Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > HI!


by ONotz 1 review

This will be a series of one shot. a chapter for a one shot!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-03-30 - Updated: 2011-03-30 - 259 words - Complete

Ray was sitting in one of the tour busses’ kitchen booths when mikey, rays boyfriend, and frank, Gerard’s boy toy, came into the room making out. Ray stared in astoniment as they didn’t even realize he was there. He gt up and punched frank out cold. “WHAT THE HELL RAY?” Mikey screeched and thought for a second. “Oh shit sorry ray!” Ray looked at frank. “Gerards not gonna be happy about this!” Mikey looked at frank. “ Um ray. He was drugged and I came onto him…….” Ray looked at mikey horrified. “ WHO THE HELL DRUGGED FRANK?” He shouted waking Gerard. The red headed man ran to his boyfriend. “WHO THE HELL PUNCHED HIM?” Mikey pointed at ray. Ray looked at mikey. “ THE ONLY RESON IS HE WAS MAKING OUT WITH MIKEY! THEY WERE BOTH CHEATING ON US!” He screemed and brian walked on the bus. He looked at frank who was lying on the floor,then up to rays and gerards fist fight. Then at mikey eating skittles. He walked over to mikey, being only 2 months older jumped on his lap and started making out with him. Bert walked on the bus and started laughing. He walked up to Gerard and punched him. “THAT’S FOR CHEETING ON ME FUCKER!” he walked off and Gerard started kissing ray. Gerard was winning and pulled ray to the back and they both started moaning. Mikey was pulling Brian to his room and frank was waking up. “ BEST MOFO-ING B-DAY EVER!” And fell unconscious.

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