Categories > TV > WWE > Kiss Me

About Time

by demonascreamin 0 reviews

Drunkicho has his eyes set on another

Category: WWE - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2011-03-19 - Updated: 2011-03-19 - 566 words - Complete

Smiling Chris took in the man's appearance. He had chestnut brown hair that was neatly cropped, a pair of dark blue Levis that clung to him nicely showing off his attributes and a black KISS shirt.

Great band Drunkicho mused. And in that moment Drunkicho knew he wanted this young man. Whether it was because of his sense in music or his looks didn't matter, all Chris knew was he would make this man his.

Chris motioned to the newly available seat next to him and the young man stepped forward. He smiled at that, he liked a man with confidence.

"What are you drinking," he asked pointing to Chris' empty drink.

Fed up with tequila he replied "Good ol' GG."

The man nodded turning to the bartender ordering up a pair of drinks as Chris took the opportunity to steal another glance at his ass.

Damn, the talent got better every year.

Licking his lips he racked his mind for a name. He had seen him before, some third generation wrestler. What stable was it he ran with, Evolution? Yes that was it. He'd caught a match or two, the kid was a natural.

What was his name? Brandon? No, that wasn't right. Bren- no Ren- nah Ran- Randy! That was it Randy.

Turning around Randy handed Chris his GG as he settled in next to Chris.

"So Randy, you enjoying yourself on the circuit," Chris asked taking a sip of GG.

The younger superstar smiled angling himself to face Chris. "It's all a bit surreal." Motioning to the crowd compiled of WWE wrestlers he spoke again, "I grew up watching some of these guys, it's just an honor to be working with them now."

Chris smiled. This would be easy, the kid was star-struck.


"It's about damn time," Adam responded exasperatedly as he caught sight of Randy handing Chris a drink.

Mark laughed nodding in response. "You could say that again. I thought for sure Chris would have noticed by now how the boy fawns over him."

Adam snorted cradling his JD, "He's not that observant."

"Obviously not," Mark replied flippantly.

After casting a glance at the two superstars who seemed wrapped up in a conversation Adam turned his attention back to Mark. "How'd you get Randy to play along," he asked curiously.

"Jealously works wonders," he responded raising his glass in a celebratory manner.

Adam snickered raising his glass to clink Mark's. "Amen to that."


Once Drunkicho had decided he wanted Randy he set about charming him. Much in the same manner as he had with Mark, Jericho began shamelessly flirting with the younger man before him.

It wasn't long before the young man reciprocated Chris' actions and began flirting back. The two continued talking skipping from topic to topic. Chris smiled tracing a finger along his glass he gave Randy a sidelong glance.

"This scene is getting a little old don't ya think?" Chris asked jerking his head to the dance floor that had begun depleting.

Randy quirked an eyebrow smirking in response, "The way I see it we have 2 choices. We could stay here idly making small talk, too afraid to take the plunge, or we can blow this joint and head back upstairs where I can bend your pretty little ass over the counter and fuck you senseless," the younger superstar replied before throwing back his shot of Jäger.
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