Categories > Original > Fantasy > Innocent


by LaurenSparkles_ 0 reviews

Basically it's about a slightly neurotic girl who meets some pretty weird people, but are they just weird? Or is there something else?

Category: Fantasy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Published: 2011-03-23 - Updated: 2011-03-23 - 614 words

Still gazing at the sharpened edge I walk toward the counter, open the draw and fling it in.

The only thing knives are good for is cutting up cake; And I'm going to keep it that way...

I quickly turn away before my brain comes up with any counter arguments. I give a deep sigh and head back upstairs, making a bee-line for the bathroom. The one my mum spent an absolute bomb on, with the jet shower and jacuzzi bath. That's the thing about my mum, even if she does have time off to do god-knows-what, se's a workaholic; My dad was the same. Work, Work, Work Work and then some more on top of that!

Crazy if you ask me...

They did such an amazing job of bringing me up, well my dad did at least. He always wanted the best for his 'little princess'. I used to cringe every time he called me that, especially infront of my friends. now I just want him to say it one last time...

We have this huge house but what's the point if I'm alone? What's the point if nobody cares? What's the point if my mum may be half way around the freaking world?

What's the point when my dads' dead?

I step into the shower, turn it up high and let all my negative energies drown dow the plug as the steam sinks into my pores.

I could happily stay here all day...

I'm towel-drying my hair when the phone rings. I let it flick to the answer machine and I hear the school's secretary droning on about my absence.

Blah, blah, blah...

I press 'delete' then stroll around trying to get my thoughts straight.

"Think Taylor!" I encourage myself...

Right. I'm not going to lose my dignity over some boy...

I bite my lip.

"I could always dispose of the blonde..." I mutter half jokingly, half seriously...

Right. I'm gonna have to go back to school. I've got nothing to lose. I'm not going to let this bimbo all over him! He could do so much better! Well, maybe I'm not that much better but at least I wouldn't be snogging the face of everything with a Y chromosome...

Ha. That was a good one...

I swear if anyone would happen to be spying on me, they'd think I was a lunatic...

Well, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to make an effort for once in my life. I've never been more determined. I just want one thing to look back on and smile, knowing at least I gave it my best shot. Actually, I'm going to give it more than my best shot, he will be mine.

Woah. That sounded devious...

Feeling a sudden rush of happiness at my plan to win Oscuro, I start dancing around my bedroom, twirling and having fun. Life is so much easier when you have a positive attitude.

What was that?!

A low laugh had come from outside my window.

My forehead creases as I walk over to it and peer out. No ones there...

Oh great! I'm now hearing things... My life is just a big ray of freaking sunshine...

I still can't shake the feeling that I was still sane, well partly, and that wasn't my imagination.

I double check the dark street, feeling the air around me drop a few degrees and when I'm almost positive no one is there I close my curtains. I pull on a cardigan and climb into bed, wrapping myself tight in the covers and shielding my face with my pillow. I left my night light on; Something I haven't done since I was 8...
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