Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Early Sunsets Over Belleville, New Jersey

Early Sunsets Over Belleville, New Jersey

by MCRmygirl 10 reviews

The sequel to "The Only Hope For Me Is..." Frank and Gerard are trying to make it in a homophobic world.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-03-18 - Updated: 2011-03-18 - 1448 words

Hello, my loyal readers! This is the sequel to "The Only Hope For Me Is..." I hope you enjoy it as much as it's prequel! Reviews are greatly aprreciated!

Thank You!

Gerard's POV-

I drove down the secluded forest path that supposedly led to the soccer field in Newark, listening to the van full of ten-year-old girls that I was chauffeuring singing their hearts out with a smile on my face. Despite the fact that I was hopelessly lost, hearing my beautiful daughter's voice ring out as she belted out my song was soothing.

"But does anyone notice? But does anyone care? And if I had the guts to put this to your head... But does anything matter if you're already dead?" she sang, while the other girls followed up with gorgeous harmony, like I'd taught them during multiple sleepovers and parties.

"Kerri, hon," I said, whipping out my cellphone and pulling over. "As much as I love your singing, can you be as quiet as you can for a moment while I call Frankie?"

"Sure, Dad!" she grinned, giving the shush signal to her friends, who giggled in response. I laughed as Kerri's best friend, Hannah, hit her on the head with her soccer ball, resulting in a silent fight in the backseat, with the rest of the team soundlessly cheering them on. I stepped out of the car and hit the speed dial, tense and waiting for my beloved's voice.


"Hello, angel," I sang quietly, ignoring the skirmish in the car.

"Gee, is everything okay?"

I smiled at his worried voice.

"I'm just lost, darling. Everything's fine. We're in Newark, not far from the field, I'm sure. But the path is a dead end. Tell me- where are you? Can you tell me where we go from here?"

"I'm still with Dr.Baker, but I'll be there in time for the game. Shouldn't you, as the coach, know how to get the field?"

I felt myself blush, and was glad that Frank couldn't see. "Oh, shut up and tell me what to do."

Frankie laughed. "Go to the very end of the road and turn left. There should be tire tracks leading to a clearing where the field is about a mile in."

"Thank you, hon. I'll see you at the game. Tell Dr.Baker I said for her to keep her hands off my irresistible husband, alright?" I added jokingly, getting a giggle from Frank.

"Yeah, yeah," he said, and we hung up.

I hopped back into the drivers seat and glanced in the mirror, only to see Hannah and Carly sitting on Kerri, who was trying to talk them into getting off her, while Grace, Abbey. and Christy egged them on and the rest of the team cheered.

"I hate to break it to you, Ker-bear," I told my daughter, "but it seems they have you beat."

She jokingly pouted as Hannah and Carly 'YAY'ed in triumph. The girls climbed off of her and she sat up, re-gaining her pride.

"So, did you get directions from Frankie, Dad?" Kerri asked me as I buckled up, determined to set a good example even if I wasn't one.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I said, turning left onto the tire-track path. "I knew where I was going!"

"Uh, HUH," she agreed sarcastically. "Because I could have sworn that 'You were just lost darling.'"

The team giggled loudly, and Kerri smirked the same smirk that I had given her countless times.

"Okay, maybe a little," I admitted, spotting the field ahead. "Okay Panthers," I addressed the team, "get the bags and coolers and file to the locker room. Change into your uniforms and get your butts on the field before we lose all chance of practicing that new play! Do you have your inhaler, Allie?"

"I always do, Coach Way," she answered, waving the little red medication over her head for emphasis.

"Good. Now let's move out!"

Frank's POV-

I snapped my cell phone shut and leaned back against the arm of the too-familiar chair.

"So, Mr.Iero, you say the dreams are still persisting?"

I looked up at my psychologist, Dr. Eileen Baker, who I'd been seeing ever since my mother had died. It wasn't remorse for my mother's death that chased me here, it was the recurring nightmare- that rather than my mother being struck, it was Gerard. He would fall to the ground, his skull cracked and bleeding, while she laughed that horrible maniacal cackle and advanced on me with the shotgun that she used to kill my father...

"Oh, they've persisted, all right. Every night, she's there in my head. She kills him, over and over, every night, and I can't save him, no matter what I do. Is there a meaning behind it? Can I stop the nightmare?"

Dr.Baker looked at me pensively and crossed her legs, pondering the cause of the dreams that plagued me.

:I think it may not be your mother that you're afraid of," she told me, looking somber. "I think you may be scared of the people like her, the homophobic and abusive people, and your fears just took the most familiar form."

I nodded, mulling it over. So I just had to find a way to prove to myself that I wasn't going to lose Gee, and that no one was going to hurt him, and that would stop the nightmares.

"Thank you, Dr.Baker," I told her, standing and shaking her hand. "I have to cut our meeting short for today so I can make it to my daughter's soccer game. Thank you so much for your time. Same time next week?"

"Of course, Frank, See you then." Dr.Baker smiled and I left, rushing down to put the car in drive do I could make it to the game in time.

"Fifteen minutes. You can make it, or your name's not Frank Anthony Thomas Iero-Way Jr."

With that, I gunned it into the woods.

Gerard's POV-

"Defense, you have to move faster!" I told the girls as we huddled on the bench. "We have two minutes left. You have to stop every ball that comes your way. Forget about the offense. We have a lead. Just keep the ball away from the goal!"

"Yeah, guys, let's kick some ass!" Kerri exclaimed as she wrestled with the goalie's jersey.

"Language, Ker," I chided, smiling at my daughter's choice of profanity. She definitely took after me when it came to her... outburst.

"Yes, Dad!" she called as she jogged to the goal, rolling her eyes.

"Come on Panthers!" I called as the game continued. "Run the play!"

The team purposefully fell back into position, smiling knowingly to each other. They began the play that they had practiced, weaving effortlessly around the confused and helpless opposition. A cry went up, coupled with Kerri's scream of disbelief, when the ball flew out of bounds- with three seconds left.

"Time out!" I shouted to the referee, who raised his hands in the universal 'T' signal. The girls, including an extremely pissed-off goalie, huddled around me. We only had sixty seconds, so I knew speed was of the essence. I took a deep breath and told the expectant girls what I was sure was the last thing they wanted to hear.

"We've got one shot. Carly, take it out. Hannah, I want you to be far out, as far as you need to be to get open. Carly, throw it in to Hannah/ You HAVE to get it RIGHT in front of her. Hannah, when that ball hits the ground, it's all you. Kick it. Do us proud. We've seen what you can do with a ball. Kick it."

The team looked shocked. "But, Dad," Kerri protested, "you know what happens when Hannah kicks." I knew, alright. If she had perfect connection, there would be opposition. We would win. But if the ball was off-target... Let's just say, last time Hannah kicked crooked, the girl who attempted to block it ended up in the hospital. We did not want to repeat that incident. However, the look on Hannah's face was pure determination. I knew she could do it.

"She can do it," I told the girls. They looked at each other warily, but slowly nodded.

"ONE,TWO, THREE, PANTHERS!" they shouted in unison. As they jogged to their places and the countdown was readied, I found myself praying that I had made the right choice.

Dun, dun, DUUUUUNNNN!!!!! :)

The story get's much more exciting later, I promise. This was just kind of a chapter to get a feel for the story.

R and R?!
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