Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Shockwave Current

Korse's right hand girl.

by Unicorns-are-real 2 reviews

"Shockwave, I know what you are."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-04-02 - Updated: 2011-04-02 - 912 words - Complete

Shockwave's POV.

"Please Sara, I'm not that person anymore."

"Get away from me!" I cried, stepping away from Nite Killer. Party had been stupid enough to leave me with her whilst he went to tell the guys what happened. I was scared, terrified in fact and my palms were soaked in sweat.

Nite Killer looked into my eyes,
"I'm not going to hurt you, Sara."

I watched her with wide eyes as she picked up a blueprint; The edges and corners were frayed and yellowing but the drawing still remained.

"I know what you are and I'm sorry I allowed it to happen."

I frowned,
"Allowed what to happen?" I only remembered that she was Korse's right hand girl, his partner in crime and she would stop at nothing to complete her Master's orders. Nite laid out the blue print on the dusty floor of the back room we were in.

Hundreds of sketches littered the parchment along with millions of calculations scattered spasmodically.

"As you know, I was Korse's right hand girl, but that was before the bald twat had me accused of treason and sent me out to these Zones to be executed. It was lucky I had my blade at the time or I would not be here to tell you this.
This blueprint is a sketch of every last mechanical item we had put in your body, it fills me with sorrow to tell you that I was the one who had your family murdered and you brought to me for the upgrade. I didn't want to do it, Sara, but Korse was most persistant.
After I had finished the upgrade and ran the practise tests, Korse had me accused of a crime I did not commit. That lowlife bastard is gonna get whats coming to him one of these days and I cannot wait for it."

Nite grimaced and I could see the pure hate in her eyes and the regret.

"I-I forgive you..." I whispered. Nite had changed. "But why did Korse do this to me? I mean, there's so many others he could have chosen, why me?"

She smiled at me.
"I thankyou for your forgiveness, though it is not what I deserve. You are a most kind child. Korse did this to you because you were one of the few children who could actually survive the procedure, as well as this, your parents were convicts they wouldn't be missed.
You are the Ultimate Weapon, Sara. This-" She handed over the blue print and an instruction manual, "Should explain everything. Does Party Poison know of all this?"

I shook my head,
"No. I can't tell them; I'm scared what they will think."

Nite nodded her head briskly,
"Good." She said in a serious tone. "The more people who know of you and your abilities, the more danger you shall find yourself and your loved ones in. There are people in Battery City, Sara, that will use you for evil and destruction. Heck, there are even Killjoys who would murder to get their hands on you.
Be on your way now, the book will explain everything, keep it from prying eyes Sara, keep it safe. Goodbye and good luck, I'm sure our paths will cross again soon."

I nodded and silently made my way out of the backroom, Nite Killer waving me farewell. Huh, maybe people do change after all? I thought as I wandered back into the hustle and bustle of the Market, people shouting their deals and the occasional insults toward eachother. My head started to spin with the pressure of everything I had just learnt.
I managed to make out Party, Fun, Kobra, Jet, Violet and Destruction amid the swarming sea of faces. I shot off for the toilets where they couldn't find me. I slammed the cubicle door shut and locked it, collapsing onto the closed toilet lid.

I closed my eyelids and rubbed my temples soothingly, trying to make sense of the chaos all around me.
Why me? Why ME?! Why won't this nightmare END?!
I wished this was all a crazy dream, that I had been knocked out in a fight and that I will wake up in Party's arms, safe and sound.
But that was just wishing, it was far from reality.

I thwacked my closed fist on the cubical wall, creating a dent in the metal.
My life is hell, I thought, I'm not human, Korse wants me destroyed and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do anymore!

I struck the wall again and an instinct kicked in. I rammed my fist deep into the weak metal and snapped open my palm. There was a rumbling and a huge boom as the wall was taken off completely. I fell to the floor, my open palm sending visible ripples through the ground. I heard a few yells of shock from outside, but the ripples reached no further than a meter from the main toilet door.

I screamed in anger and fustration as tiles cracked and a sink disloged itself from the plumbing, water spraying everywhere and the pottery basin smashing to fine shards.
A flashing light appeared in the corner of my vision, alerting me to a small battery symbol with a single bar that flickered feebly before dying out. I slumped down onto the cold tiles as my vision suddenly turned to black and white static, like on a signal-less television before it all went black.
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