Categories > Anime/Manga > Vampire Knight > Whirlwind

Enter Perfection

by CyanideChild_ 0 reviews

Category: Vampire Knight - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-03-26 - Updated: 2011-03-26 - 1983 words

Meghan was right.
Bert's eyes did fall out of his head.
I grinned revelling in his surprise that I actually scrubbed up well.
'You actually washed your hair? Im impressed.' I whispered to him, and he giggled.
Bert McCracken was unlike any man I'd ever met. From his shrill laugh, to his homeless man stubble, to his greasy unwashed hair - I loved it all. His blue eyes darted nervously around the crowded and brightly lit club as soon as we entered.
'It's all rather glitzy and glamorous isn't it Meg?' I remarked to her as we made our way to an empty booth. She shrugged, not impressed.
'Get me a drink homeless boy.' She said to Bert who rolled his eyes.
'Play nicely.' I said with a glare. Bert shook his head.
'It's okay. I'll go get drinks and say hello to Liza. By the way Sasha. you look gorgeous.'
I grinned at Bert as he made his way to the bar.
'Hear that Meghan? He actually complimented me! After six months of dating.What?'
Meghan was ignoring every word I was saying, staring into a space over my shoulder. I looked around. It looked like every girl was staring. I turned my head to see what the fuss was about.
It was a group of vampires. But more perfect than I had ever seen.
They were led by a tall longer haired male. He looked way too calm. Like eerily calm, and he wore a complacent smile on his lips.
'Kaname.Kaname.That's Kaname Kuran! Kaname.Kuran.Kaname'
It sounded like the whispered swept through the room. If I had heard it, he defiantly had. He smiled a little more.
Behind him was an angel. He was had blonde perfect hair, and shining, green catlike eyes. His smile was wide and he was greeting people as he walked. He looked friendlier than the rest, and made comments to the dark haired one on his right that didn't amuse him it seemed.
'Ichijo! That's Ichijo Takuma! I cant believe he said hello to me!'
Behind Ichijo walked a shorter and more moody look male.
'Just my type.' Meghan nudged me with a smile.
He looked up at us then, his dark eyes flashing, causing me to look into my lap but Meghan to hold his stare. He had reddish brown hair, and large angry eyes. He looked like he wanted to be anywhere else - but here.
'Shiki! Shh.shh. Senri Shiki! Shiki's here? Where? Shiki?'
Behind Shiki were two others - one I took an instant dislike to.
He was the shorter of the two, and had shining blonde messy hair. He had a grin that lit up his whole face - and brought crinkles to his almost turquoise eyes. He was smiling and waving to the lesser-dressed girls that placed themselves in his path.
'Hello girls! Why you're all looking especially cute today! Yes, yes I'd love a drink. Can you wait while I get seated with my friends?' His voice was light and seductive, and while I longed to join his throng of admirers, I also longed to hit guys that sexy in the face.
'Wow.' Meghan murmured to me, and I silently agreed. He looked up and smiled at me, and I felt volts jolt through my body. But I raised an eyebrow, and gave him the silent rejection from halfway across the room.
'His jaw just dropped Sasha. You just turned away from him. Wow. He wont stop looking at you.'
'Meghan please.'
'Hanabusa! Its Hanabusa Aido! Oh my god! Hanabusa blew me a kiss! Idol! Idol! Who is he staring at? I can't believe Hanabusa is here! Aido! Idol!!'
So his name was Hanabusa. I'd heard of it vaguely. I felt his gaze on me and watched the last male stride lazily after Hanabusa.
'Look! Its Akatsuki! Oh, he's so gorgeous! .I prefer Idol. No! Its all about Wild.'
His hair was red, but more coppery, and his smirk more predatory that Hanabusa. His hair was the same messy look - but wilder as though Hanabusa had spent hours had in front of the mirror and he'd just rolled out of bed. He caught my gaze and winked. And I felt my jaw drop.
I'd once kissed a vampire. when I was seventeen. he went to my school. He was here.
'Akatsuki!' I said rising to my feet, and waving, 'Wild!' He looked at me again and his smile grew, and he made his way over.
'He's coming over. Sasha how do you know him?' Meghan fidgeted as not only Akatsuki came towards us, but Shiki, Hanabusa, Ichijo and Kaname as well.
'Sasha Miller?' Akatsuki said as he reached me. I took him in with a smile. The same smirk, the same easy grace, the same. sex appeal.
'Long time no see, Wild.'
Wild had been his highschool nickname that I'd given him. We were close - closer than a vampire and a human should have been - too close for some people.
Akatsuki grinned, and pulled me to my feet in a huge hug. Huge was an understatement.
Vampire strength. Couldn't breathe.
'Akatsuki. You're hurting her.' Kaname said calmly from behind us and Wild realised me immediately.
'I apologise! It's just I haven't seen little Snake here in a long time.'
'Snake?' Shiki asked. Meghan had been staring at the tabletop as though it would tell her the secrets of the world but she looked up at his voice.
'Snake was her nickname in school. For various reasons..'
'That we're not going to get into right now,' I said hastily. Shiki nodded slowly, watching Meghan. She looked like a dear caught in headlights.
Ichijo laughed and stepped past Akatsuki.
'We're being rude - we haven't introduced ourselves have we? I am Ichijo Takuma - and I have to say, it's lovely to meet you.' Ichijo took my hand and kissed it delicately.
'M-My name is Sasha Miller. This is my best friend Meghan Honours. Its lovely to meet you too Ichijo. And it's nice to see you again Akatsuki.' I tried not to swoon, but having all these vampires' eyes on me at one time was a tad overwhelming.
Meghan agreed quickly. 'Yes, it's lovely meeting you-'
'My name is Shiki Senri. And I have better places to be.' Shiki said darkly, kissing Meghan's hand all the same.
'I am Kaname Kuran. I have heard a lot about you Sasha. Many memories that Akatsuki has shared. I'm sure we'll all share many more very soon' Kaname smiled at Meghan and I. 'Not to be rude, but Ichijo, Shiki and I have a table booked; Akatsuki and Hanabusa will join us later im sure. It was lovely meeting you.'
'Nice to meet you.' Meghan and I chorused. Kaname's eyes crinkled as though he found it amusing. Hanabusa and Akatsuki slid in next to me, and I was suddenly aware of my bare flesh, next to Hanabusa's thigh.
'Aido.' Kaname said, just as Hanabusa opened his mouth. 'Behave yourself.'
'Yes Kaname.' Hanabusa said closing his mouth.
Kaname, Ichijo and Shiki departed, and Akatsuki smiled widely at Meghan and I.
'So! How have you been?' Akatsuki started andHanabusa coughed.
'My name is Hanabusa. Call me Aido, everyone does.' Aido said seductively, taking my hand and kissing it slowly. Akatsuki rolled his eyes, while Meghan let out a low sigh. They caught each others eyes and laughed. I retrieved my hand from Aido, aware of his gaze and turned my attention back to Wild.
'I've been brilliant, thank you, yourself?'
'Oh yeah.' He grinned sarcastically. 'My Aunt is making me baby-sit my cousin, and he just happens to get me into trouble everywhere we go. Would you mind taking him off my hands?' I laughed as Aido bristled. Wild, babysitting a kid? That was amusing.
'Of course! I'll put the fear of god into him!' We laughed and Aido said lowly.
'So. When can you start?' I stopped laughing and looked at him.
'Oh! You're his cousin?' Aido nodded, and Meghan laughed.
'Wow. Well, if that's the case, I'll leave the whips and handcuffs out for you tonight.' I blushed and shushed her while Akatsuki and Aido found this very funny.
'So what you doing here? I wouldn't have thought Liza is your type of person.' Akatsuki asked and Meghan and I exchanged glances.
'Well, im here for my boyfriend - he's Liza's ex.' I shrugged. 'Not really my thing. You know me, Wild. I'd much rather be at a mental house party than this kinda thing.' Aido cocked his head.
'Liza's ex?' I nodded.
'Yeah, Bert McCracken.'
'Speaking of homeless man, where is he? I want drinks.' Meghan huffed causing Wild to smile.
Aido's eyes were across the dance floor.
'Point him out to me, sweet?' He asked me and I looked around.
He wasn't at the bar. Or on the dance floor. He said he was going to say hello to Liza.
'Oh.' I said, coldly.
Meghan and Akatsuki swivelled around to follow Aido and my gaze.
'Son of a-'
'Hey.' I stopped Meghan from getting up and kicking his ass. 'Don't get mad - get even right? And I think his shirt looks too dry.'
'We need to find you a rebound tonight guy.'
'A rebound tonight guy?' Akatsuki asked confused.
'Yeah. She needs someone hotter, smarter and just better than Bert to make out with tonight. Its different to an actual Rebound Guy. He's there for the long haul.'
'I see.' Wild said nodding. 'Well, Sasha - You're too good for the grease ball anyway.' I smiled my thanks.
'Oh, she knows.'
'I'll be your rebound tonight guy.' Aido said randomly, causing a silence in our chatter. I weighed my options.

Option A
Decline Aido. He's Wild's cousin, and we've only just met. Not only does he look like the biggest ladies man on the planet and he's probably just looking to get into my pants.
Find some other guy - This will take precious time and energy. The plan is to get a guy to buy the drink - then dump the drink on Bert - then make out with said guy.

Or Option B
Accept Aido. He's one of the hottest guys in the room right now, everybody wants him - including I'm guessing - Liza
It'll be a smack in the face to Bert who has an inferiority problem with vampires. Making out with an incredibly hot vampire will seriously piss him off.
I really want to make out with him.
His hand is on my thigh

I looked at Aido with a raised eyebrow, and took his hand.
'Sasha!' Meghan said he mouth falling open.
'Don't make me regret this.' I murmured to him, and he responded with a wolfish grin. I waved goodbye to a bemused Meghan and a grinning Akatsuki and pulled Aido over to the bar.
'Buy me a drink, pretty boy.' I smiled, 'Some thing that'll look good on the front of his shirt.' Aido grinned and ordered.
The bar tender handed me a wine glass full of something green, and a small red shot.
'What's this?' I asked Aido, who had received the same red shot.
Aido looked at me, his turquoise eyes glistening.
'A little something for good luck.' He said lowly, making my stomach flutter.
'To you, then.' I said raising the shot glass. Aido grinned, raising his own.
'To us.'
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