Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > He Loves Me,He Hates Me

Chapter 12:)

by CherryBlossom1210 1 review

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-04-02 - Updated: 2011-04-03 - 530 words

I,Sakura,and Traci,Traci...Well,we spent hours picking out our outfits.
But it soon came to a HALT! when we pickedo ut our favorites.
Traci had a black corset with a black goth tutu,torn fishnet tights,spiked collar,black combat boots,and a white spiked belt!
Go Traci,it's your birthday.We're gonna party like it's your birthday!!Go!Go!Go!
Then it comes to me!
I wore a white corset with a pink tutu,with white torn tights,pink heels,white fingerrless gloves,and lots of pink and white beads.
Yeah,we're fun people!Yea Yea!!
Get crunk!
Lol...I've always wanted to say that....
Suddenly,the doorbell rang.
Hachi ran out of the room and downstairs.
"Oh,gosh.Sasuke's here.What if i throw up or worse....get drunk and then throw up?",I asked Traci.
"That's impossible.....because you're gonna first break out in hysterical laughter and THEN throw up!",Traci said with a big smile.
I shrugged in agreement.
I took a deep breath and took slow steps toward the door.
By the time I got there,it was ringing for the tenth time.
I opened the door to face thhe love of my....Wait,what???
"Hello,beauty.",Sasori said with a smile.
"Hey,Sasori.Whatcha doin' here?",I asked expecting Sasuke to pop up out of nowhere.
"I'm here to escort my lady to the club.",he said.
"Oh...where's everybody else?",I asked kinda wanting to say Sasuke.
...Okay,well,WANTING to say Sasuke...
Sad how things work in this world....
"They've already gone ahead.I stayed behind to take you with me.",Sasori said.
"Really?That's real sweet of you.",I said blushing.I may be in love with Sasuke,but Sasori sure is something adorable.
His smile,his red hair,his eyes...
Whoo,give me some of that!
"I'm here!",Traci called pushing me into Sasori.
"Great,let's get going.",Sasori said grabbing my hand.He led me and Traci into his car and we drove off in super fast speed.
Yeah,we the fast andn furious.
I'm Letty.Sasori's Vin.And Traci's our cute daughter that happens to be our age...
Sad how things work in this world....
Soon,we were entering the club and walking towards everyone at the booths.
"Hy,peoples!",I said waving.
Everyone waved at me.
"So,anybody want to dance with me???",I called out!
Everyone looked at me in silence.
"Let's go."
I looked to see Sasuke walking towards me and suddenly I was in a dream world.
Flowers.Rainbows.Unicorns pooping out the rainbows.And eating the butterflies...or was it the other around?
But then I saw aliens jacking a cow and eating tacos...
Hmmm....I'm beginning to like this dream world.
But that didn't matter because I was about to go booty-dancing with Sasuke Uchiha!!
Yeah Boy!Get crunk!
MUAHAHAHAHAHHA! your face,Courtney...

So,it's nothing special but I am continuing on the story...finally!!!
Sorry,Traci,I took long!!!
But I'm back again,baba!!!
Get crunk!
L0L,JK....But seriously!
Warning about the cow-eating aliens and their cow-jacking selves.
Goodnight,Dudes and Dudettes!!!
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