Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Kingdom hearts III Masters of the Keyblades

Saving Jack

by Necrophiliac666 0 reviews

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-03-20 - Updated: 2011-03-21 - 1767 words

I own nothing except for OCs and plot.


In the native village, several hundred black skinned men and women danced to the beat of drums. In the middle of the cluster of villages, tied to a pole above an unlit fire, was Jack Sparrow. The self-proclaimed great pirate shifted his eyes about, looking for any way out. Suddenly, the drums ceased, and the cacophony of natives followed. From out of the crowed, stepped one man with a lit torch.

'Ahh fie fie!' Shouted the man

'Ahh fie fie,' the rest of the natives chanted back. The man stepped forward, and as he closed in, he brought the torch down. However, before he could light the fire, a sudden and sharp whistle caught everyone's attention. A girl with curly blonde hair and a purple beret wearing a black tube top and a pink skirt was standing at the entrance of the village.

'Hey savages! Chase me!' and with that, the girl took off in the opposite direction at full speed. The natives quickly looked to Jack.

'Well go on, go get them. Paylala!' Jack ordered.

'Paylala!' the natives chanted as the charged after the girl, the man with the torch dropped it, lighting the fire aflame.

'Wait! No no, Oy! No no. Not good,' Jack called as the flame quickly built in size, 'oh bugger.' Jack quickly began to blow with all he had, however to no avail.

'Where would you be without us?'

Jack quickly looked up at the familiar voices.

'Lora. Ronald. Zoophy. Help a mate out, would you.'

'That's Sora, Donald, and Goofy, and you know it!' Donald furiously exclaimed.

'Why don't we make the saving sooner rather than later,' Jack suggested.

Sora summoned Heroes crest and pointed it at the fire, before launching a blizzard spell. With the fire frozen, Donald and Goofy ran forward and untied the pirate.

'Now, to the pearl,' Jack said as he made his way to the village's entrance.

'Wait for us,' Sora called as the three chased after him. Jack did not wait for the three to catch up. As he turned a corner, he suddenly stopped.

'Jack, why did you stop?' Sora asked, but as he caught up to him, he was soon answered. A young native boy stood opposite them. As soon as he caught sight of the four, he immediately ran off, 'this could be a problem.'


'Would someone remind me why I volunteered for this?' Relm asked herself as she continued to run for her life. She jumped over a small ledge, and immediately regretted it as she was met by a dead-end. One of the men lunged forward, however a black figure jumped from the bushes and brought him down.

'Interceptor!' Relm exclaimed happily.

'The dog wouldn't shut up, so I sent him to help you,' Relm heard Leon's voice state over the loudspeaker of her communication device.

'Lucky you did,' Relm stated to herself as Interceptor backed up, bearing his fangs. 'Now what? We're surrounded, so we can't run. Looks like we'll have to force our way through.' After deciding this, Relm readied herself to launch several of her most powerful spells. However, a sudden young voice surprised her.

'Danietoto! Danietoto!'

The natives all sheared the same shocked face. Seemingly forgetting Relm, they quickly spun around and charged away, leaving Relm standing confused.

'What just happened?' Relm asked, 'ah forget it. Come on boy, let's get going. I think I saw a ship on the way here.'


They heard it first. The cacophony was unmistakable. The natives were coming for them.

'Not good,' Sora stated.

'Look!' Goofy called. Sora looked to where he was pointing, and his eyes widened. The natives were charging right at them. There must have been hundreds of them.

'Run!' Sora shouted before looking around, soon finding that Jack was several meters away and still running, 'the least you could do is wait for us!'


'Haul loose the mooring line! The mooring line!' Pintel shouted up at the Black pearl. [1] Aboard the deck was his comrade, Ragetti, [2] who was on his knees, chasing after a clothed monkey who had a wooden eye within his clutches. [3]

'Thief! Little hairy thief, give it back!' Ragetti shouted. The creature's only response was raising the eye to his mouth. Immediately, he began chewing, 'No, don't bite it!'

'Haul loose the mooring line!'

Ragetti jumped to his feet and moved to the rail, 'He's got me eye, he won't give it back.'

'Well how'd you get it back last time?' Pintel asked. As the two quarrelled, they did not notice the group coming from the forest.

Riku frowned. Were those two trying to steal the ship by themselves? Even if they succeeded, wouldn't it be too big to operate with only two people. As the group arrived at the ship, Gibbs grinned.

'Excellent, our work's half done!' he stated, bringing the attention of the two towards them.

Pintel panicked. He had to think of something. Anything. Then, he thought of it. It was brilliant. Bulletproof. The perfect lie, 'We done it for you, knowing you be coming back for it!'


Riku quickly turned around, and saw both Relm and Interceptor running their way.

'Didn't we leave him on the ship?' Kairi asked.

'Squall must have sent him down to help,' Sam concluded. Interceptor pounced at the pearl, grabbing the ledge with his front legs, and pulled the rest of his body up.

'Make ready to sail!' Gibbs yelled. After which, Jack's crew bordered the ship.

'What about Jack? And Sora, Donald, and Goofy. I won't leave without them!' Will exclaimed. Shortly after, a quiet but steady sound could be heard off in the distance. Slowly it grew, and came closer. Will turned, and shortly after, saw the four friends he was waiting for approaching at full speed. Unfortunately, he also saw a swarm of natives in pursuit, 'time to go,'

'Cast off those lines!' Gibbs shouted. The four made it back to the ship; however, the natives would be on them in a matter of seconds. At least, that was what everyone thought until something horrifying and unexpected happened. A giant flame rose between the natives and the Black pearl. The flames proceeded to surround the natives, inevitably consuming them, leaving only the sound of the fire and the natives screams. That was until the sound of a disembodied demented laugh assaulted the eardrums of all who were present.

'No,' Relm said in but a whisper, horror consuming her face as she fell to her knees, 'It can't be him.'

'Who?' Sora asked, noticing that even Shadow was on edge, two of his blades drawn.

'It's him,' Relm whispered, 'its Kefka.'

'That name, it's...' Suddenly, Sam's eyes widened, 'we need to get the hell out of here!' Shadow quickly sheathed his blades before speeding over to Relm. He picked her up in his arms, and in a split second, jumped aboard the Black pearl.

'Make ready to cast off!' Gibbs ordered as the remaining few jumped to the ship. Sam, unlike the others who climbed, called a chain to wrap around the haul and pull himself up. Finally, the pearl began to pull off the shore, and took to the ocean.

'Let's put some distance between us and this island and head out to open sea.' Gibbs stated.

'Yes to the first, yes to the second, but only insofar as we keep to the shallows as much as possible.' Jack replied.

'That seems a bit contradictory, Captain.'

'I have every faith in your reconciliatory navigational skills, Master Gibbs. Now, where is that monkey? I want to shoot something.' Jack said as he wondered about the ship.

'Uh, what?' Sora asked.

'It's an un-dead monkey,' Gibbs stated as he passed Sora.

'It's been a long day,' Riku sighed, 'I'm gonna check out the ship.'

'Me too,' Kairi said. As the two walked off, Will rushed past them.

'Jack, Elizabeth is in danger.' Will stated.

'What?' Sora asked sceptically.

'Have you considered keeping a more watchful eye on her? Maybe just lock her up somewhere?' Jack replied, ignoring Sora.

'Why's she in danger?' Sora asked.

'She's in prison, and faces the gallows for helping Jack.'

'Then we need to help her then,' Sora stated.

'There comes a time when one must take responsibility for one's mistakes.' Jack concluded. Will's face contorted in anger, quickly grabbing a sword from one of the crew's sheath.

'Wait Will,'

'Leave him,' Sam said, 'Think of it from his position. Would you not do the same if it were Kairi?'

'I need that compass of yours, Jack. I must trade it for her freedom.' Will stated.

It was quiet for a while before Jack spoke, 'Mr. Gibbs.'

'Captain?' Mr Gibbs quickly asked.

'We have a need to travel upriver,' Jack stated.

'You mean a need as in a trifling need, fleeting, as in, say, a passing fancy?' asked Gibbs.

'No, a resolute and unyielding need.'

'What we need to do is to make sail for Port Royal with all haste!' Will exclaimed.

'William, I shall trade you the compass, if you will help me to find this,' Jack reached into his jacket's Brest pocket, and pulled out a sheet of material. He passed it to Will. Sora saw that printed on it was the image of a key.

'You want me to find this?' Will asked.

'No, you want you to find this. Because the finding of this finds you incapacitorially finding and or locating in your discovering the detecting of a way to free your dolly belle ol' what's her face, savvy?'

'This is going to save Elizabeth?' Will asked.

'How much do you know about Davy Jones?'

'Not much.' Will answered.

'Yeah, it's gonna save Elizabeth.'


1. Pintel-an incompetent pirate formally in Barbossa's crew. Along with his colleague Ragetti, he escaped prison. He is relatively fat and filthy.

2. Ragetti-an incompetent pirate formally in Barbossa's crew. Along with his colleague Pintel, he escaped prison. He is very thin, and commonly loses his wooden eye.

3. Jack the monkey, formerly Barbossa's un-dead pet.
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