe apart from the section of popular kids clothes that he keeps aside for school. He’s an artist, he talks to himself AND he loves comics and coffee as much as I do. Yeah Gerard? Now let’s see who will win this fight...
Frank, 26 November
Note: I’m thinking of using these things against him when he pounds on me, but claim they are ‘lucky guesses’. Good? I think so! (maybe)

Okay... Maybe it wasn’t such a great idea, but Mikey seems to like me apparently. He thinks I’m awesome because I remind him of his old brother, and not the over popular obsessive one he is now. So Mikey and i have become what you could call... friends. Round of applause for Frank! He has a friend! For now... I’m keeping an eye on him though, I am not falling for another prank again... if he’s just ‘befriending’ me to tell Gerard everything, I will seriously kill them all. I’ll grab my father’s old .45 he left behind from the attic, take it to the hell people call school and shoot the fucking smirks off their faces.
Frank, 27 November
Note: Maybe the weekend will cool me off a little bit... But then again. Maybe not.
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