Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Frankie's journal

the twenty first and twenty second entry.

by xDcee 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-03-18 - Updated: 2011-03-18 - 428 words

A.N: These are really short, I know, I'm sorry, it's sort of like fillers. I guess.. I'm uploading more straight after, so don't worry! :D

I was thinking today about the whole thing and I kind of really like the idea of blowing off their faces. Alex especially. He has been at it too long, it’s time he gave up his throne. But I’m not quite sure if I want to damage Gerard’s perfect face... I mean, sure it makes me sick every time I see it but, I think it’s cause I’m love sick. I think I am in love with Gerard’hateFrank’Way, will I tell him? Definitely not... schools tomorrow, so we’ll see how this whole plan goes. It’s just the problem o making sure no one else see’s the gun...
Frank, 29 November
Note: I hope I’m aloud to take you to prison when I’m done...

My plan was going good, I just thought I should start with that. I got the gun in school, along with a box of shell. It’s now in the back of my locker covered with my jacket. I was going to shoot Alex, I really was when they came walking down the hall, but Gerard looked at me with his emerald green eyes and they looked sad, like he knew what I was going to do. Then, once they had disappeared from my sight, I opened my locker and this note fell out from it in perfect writing:
I apologise. Keep smiling Frank, keep your head up and never let them take you alive
Then, inside it was a beautifully sketched drawing of me being kissed by some kind of black haired boy. I loved the drawing, honest to god I did, but it would have been better if it were signed and I could see the other boys hair covered face. I actually did smile though, when I saw this, and for the rest of the day until now I forgot about the gun in the back of my locker, I forgot about my pain and I forgot about my mother. I was on top of the world today! All because of this one letter, and believe you me, I am determined to find out who left it in my locker. Even if it kills me...
Frank, 30 November
Note: At the moment I’m kind of glad I never shot anyone yesterday... but just in case, the .45 is staying in my rust bucket of a locker.
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