Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Is This What You Always Want Me For

Chapter 3

by SheIsARebel 0 reviews

"Look its not going to work on me," I whispered beside his ear.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2011-04-04 - Updated: 2011-04-04 - 987 words

The next morning I was mortified to find a big dark spot on my neck.
"Damn him," I cursed as I examined it in the mirror. Clearly on my neck was a hickey. My first hickey actually, and the only curse was that it was from him.
All day I applied on ointments, creams, and make up to cover it up. It didn't work.
On Monday, I rummaged through my clothing looking for anything that would cover my neck. All I found was an ugly lime green turtle neck. I scowled but pulled it on. I climbed into my jean skirt and threw some necklaces hoping to not look like a total freak.
"It's no use," I spat at the mirror, but I didn't have time for anything else, and it was the best I could do. I grabbed my bag and jumped into my beat up car to race to school.
As if the outfit wasn't enough I was five minutes late for homeroom, and everyone stared at me as I entered. I cursed Frank one last time and slid into my seat.

As usual at lunch I headed for the library. I pulled out my math project I had been working on all weekend and dived into it. Soon though I got bored and stashed it away. I know I would never admit it out loud but I was thinking about Frank. With a single touch I had collapsed to his command. I couldn't let that happen again. I pulled on my turtle neck and flipped open my notebook and started to write.
I use to think my writing was decent. Now I wonder why I even try.
It never impressed you before and I live inside my lie.
Rate me please and make it good.
I'll give you a 7 if you raise me to a 3.2.
God send me luck.
Send me that late night fuck.
Make it special. Make it last.
Don't you wish there was a class.
You're playing this game and I'm writing about you.
Okay I have a hickey on my neck. What do I do?
Don't make it so plain, Vee! Hide behind the words.
I don't care, mumble them, spit them out. Be that intelligent nerd.
Yeah cover it up, play that game.
Because loneliness will always feel the same.
I reread what I wrote and sighed. So this was how I really felt?
"Nice sweater."
At the sound of a voice I slammed my notebook shut. I looked up and wasn't surprised to find Frank. I didn't say anything I just stared at him hoping he would get the message and leave.
He didn't.
"What's with the fashion statement?" He asked coming to sit by me.
I shifted my books closer to me and glared at him. "It's not a fashion statement."
"Okay," he said clearly not getting the real reason.
I sighed and pulled down the neck of my sweater. "This is why I'm wearing this," I spat showing him the hickey.
Frank leaned in to look at it like he was examining some fine art. "Hmm...," he said pulling back.
"It's not hmm!" I exploded. "It's awful!"
I got a nasty glare from the librarian so I quickly mouthed an apology and turned back to Frank who was smiling.
"Stop smiling!" I said trying to be firm in a whisper. "I'm dying in this! It's so hot!"
Frank smirked and leaned closer to me placing his hand on my bare leg. "Why don't you take it off then?" He ran his hand up under my skirt and I froze. My breathing became heavy and I stiffened up. I couldn't allow this to happen again. I grabbed his hand and removed it from under my skirt and crossed my legs.
Frank looked at me shocked spread across his face before being replaced by a smirk. He leaned back a little still smirking.
"So Vee," he said placing his hands behind his head and stretching out. "Do you spend all your lunches in the library?" His shirt was being pulled up and his lower stomach was being revealed. He saw me looking and smirked. I quickly looked away.
"Not all of them," I lied.
Frank rocked back forward and got closer to me. "It's quiet in here," he whispered. He leaned forward and moved towards my mouth. I dodged his oncoming kiss and pulled back.
"Look its not going to work on me," I whispered beside his ear.
Frank leaned back again and gave me a confused look. "What do you mean?"
"You said it yourself. I spend every lunch in here. I heard you and Gerard last week." Frank looked at me with a dull expression. I had beaten him to the punch. "If you want a girl to do your homework, I'm not the one."
Frank looked away from and sighed. "I guess picking the smartest girl in school was a little over confident," he said looking back at me. I just nodded. Frank stood up and stuck his hands in his pockets. "You've got me all figured out Vee," he said. He smirked again and turned to leave.
I sighed and let myself relax. Okay I had gotten rid of him. That's what I wanted. Right? Okay I did enjoy the attention. Nobody paid attention to me in this school. I guess I liked it when Frank talked to me or acknowledged me. But what was I going to do? I didn't want to be his girlfriend. But maybe he could give me something else. I grabbed my books and shoved them in my bag. I skidded out of the library and saw Frank down the hall. I ran after him.
"Frank!" I said stopping behind him. He turned around and looked at me clearly confused by the wheezing girl in front of him. I caught my breath and gulped. "I'll make you a deal."
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